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The Top 6 Crystals for Anxiety

The Top 6 Crystals for Anxiety

Crystals can help us in so many different areas in our life. But how exactly do they work?

Crystals help us energetically and help us to tune to our intuitive gifts, you can think of them as living, crystalline formations encoded with a specific energy. The energy that these crystals give off can directly impact our own energy centers.

When we are using crystals to help relieve anxiety, depression, or negative energy you may find a mixture of protection crystals along with crystals that give off calm, soothing energy. It’s not necessarily the size that matters, but the proximity to you that matters. You can choose to wear the crystals, hold them in your hand, keep them in your pocket or keep them close by.

There are many different crystals that can help with balancing our emotional energy but here are the top 6 Crystals for Anxiety that really give you some emotional support!

Top 6 Crystals for Anxiety

#1. Rose Quartz – is a powerful stone for emitting and receiving love. It can also help us to remove any walls or barriers we may be holding around our heart chakra. Remember, it can’t force us to let go of what we are not willing to let go of, but it can help us feel the love that is readily available to us when we are open to receiving it. The rose quartz can also help us when we are dealing with grief, forgiveness and trying to feel more compassionate towards ourselves and others.

#2. Malachite (pronounced mal-a-kite) can be a powerful stone to help us release the feeling of being a victim so that you can reclaim your power to change the circumstance. When we are feeling as though things keep happening to us, instead of a result of our own vibrational frequency it can leave us feeling desperate and powerless. Though you may not be able to change the circumstance, you can always change your perspective of it. There is a blessing hidden within every challenge. Where some will see only difficulty, others can choose to see the opportunity within.

#3. Carnelian – is a favorite and works a bit differently than the other crystals on our list so far. This stone can amplify joy and happiness and can help us access positive emotion when we are feeling sad, lost or depressed. Keep a carnelian close by to help you find the simple joys life has to offer. It won’t be long before you just can’t help but smile.

#4. Orange Calcite – is another great stone to have around. You’ll find that this stone carries such a playful, whimsical, childlike energy with it. It can help us to feel more inspired, joyful and willing to play with a light heart. This stone exudes happiness and well being.

#5. Dalmatian Jasper – Do you have a hard time trusting people? Do you feel a sense of bitterness or a need for revenge? Well if so, Dalmatian Jasper is a crystal that can really help dissipate some of those negative feelings you are harboring. It can help you break down some of those walls and barriers that you have built from past pains and misdeeds and lead you to a more friendly approachable energy. Dalmatian Jasper just beams kindness and authenticity so that you may find others who are also worthy of your kind heart.

#6. Amethyst – Last but certainly not least, we have amethyst. What an incredible crystal this is for relieving any kind of anxiety, fears, and worries that are troubling our mind. The amethyst’s energy has a very calming, soothing energy that helps us to relieve stress. As an added benefit, amethyst is great for those who have trouble falling asleep.

So there you have it! The top 6 crystals for anxiety, you can use to help with any kind of emotional troubles you may be feeling. You can use them all together, or choose just one or two depending on how you’re feeling.

Remember to make sure your crystals are charged and cleared before using them. They tend to soak up those negative emotions really well, so a few hours in the sun or all night bathing in a warm salt bath will leave them feeling powerful and ready to assist you the next time you need them!

Author: Taryn Crimi
Taryn is an internationally acclaimed channel, who has spent over 8 years channeling the Angelic Realm. It is her wish as well as theirs to share this gift with as many people who are in need of their assistance with this Angelic Guides website.
Copyright © 2012-2021 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. 
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