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Today's Angel Message: Encourage Growth

Today's Angel Message: Encourage Growth

Cat’s Angel Message for January 21, 2025

The year 2025 is deemed a Universal Year, with the single digit 9 (2+0+2+5=9) representing the end of a cycle. This suggests that we should mindfully release things and allow relationships, ventures, jobs, habits, etc., to reach their natural conclusion. Rather than forcing outcomes, we should let them unfold naturally, surrounding them positive energy and then releasing them. It is time to make room for new beginnings.

January Crystals: GarnetStrength and protection. Rose QuartzCreativity and imagination. AmethystProblem solving and decision making.

Tend your thought seeds and encourage them to them grow as they help manifest your efforts into reality. Cat

Today’s Message:

121:  In today’s society it seems that we have more responsibilities and things that require our energy, money and time. It’s easy to become overwhelmed which can cause us to be weighted down with worry and fear about everything from the future to finances. When we allow these things to take hold it overrides our ability to be optimistic and positive. Our angels are reminding us today of how powerful our thoughts really are. We are responsible for how our lives turn out and how we think, react and see things plays a BIG part in that. The angels know that we have it in us to accomplish great things so they asking us to do our best at keeping our thoughts aligned with our dreams and goals. They are always available to help us and all we need to do is ask. Have faith in the Universe and in yourself. Above all remember to have patience  and nurture the  believe that you are worthy of great things. Tend your thought seeds and encourage them to them grow as they help manifest your efforts into reality.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

  • Archangel Jeremiel is in charge of life reviews and changes. He can help you see everything that you have accomplished recently as well as the areas that need attention and helps us to let go of what we no longer need. He teaches us that by taking inventory of our lives we gain clear perspective of where we are on our path, which in turn helps us to make positive life changes. He removes our fear of change and what the future holds and replaces them with a sense of expectant excitement.

  • The Himalayan Ascended Master Babaji helps us to achieve the personal and spiritual growth necessary for the letting go process. He assists us in detaching ourselves from both material things and things that no longer serve us. He teaches us that letting go is a form of simplifying your life. It frees your energy so that you can work on what’s important so that new blessings can be received.

  • The Welsh Goddess Cerridwen uses her cauldron “Amen” to help provide us with knowledge, wisdom, personal rebirth and inspiration. remember that change brings us the transformation that we need. She reminds us “The opportunity for your own transformation lies before you. It provides you the chance to spread your wings and grow. Look into my sacred cauldron and see the vision of your path unfolding before you.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

  • Green Calcite also helps to create harmony which allows us to dissolve rigid beliefs and outdated programming. It promotes mental balance, aids in communication and gently helps us to let go of the things that no longer serve us which helps us to draw the good things into our lives that encourage growth.

  • Howlite helps us to formulate our plans to and achieve our ambitions and goals. It helps us to communicate these things in a calm and reasonable manner and tempers this with patience. Howlite also creates a link to the universal realms and prepares the mind to receive guidance.

  • Moonstone, the stone of new beginnings, reminds us that all things are a part of the cycle of change (also helps us connect to the goddess Cerridwen)  This beautiful, watery stone helps to navigate the cycles of change and calms our emotions. Gently encouraging creative thinking and creative problem solving as it brings our intuitive skills forward, promoting control and confidence so these skills become more familiar and easier to access. It also provides emotional healing by helping to stabilize the emotions and draw out old emotional patterns

Bright blessings for a magickal day!


I’m Cat from Grand Jct. Colorado. I’m married, pagan, owned by a “clowder” of cat’s and enjoy crystals, tree hugging, books, belly dancing, photography and numerous outdoor activities.
I am the owner/ jewelry creator of Cat’s Treasure Trove (found here on my WP site!) and  the group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet, on Facebook. In my spare time I am a  part time caregiver for my mother who is entering the realm of dementia.

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Sacred Spirals on Facebook: The place where all paths meet  

The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An eclectic  collection of jewelry & gifts
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