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How Can Crystals Help Counter The Trauma Of Bullying?
Written by Sally Benson

Around 49.5% of junior high and high school students in Toronto have reported being bullied online, as per a project published by the Canadian Red Cross. Canadian teachers as a whole see cyberbullying as a highly problematic issue, with 89% saying that bullying and violence are serious problems in Canadian public schools. If you have a child who has experienced the trauma of bullying or abuse, then it is important to ensure they obtain professional help (since bullying can haven long-term physical and mental health consequences). Children who are strongly spiritual and who love crystals, meanwhile, may find wearing or carrying specific crystals helpful. To soothe and calm them and give them hope, why not surprise them with one or more of the following crystals?
Healing Emotions With Amethyst And Amazonite
These crystals are known by crystal lovers as powerful healers and soothers of trauma. They help wearers or owners achieve a state of tranquility, helping steer individuals away from negative thinking patterns and towards more positive ones. In order to clear away negative energies, two crystals in particular can be helpful: citrine (which absorbs negative energy and reflects the warm energy of the sun), and black tourmaline (which helps block dark energy produced by others - for instance, bullies), while reducing tension and anxiety.
Feeling More Positive About School
Children who are given a special crystal or set of crystals can feel more empowered. Thus, kids who fear educational settings because of problems like bullying from peers can feel greater positivity and security, knowing that they are benefiting from the soothing and healing energy of their chosen crystals. It is always important to learn the root of your child’s reticence to go to school. Bullying may not be a problem, for instance; rather, academic or learning difficulties may be present that require attention and (in some cases) therapy, professional aid, and/or the use of specific tools and aids for learning. A child who is struggling at school can benefit from additional crystals such as fluorite (which can motivate a child to study), clear quartz (used to improve focus), and green tourmaline (to boost creative energy and concentration).
How Can Children Carry Or Wear Crystals?
There are many ways that children can benefit from crystals on a daily basis. One is to simply place their chosen crystals in a pouch and carry them in their pocket. Crystals for children should ideally be small and rounded (not sharp) so that they don't hurt themselves if they accidentally fall on them. They can also keep their crystals in their knapsack, place them by their bedside, and wear crystals as jewellery (a necklace is ideal for kids who wish to keep their crystal to themselves, since it can be hidden beneath clothing). On weekends, it’s time to have fun. Kids can wear their crystals as anklets, bracelets, brooches, or hair accessories.
Crystals are more than a thing of beauty. They are also used by those seeking greater calm, focus and positivity. Children who love crystals can benefit from building their own personal set - one that helps them to stave off negative people and energies, and boosts their ability to learn and enjoy their life at school.
Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.
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