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Today's Angel Message: Clear and Center
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for July 13, 2024
June’s Theme: Learn to create and maintain balance (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) by creating and inviting good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and focused on the present.
Intuition is a gift. Don’t be afraid to use it. Cat
Today’s Message:
713: We all have those small places inside where we hide or store the things that have brought us pain, anger, or sadness. Today the Universe is telling us “It’s time to let the healing light shine in those places and get the energy moving.” Set aside a little time each day to clear and center, feel the sun on your face and hands, indulge in a walking meditation, do some earthing or even the simple act of eating an orange (citrus scents are mood boosters) can help those peaceful vibes to flow and inspire the mind. Look for ways that will support and help you on your path to personal healing and growth. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to your dreams, many of the answers you seek dwell in these realms. The important thing is to release these things and let your healing take place.
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Zadkiel teaches us that true compassion and healing lies in our ability to forgive ourselves and others. This is essential to the letting go and letting it be processes as it allows our hearts and minds to make room and teaches us to just breathe and embrace compassion which in turn makes room for new growth. This is one of the best self-healing practices and gifts that we can give ourselves.
The Ascended Master Mother Mary provides us with all forms of healing. She surrounds us with her gentle energy and helps to fill our hearts with love as she imparts feelings of peace and safety as she gently heals the dark, hidden places within while showing us the path that leads to compassion and forgiveness which are essential to healing ourselves and helping others.
The Celtic goddess Nematona teaches us that healing can be found through nature as she helps us replenish our energy. She says, ” I am the spirit of the sacred grove. I invite you to worship in my temple and feel the heartbeat of nature. This communion can heal a weary and battered soul and replenish your spirit with hope and divine peace.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Crazy Lace Agate gently boosts our self-confidence and concentration while reestablishing our overall feelings of wholeness and well-being. It’s an excellent grounding stone that helps to bring balance between our negative and positive emotions.
Chalcedony that brings mind, body, spirit and emotions into harmony by calming fear, anger or self-doubt. It also promotes good feeling towards self and others.
Rose Quartz. This soft pink crystal is the ultimate nurturer of compassion and loving energy. It soothes the heart, mind, and spirit. It helps us to bring out the best part of ourselves so that we can help and heal not only ourselves but others as well.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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