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How Seniors Can Benefit From Crystal Healing
Written by Sally Benson

Over 14% of the Canadian population are seniors, many of whom face a variety of ailments or challenging living conditions. When applying crystal healing to maximizing the quality of your years, it’s important to concentrate on some of the more common ailments or health concerns you might be facing. Yet doing so is not as simple as you may think, and there’s a lot you need to know.
Selecting The Energies For The Highest Gains
Perhaps you are in perfect health and just want to enhance your environment, or perhaps your energy levels are not what they should be. Simply having crystals lying around the house won’t necessarily give you the results you seek. In order to choose the right stone, you should always find one that resonates with you. It’s all about the healing energies that align with the energy systems of your body. It’s like eating a food that contains the vitamins and minerals your body craves. Not to mention, the needs of a twenty-year-old are quite different from those of someone in their golden years. The same concept applies to those energies. If the structure of a crystal aligns with the energies of your body, you’ll know it. But that’s not all there is to it.
When considering its shape or form, spheres, wands and obelisks are better applied for meditation and spiritual healing. For physical and mental ailments, choose pyramids, slices, rough, and polished crystals. Make sure you hold the crystal up to the light to activate its energy and see how that feels. Our bodies are composed of the same molecules that make up the stars, and our bodies emit low levels of light. So it’s important to activate the energy of the crystal by allowing light to pass through it when testing how its energies align with your own. But did you know that different types of crystals and minerals have different properties that can help you with different health concerns? So just picking out a bunch of clear quartz won't necessarily address all of your needs. Here's what you need to know...
Optimizing The Benefits Of Your Crystals
When choosing your crystals, consider if you want them placed in your home on a windowsill, in a mindful place, or if you want to carry them with you or wear them next to your body. Also, make sure you are choosing the correct one for your ailments. For example, out of the aging population of Canada, nearly 85% live in senior communities or assisted care communities. A lot of those face the challenge of Alzheimer's disease or some other form of dementia. Although there are hopeful signs that Alzheimer's may be preventable or even curable in the somewhat near future, it’s important to keep in mind that dementia takes many forms. Amethyst and Smoky quartz are both good for clear and wakeful thinking. Schalenblende and turquoise are good for promoting brain health and concentration. Agate is good for maintaining a sense of reality, and also aids concentration. Lastly, Jade is good for balance and reaction time, but also helps with another issue common among the elderly: kidney disease.
It’s estimated that kidney disease poses a risk to nearly 2.6 million Canadians. Although there are many known strategies for preventing kidney and bladder issues, jade is also known to help with kidney problems. Agate is also good for bladder issues, as well as opal, tourmaline, and chalcedony. Chalcedony also has attributes which can also aid in bone health. One out of three women over the age of 50 will experience a bone fracture related to osteoporosis, as will one out of five men. So choosing some apatite, calcite, marble and fluorite to go with your chalcedony will only boost their resonances and healing energies.
It's important to keep in mind that crystals and stones aren’t magic. The word 'science' means the study of nature. The healing powers of crystals are another study of nature. Our bodies, just as all matter and all light, contain energy. Our bodies are composed of earth, air, water and energy. We take care of our bodies through proper diet, hydration, and exercise, as well as ensuring we are breathing healthy air. But what are we doing to take care of the energies flowing in and out of our bodies when our bodies are working to heal themselves is also important. That’s exactly where crystals can come in when their healing attributes are properly applied.
Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.
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