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Today's Angel Message: Collaborative Effort
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for January 14, 2025
The year 2025 is deemed a Universal Year, with the single digit 9 (2+0+2+5=9) representing the end of a cycle. This suggests that we should mindfully release things and allow relationships, ventures, jobs, habits, etc., to reach their natural conclusion. Rather than forcing outcomes, we should let them unfold naturally, surrounding them positive energy and then releasing them. It is time to make room for new beginnings.
January Crystals: Garnet: Strength and protection. Rose Quartz: Creativity and imagination. Amethyst: Problem solving and decision making.
Start the day with a “can-do” attitude to jump-start long-term success. Cat
Today’s Message:
114: The new year offers opportunities for change and growth and the projects we initiate with both blessings and benefits. Although we may sometimes feel that we are working alone, the truth is that we are not. Today, the Universe extends an invitation to collaborate and build the foundations that will support our goals and dreams. Remember to take “baby steps,” which are necessary for any endeavor. Baby steps require that we use both caution and wisdom as we forge the life we want, do not slack or cut corners. Start the day with a “can-do” attitude to jump-start long-term success. Your angels are always here to assist you, so be a visionary today and see yourself and others in the best light, finding the very best in every situation. Together you can make some great things happen!
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Raguel guides us towards personal empowerment. He assists in finding our strength and provides clarity when we are uncertain about our next steps by boosting our energy and organizing our thoughts. He champions the underdog and acts as a motivational coach when we feel discouraged as he helps us to reach our full potential.
The Ascended Master Kuthumi helps us to navigate the distractions of everyday life. He encourages us to focus on what’s important right now and to stop fighting the things that we have no control over, which blocks our problem solving and creative flow. Things flow easier when we are not struggling against the “what ifs and maybes.”
The Greek goddess Nike, Lady of Victory and Success, helps us embrace the good things we have accomplished. By acknowledging them, we can increase our faith in ourselves as creators. She says: “Do not be afraid to acknowledge the amazing things you have done, but do not rest too long on your laurels. Remember that your success comes through movement, and momentum is lost through inactivity. Keep moving, and you will be victorious!”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Ametrine, a blend of amethyst and citrine, assists in releasing blocks such as negative emotional programming. It promotes growth while enabling us to explore all possibilities and discover the creative solutions necessary to maximize the use of the information we receive.
Eulite (Hypersthene) which helps us to find solutions to problems (large and small) that get in our way and can hold us back. It will also make seeing the answers and solutions easier by stopping the need to overthink or overly critical thinking. Eulite is also useful for building solid relationships which are necessary for the manifestation process and our personal evolution.
While Garnet is best known as a stone of protection, it also enhances the use of our natural talents. It helps us overcome any resistance we may have in using our gifts and promotes self-confidence. Garnet removes what no longer serves us and eliminates mental self-sabotage, opening the doors to new growth and personal evolution. It promotes balance, clears, and re-energizes the chakras.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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