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Today's Angel Message: Falling Into Place

Today's Angel Message: Falling Into Place

Cat’s Angel Message for May 1, 2024

May’s Theme: This month will bring changes to your life. While change sometimes feels scary, it is a necessary thing for our overall growth. Be willing to embrace it and allow it to happen naturally and get ready for better things!

By letting the changes fall into place naturally we find them easier to handle. Cat

Today’s Message:

51: What does the future hold? No one knows for sure, but we can be assured that things will get better and that good things are headed our way. As we start the new month, we are being asked to focus our thoughts on our dreams and goals. Don’t spend your energy worrying about the “how to’s” and “what if’s” as these details will naturally fall into place when the time is right. Fear of the future and of change is normal, however, the key lies in how we perceive the changes that lie ahead. If we acknowledge our fears and do our best to let them go (don’t struggle, don’t force) we can fill that space with positive intent and a sense of adventure. Visualize yourself as an explorer heading out into the uncharted territory of personal growth. What does the future hold? Who knows…..but man it’s going to be good!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

  • Archangel Raguel helps us to find our power and brings clarity when we feel conflicted about what to do next by providing a boost of energy and by bringing order to your thoughts.  He also aids in the letting go process which is essential to moving forward. Raguel reminds us that sometimes people can get “freaky” when they see you moving off in a new direction and helps to smooth the way by resolving conflicts and disharmony with those around us as we work with our creative magic.

  • The Ascended Master Kuthumi helps us to navigate the distractions of everyday life. He encourages us to focus on what’s important right now and to stop fighting the things that we have no control over, which blocks our problem solving and creative flow. Things flow easier when we are not struggling against the “what if’s and maybes.

  • The Welsh Goddess Cerridwen uses her cauldron “Amen” to help provide us with knowledge, wisdom, personal rebirth and inspiration. remember that change brings us the transformation that we need. She reminds us “The opportunity for your own transformation lies before you. It provides you the chance to spread your wings and grow. Look into my sacred cauldron and see the vision of your path unfolding before you.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

  • Moss Agate. This gentle stone promotes new beginnings and can help release the blocks that are keeping us from moving forward.  It attracts new forms of abundance and teaches us how to channel our energy in new, creative ways. Often referred to as the gardener’s stone Moss Agate helps us connect to nature, the earth, and our own inner garden as well. Carry it with you or wear it during times of new growth.

  • Jade stimulates knowledge and ideas and can provide aid in problem-solving and shows us the path to reaching our goals and actualizing our dreams. It also promotes emotional balance and self-confidence as it gently dissipates negativity and brings peace on all levels. Jade  attracts both prosperity and good luck as it helps us to understand that we are spiritual beings on this very human journey we call life.

  • Black Obsidian. This stone not only protects it also helps to bring negative energy to the surface where it can be dispelled and provides support during times of change. It takes the “things” that we’ve hidden and composts them into positive soil to support out new growth.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!


I’m Cat from Grand Jct. Colorado. I’m married, pagan, owned by a “clowder” of cat’s and enjoy crystals, tree hugging, books, belly dancing, photography and numerous outdoor activities.
I am the owner/ jewelry creator of Cat’s Treasure Trove (found here on my WP site!) and  the group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet, on Facebook. In my spare time I am a  part time caregiver for my mother who is entering the realm of dementia.

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Sacred Spirals on Facebook: The place where all paths meet  

The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An eclectic  collection of jewelry & gifts
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