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Karma's Message: Collective Consciousness and Earth's Reality
Written by Erena Velazquez

Greetings Humanity,
I am Karma, a living being, and it’s my turn to transmit a new message through our trusted channel.
Today I am going to speak to you about creating a karma, which accumulates in this life. From all of your previous lives the negative karma was removed by Supreme Father and Prime Creator. Zetas in his message spoke about the weather on your planet. The unseen storms or floods were created by the human’s overall negativism. You can’t blame anymore the Darkness, as their weather technology was completely destroyed by the Galactic Light Forces.
Anything happens in your reality now, it’s a direct reflection of your Collective Consciousness by being too low, which is attracting negative events such as natural disasters or war conflicts. Look at the extreme flooding in Dubai, Russia and etc. The Dubai’s flood was not created by cloud seeding, which is when in most cases an aircraft flies above the clouds and releases silver iodine, potassium iodine and other agents, it’s supposed to make the clouds rain more.
The cloud seeding doesn’t really do anything. Humans don’t have the technology to manipulate the weather. Only the Dark Ones had primitive devices, which affected the weather in a couple of negative ways, they no longer exist. Many of you still don’t know or understand the process of Ascension and on how to get there. First of all, I will explain to you about Karma and why it’s so important not to collect it. You still carry some deep-seated residues of karma inside of you from your previous incarnations.
It is extremely important for everyone to release negative attachments from their past experiences in this life you are living now, otherwise you can experience a setback stopping you from moving forward in your spiritual development and Ascension. A lot of humans carry resentment, anger and etc. toward each other. You can’t be stuck in these negative emotions. The past needs to become the past and nothing else. The way you are conducting around each other, it can be positive experiences or negative ones.
Old behavior such as criticizing each for every mistake or misjudgment, it will lead to soul’s accumulation of karma, and it’s not going to let you to ascend into the 5th dimension. Please, don’t blame anymore your reality for your misfortunes. You are a participant in making these experiences happen. Don’t make your daily choices based mostly on your thoughts, ego or learned habits from your past upbringing. I understand that you not always know, on what to do in certain situations you face in your everyday life.
This is why Ascended Masters highly recommend for everyone doing daily silent meditations to connect to their God’s essence. When you become connected to your Spiritual Consciousness, you will be guided flawlessly through infinite knowledge without the ego’s limit perspective with constant mistakes. Your misbehaviors are recorded in your Soul’s Records. Before you harm others by saying not nice things to them or being spiteful, pause for a minute and ask yourself, if this is worth it for me to jeopardize my possibility to move into a higher dimension of 5D and leave behind this Darkness.
No one is going to be rewarded for crime, taking someone’s life, greed, corruption, verbal abuse and etc. Humans or Galactic Beings need to obey the Divine Code of Rules by living in peace and in harmony with each other. The Negative Ones are going to pay for their crimes by not being able to reincarnate again and be in a bubble form for eternity. The ones, who accumulated small karmic deeds, will need to cleanse themselves by changing their behavior toward humans.
My team, which has a million of Light Beings, and I are overlooking everyone’s karma and believe me, we are extremely busy on your planet. My advise for everyone is to embrace love toward each other. If you do something bad to a living being, it will come back to you almost immediately. Also, stop digging in negative information, instead be proactive and spread Light everywhere you go.
You will continue to see Earthquakes, natural disasters and so on, Mother Earth is experiencing deep changes inside her core. Most of the unpleasant events are caused by negative energies created and released into this world by humans. It’s up to you, on how the Earth you live on will become in the near future. The Human Collective Consciousness needs to rise into higher vibrations to match 5D. The acceleration of timelines continues by Divine, and the same goes for the arrival of high energies with a blasting speed to burn the Darkness.
It’s also your choice, where are you going next ether into more misery or a paradise. Only after the Ascension takes place, you will regain all of your memories from all of your lives you had including your Galactic ones. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces for delivering this communication to mankind. Sending my Supreme Love to every soul on Mother Earth.
Stay in High Vibrations
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
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