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5 Crystals To Maximize The Energy Of A Full Moon
Written by Sarah Roberts Views: 7214

When many people think of astrology, they usually think of their horoscope or their Sun Signs.
In many ways, however, the Moon plays a more direct and immediate role in our day to day lives. The Moon governs the timing of all events, and her Phases set the rhythm for everything we do. The lunations, or the New and the Full Moons set the tone for the next couple of weeks. The New Moon is the time for new beginnings, and the Full Moon is when the Moon is at the height of her power. Generally, whatever began during the New Moon will reach its culmination during the Full Moon.
The meaning of the Full Moon is similar to the harvest. It has direct analogies with the season of Autumn. In order to maximise the energy of the Full Moon, the focus should be upon abundance and prosperity. This is also the time when we “reap what we sow,” so it is a good time to look at the direction we are going and re-evaluate our goals.
Here are five crystals that will enhance the energy of the Full Moon, increase abundance and prosperity, and help in introspection and re-evaluating our goals.
1) Moonstone
As its name suggests, moonstone is the classic crystal that will enhance the energy of the Moon in any of her Phases. Moonstone has a beautiful, mysterious sheen. It usually comes in white, but it can also be found in peach, cream color, or even black.
The Full Moon has a reputation for being a stressful time. This is because they occur when the Sun and the Moon are opposite each other. Moonstone is useful in balancing and calming this energy.
Moonstone is particularly helpful if the Full Moon is activating your chart. It goes without saying that the signs that the Moon or the Sun are in during the Full Moon will be impacted. Signs square the Moon and the Sun will also be affected. Below are the zodiac squares:
- Aries/Libra – Cancer/Capricorn
- Taurus/Scorpio – Leo/Aquarius
- Gemini/Sagittarius – Virgo/Pisces
This means that if the Full Moon is in Taurus, for example, the Sun will be in Scorpio. Taurus and Scorpio will feel the effects most strongly; however, Leo and Aquarius will also be impacted. If you have any of these signs predominant in your chart, moonstone should help to soothe and to calm the stresses of that Full Moon.
2) Selenite
Like moonstone, selenite has a deep association with the Moon. The name Selenite comes from Σεληνη (“Selene”), which was one of the Greek names for the Moon. Selenite is usually transparent and colorless. If it does have any color or opacity, this means that other crystals have combined with it, and these will change the energy somewhat.
Selenite has powerful healing and cleansing properties. It is especially good for clearing negative energy. The cleansing power of selenite is so powerful that it is the only crystal that does not need to be regularly recharged, and it can be used to cleanse the energy of other crystals.
The properties of selenite are particularly useful during the Full Moon. Selenite can clear blockages to clear the way for abundance. It can also help you be completely honest with yourself. Furthermore, it useful when you are trying to connect with your angels and your spirit guides because it facilitates the transmission of their advice.
3) Amethyst
Amethyst is a useful and powerful crystal that serves many different functions. Its principal function is to connect you with your Higher Self. Amethyst is often found in geodes and can range in color from light pinkish violet to deep purple. Amethyst has been used for its healing and protective qualities throughout history and in many different cultures.
The Full Moon is a time when the veil between the material and subtle realms is thinner than usual, so Amethyst can help protect you from negative influences while at the same time drawing positive spiritual influences to you. It can clear your channels to provide room for inspiration and clarity. Amethyst is also helpful in helping you take stock of where you are and in re-evaluating your goals.
4) Labradorite
Labradorite is known as a magical stone. It often is blue mixed with multiple colors, and its coloring adds to its magical properties. There is a reason why the Full Moon features prominently in myths and fairy tales, and labradorite can help to bring back the awe and wonder you had as a child. In Inuit traditional lore, labradorite fell to Earth from the Northern Lights!
On a more practical level, labradorite is useful in sparking your creativity and leading the way to abundance and prosperity. It offers powerful protection from negativity and misfortunes. offers powerful protection from negativity and misfortunes. It can also help promote positive relationships with coworkers, clients, and supervisors.
Labradorite is a powerful aid to those who are seeking to explore their psychic abilities and to achieve spiritual awakening. Its protective qualities allow you to more safely reach out to the subtle realms while remaining shielded from psychic attacks.
"You can see more on psychic attacks at Numerology Sign."
5) Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is famous for its ability to bring abundance and prosperity. Tiger’s Eye has beautiful striped coloring ranging from gold to a deep brown that is almost black. It has been used as an amulet throughout history all across the globe. Priestesses used it in divination, and soldiers used it for protection from enemies and to increase their courage in battle.
In addition to enhancing the theme of abundance from the Full Moon, Tiger’s Eye can help you to manage the stress that often comes with it. Many people experience intense emotions during this time, and life tends to speed up. Tiger’s Eye can keep you grounded and calm even when others around are agitated. It can also help you juggle multiple priority and tasks without becoming overwhelmed.
In addition to these benefits, Tiger’s Eye is useful for looking at your goals and priorities. Tiger’s Eye can help you make wiser decisions, especially related to money and finances.
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