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Today's Angel Message: Caring For Our New Growth
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for May 11, 2024
May’s Theme: This month will bring changes to your life. While change sometimes feels scary, it is a necessary thing for our overall growth. Be willing to embrace it and allow it to happen naturally and get ready for better things!
Use your natural talents and creativity to transform your life. Cat
Today’s Message:
513: Today the Sacred Feminine Spirit is asking each of us to embrace our sacred feminine energy. This energy helps us to embrace and access the compassion and love that we store inside and allows us to channel it outward. This also helps us on an emotional level by encouraging us to nurture and tend to the new growth that we have uncovered during our “weed pulling” activities. With the huge changes taking place around us, it’s more important than ever to spread good vibes and plant new thought seeds where you can. Take the initiative and help create the things you want. Use your natural talents and creativity to transform your life for the better.
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Haniel showers us with stardust, illuminating our thoughts and memories so that we can remember what magickal beings we truly are, which assists us in the creation process. In turn this shows us how to receive with grace and gratitude. This process accelerates when we allow beauty and harmony to surround us. It’ helps us to enjoy ourselves which makes blessings easier to receive.
The Ascended Master Mother Mary provides us with all forms of healing. She surrounds us with her gentle energy and helps to fill our hearts with love as she imparts feelings of peace and safety as she gently heals the dark, hidden places within while showing us the path that leads to compassion and forgiveness which are essential to healing ourselves and helping others.
The Egyptian Goddess Nuit (Nut) represents the sky and the cosmos. She is a mother goddess, a life giver. She teaches us the importance of nurturing those in our care with patience and love. As a cosmic goddess she reminds us of our divine place in the Universe and while we may feel small and insignificant the truth is far different. She says” Rejoice in your own power. It is love and patience that allow you to shape the world and make you a creator in your own right. You do not need to have born a child to be a mother this essence live within all. Embrace it and send it to those around you.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Amazonite. This stone is sometimes called the stone of hope. It helps us to speak our truth with confidence and instills us with hope itself. It calms and soothes frayed nerves during times of stress and helps us to feel and embrace universal love. It works with both heart and throat chakras.
Purple Fluorite helps strengthen our intuitive powers as it helps dispel fixed ideas and thoughts and brings the rational thinking forward so that new information is easily accepted. It is a protective stone that draws away negative energy and stress. It cleans and re-energizes the aura and promotes overall harmony and order.
Tangerine Quartz which helps to increase our receptivity to Divine inspiration while it stimulates the mind and enhances overall creativity. It fills us with hope and joy as it restores our feelings of self-worth.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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