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Jaspers are the nurturers, the healers and the spirit stones of courage and wisdom. They all carry a strong connection to the Earth’s energy, making the jasper healing properties very beneficial for grounding, stability and strength. Every jasper meaning is unique and special, depending on the type of Jasper you possess.

It has the ability to foster and nurture and its energy is used for grounding and protection. Considered more effective if it is used for long periods of time because it works slowly. Each color of Jasper has additional, specific qualities when used alone. Jasper is very effective when use on the Root Chakra.

This mineral is a super nurturer. Jasper was worn by shaman to bring protection. It holds an aspect of solar energy and a connection to the solar plexus chakra which helps shaman in the magical practices. For Native American Indians it is a sacred stone that is used for performances of and adherence to the "old ways" rituals. 

Jasper comes in many colors. All colors of Jasper will help balance vibrations of the body. Jasper is a basic great stone that everyone should always have it on hand. Like all jaspers it can help balance the emotional energy in the body. Jasper will help bring balance into your life and will help prevent burnout at work. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. It also protects from fears. Jasper is a luck and money charm. It is a gentle and relaxing stone and enhances the ability to relax and be tranquil. It is a comforting crystal that brings wholeness, healing, and gentle endings.  Psychically, jasper is used to assist with astral travel and balance yin yang energies. Jasper as a healing crystal is used for the digestive, soothing the stomach, liver, gallbladder and circulatory. It balances the mineral content of the body and helps the body to absorb nutrients more easily. Jasper is associated with the root and sacral chakra.

Energy: skilful, practical, down-to-earth 

Colours: red, yellow, gold, brown, green, blue, purple, variegated and mottled

Uses: Jasper is a member of chalcedony family excellent for gem essences, endurance, cleansing, fortitude, prayer, protection, quick thinking, and neutralizing stress.

Red Jasper

Star Sign: Leo
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Chakra: Base

Tips For Red Jasper

Red Jasper
Wear jasper to balance your aura
Put jasper next to your bed for comfort if you feel lonely 
Hold jasper to improve your accuracy when dowsing
Carry jasper to prevent illness
Place jasper around your home to reduce arguments

Balancing jasper help​s you achieve your goals

Red Jasper The Nurturing Stone

Red Jasper is earthy, solid and dependable, and focuses energy at the base chakra in a way that is gently grounding; it is a stone of controlled passion.  It encourages practicality and down-to-earth realism by enhancing responsibility, choice and compassion. Metaphysically, it has a stabilizing effect; used in mystical dream-work, it can enhance dream recall.

Red jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice. It is projective and as such can be used to send negativity back to its source. Red jasper is a survival stone and is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger.

Green Jasper The Sensitive Care Stone

Green Jasper

Green Jasper is a receptive healing stone that aids one to release dis-ease and obsession. It balances out parts of your life that have become out of proportion to the detriment of all others.  Physically it treats skin disorders, heals ailments of the upper torso and digestive tract. Green jasper works to purify organs, dispel bloating, and reduce toxicity and inflammation. Green jasper stimulates the heart chakra.

Ocean Jasper The Relaxation Stone

Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper is related to the heart chakra. Ocean jasper is very soothing and helps people to love one another (and themselves).  It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience.  Physically, ocean jasper is beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins and lessening body odour.

The circular patterns on ocean jasper help us realize that we are all interconnected. These patterns can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation.

Being a type of jasper, ocean jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs ("eyes") enhance this in regard to protection from the "evil eye."

Brown Jasper

Brown Jasper

Brown Jasper is connected to the earth and ecological awareness. It is particularly useful for alleviating geopathic and environmental stress. The energy of brown jasper is receptive and is used for grounding and centering the self.  Brown jasper facilitates deep meditation, centering, regression to past lives, revealing karmic causes. It improves night vision and encourages astral travel. Brown jasper stimulates the earth chakra; if you live with your head in the clouds, wear brown jasper to ward off danger.

Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper is said to be Earth Mother speaking to her children. It contains a message from the past within its pictures for those who can read it. It shows hidden messages from the past as well as thoughts, fears, and hopes. It brings to the surface hidden feelings of guilt, envy, hatred, and love, and any thoughts that are normally pushed aside, whether from present or past lives. Picture jasper helps create harmony, proportion, creative visualization, and positive outcomes in business pursuits. Picture jasper has the same energetic qualities as brown jasper.

Leopard Jasper


Leopard Jasper (also called leopard stone) is a variety of orbicular jasper with a tan color, appearing as "leopard spots". Leopard jasper reduces the passion for hunting and prevents the wearer from tormenting animals.  The stone brings about renewed harmony between the wearer and his environment. Leopard jasper makes it easier for one to take responsibility properly and encourages service to others. Use the stone on the navel and sacral chakras.

Leopard jasper is very helpful with creative visualization. This is a stone of shamanic journeying; it helps discover and connect with one's animal totems or "power" animals. As with all jaspers, this is a protective stone, and it is particularly protective during shamanic journeying.  Physically it stimulates the detoxification of the liver, gallbladder, and bladder. It releases tension and alleviates abdominal pain.

Brings joy and lightheartedness

Helps with animal communications

Mookaite Jasper  The Earth Changes Acceptance Stone

Australian Mookaite Jasper

Mookiate (Australian Jasper) provides a practical balance between inner and outer experiences and the calm acceptance of change. Mookaite is associated with the lower chakras; it is a stone of the "here and now." It imparts a desire for new experiences while providing a grounded courage to face them. It helps with living meditation. This is a protective stone, and is particularly good as an emotional protector.

The natural occurrence of the yellow and red in Mookaite make it a stone of versatility; it allows the user to see many possibilities and assists in choosing the right one. Physically it stabilizes health, fortifies the immune system, heals wounds and purifies the blood.

Mookaite Pyramid

Jasper is an opaque variety of Chalcedony occurring in all colors. It is sometimes impure, containing organic material and iron oxides. Jasper is a favourite among amateur gem cutters, for its abundance and diversity is great. Some Jasper is banded, and these banded Jaspers are also Agates.

When Jasper does not exhibit interesting colors or patterns, it is known as Chert.



All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice and should be carried out by a suitably qualified crystal healing practitioner.



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