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The Immortal Beauty Stone

Zoisite is normally green. The pink-coloured variety of zoisite is called thulite, differing from the green variety in its high manganese content. There is also a blue variety, tanzanite, and a ruby zoisite with ruby inclusions.

Colours: clear, green, pink, blue to violet

Uses: Zoisite is excellent for insight and helpful for discerning the truth. Used in divination, channelling, divine communication, astral projection, and psycho-navigation. Enhances psychic abilities and expands perception.

Green Zoisite

Green Zoisite

Green zoisite is considered in mystical lore to be a stone that brings and enhances trust in the universe and trust in the ultimate goodness of life. This brings trust in general as well as releases fears, which can bring a depth of happiness to one's life.

Zoisite is most effective on the heart chakra because it harmonizes the heart and circulation of the blood with its gentle vibrations. It also works well on the root chakra.

Zoisite is believed to be a kind of fertility stone that is effective for both men and women. It is a protective stone for women during pregnancy. It is said to stimulate cell division, detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system. The healing effects of zoisite work slowly, so are best for use over a long period of time.

Zoisite symbolizes sexual desire, fertility and good health in unborn children.

Thulite - Pink Zoisite

Pink Zoisite (Thulite)

Thulite is a dramatic stone with a powerful link to the life force. It stimulates healing and regeneration. This variety of zoisite encourages curiosity and inventiveness in solving problems. It combines love with logic, exploring the dualities of the human condition. Thulite promotes expression of passion and sexual feelings, encouraging the constructive and positive aspects of sensuality and sexuality.
Thulite treats calcium deficiencies and gastric upsets. It can be employed in situations of extreme physical weakness and nervous exhaustion.

Blue Zoisite (Tanzanite) The Immortal Beauty Stone

Blue Zoisite - Tanzanite

This lavender-blue variety of zoisite was discovered in 1967 in the vicinity of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. This stone has a high vibration and facilitates deeply meditative states. It changes colour when viewed from different directions; this quality encourages the raising of consciousness. Tanzanite links one to the angelic realms, spirit guides and the Ascended Masters. It activates a chakra link from the base to the higher crown chakra, bringing the higher mind into contact with the physical realm. Added to Iolite and Danburite and applied during past-life healing, tanzanite dissolves old patterns of karmic dis-ease, creating space for the integration of new patterns.

Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite) The Passion and Beauty Stone

Anyolite can be helpful in soul healing and past-life work. This stone activates the crown chakra and creates an altered state of consciousness that facilitates access to soul memory and spiritual learning.

The combination of these two stones reflects a curious duality; Anyolite promotes individuality while at the same time retains interconnectedness with the rest of humanity. This is a protective stone, and powerfully amplifies the biomagnetic field around the body.

Ruby in Zoisite

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