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6 Crystals That Help Artist Creativity
Written by Sally Benson

Being creative and feeling inspired is the foundation of producing brilliant art, but sometimes it can be difficult to tap into our inner creativity and channel this into our artistic endeavours. Crystals can help us unblock our creativity, focus the mind and create fresh and original ideas. Below are 6 of the best crystals for enhancing creativity to help you energize your practice.
Ruby is known as the stone for ‘noble souls’. If you believe that art can bring you closer to understanding the true meaning of life, ruby can help you overcome life’s obstacles with courage and grace. With its deep and rich color of passion, ruby is a motivating and energy giving stone that can help activate your imagination.
The color of amber stones varies depending on during what part of the fossilization process it was procured. Colors can range from yellow, orange and green, which gives the stone a very natural and earthy color, quality and feel.
Amber helps balance your emotions and give you patience and courage, which you can use to help you push through a creative or mental block. It also helps eliminate fears so you are less concerned with fears of failure during the artistic process.
Clear quartz
This is a popular one for those that may be new to harnessing the many healing properties of crystals due to its ease of use. Clear quartz is known for its ability to absorb energy which helps both clear and balance the mind as well as enhance positive energy.
This can help ease anxiety and give you the stability and clarity needed to start working in the first place. Both creativity and inspiration will often come to us once we have already begun the process, so if you can get started in a positive way, you are already halfway there.
Many of the stones and crystals associated with aiding creativity are warm colors such as yellow and orange. Citrine is a member of the quartz family, the crystals are yellow in color but some stones can be slightly warmer with an orangey tinge.
Citrine is known to revitalise the mind and enhance concentration, and feeling cleansed and focused can help you tap into your creative channels. Enhanced concentration and a clear focused mind can really aid in producing detailed drawings or sketches.
This stone has been hailed as the number one healing crystal to bring strength and creativity. Known as the crystal of both creative expression and self-love, carnelian can help you connect to your inner passion and love for your art.
With its warm fiery colors, carnelian helps stimulate and give you the strength, stamina and perseverance needed to push through to finish projects or when things get tough. And the longer you stay at it, the more likely you are to release your creativity and find inspiration.
A popular member of the quartz family, this precious stone has been esteemed throughout the ages for its beauty, and as a stone of purification, offering spiritual protection and encouraging inner strength. It can aid confident artistic expression by helping us overcome any feelings of doubt we may have about ourselves and our ability. Using amethyst can help you better learn to trust yourself and trust your judgment.
Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.
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