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Discover the Power of Patience: Laka's Message
Written by Judith and Kabamur
Beloved friends of light!
You are programmed in your world to listen to the incessant demands of the ego.
You are a soul in form that is visiting the earth school that is without the ego of duality. This combination of seeking power over others and all circumstance will cause you to feel impatient and frustrated. Let’s begin with a calm demeanor as we explore the gift of patience.
Patience is a gift that can be cultivated to serve you well. If you use this gift in all actions of being, you will have a new perspective and the ego will remain quiet. Everyone has the ability to be patient but this requires intention and time alone to ponder all actions.
Earth has transcended to a place of instant gratification. A place of entitlement with many that demand that others give them free housing, medical care and provisions without merit. Millions of people are entering countries illegally and demanding the rights held by citizens. While pleiadians honor all souls of existence, there are laws and rules on earth that must be followed. The impatient and demanding nature of entering homes, crossing borders and demanding rights that are not earned is an example of patience being absent.
As you become still and quiet, you will become aware of a peaceful order to life. Humans make things so difficult in a waking dream that provides everything needed within. As you learn to spend time in solitude, you will discover expressions of being that you brought with you. Indeed, you have gifts not yet known to your personality.
Make a conscious choice to live slowly and become present in all you do and say. When you wake each morning, breathe deeply and meditate with gratitude for another day. Stretch your body and become aware of your surroundings. Do not be drawn to social media in the first moments of the day. Set your intention to experience life as it comes. Wanting nothing, you will discover patience.
If you must drive throughout the day, let peace cover your being. Remain calm and if someone is driving slowly in your lane, change your perspective. They might be nudged by their guide or inner voice to slow to prevent an accident. In your own amazement, you might find this is pleasing and patience covers your mind. You too might slow your speed and be thankful that patience could be preventing an accident. Well done, beloved one!
You can apply these principles to anything. Be patient as you change habits. Give yourself plenty of time as new habits come slowly with repetition. If you need to stop eating junk food or sugar, try cutting back slowly. Be patient with yourself and begin again.
Allow patience for children and pets that are learning. Never lash out with impatience. Remind yourself of the impermanence of this life and let all things flow naturally. Applying love, forgiveness and patience will create a beautiful life!
To assist you greatly on achieving patience in all things, focus and detach from everything. When you are aware of the world and endless fighting and chaos, change your focus to the path of spirit. Here you will find the answer to all dilemmas. You will become more patient with yourself and all others.
With patience, you will need nothing in the outer world. Your presence as a soul of light will provide complete acceptance to the moment of now!
You are complete and whole!
Breathe deeply and live with patience!
I Love You So!
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