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Today's Angel Message: Opportunities
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for April 29, 2024
April Theme: We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.
The angels are helping us now by placing these doors (and windows) of opportunity in our path. Cat
Today’s Message:
429: Over the last month, we have been working on two things: letting go of what no longer serves us and in strengthening our faith in the Universe and in ourselves. When these things are combined, we are creating new opportunities that will open new doors. The angels are helping us now by placing these doors (and windows) of opportunity in our path. Your mission, should you accept it is to grab what’s offered before the circle moves on and the doors close. Remember that if you miss out on these opportunities they will eventually come back around, although it may not be what you want or need any longer when it does. If you are offered something that you have been waiting for be sure to grab it before it disappears!
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Michael teaches us that through compassion and commitment to our beliefs we can lead effectively through example. He sets us on the path of commitment to our purpose by showing us how to work through obstacles that pop up as he teaches us that we have what it takes to create new things for ourselves as he helps us reach new levels of self confidence.
The Ascended Master Serapis Bey helps us to release our troubles and offers clear guidance and motivation regarding our own self-improvement. He also helps us gain spiritual insight and teaches us that loving care is essential to navigating change.
The Roman Goddess Vesta who oversees hearth and home. She helps us to clear space (both in our physical home and our inner home) to make room for new things and teaches us the value of letting go of what we no longer need. ” If something does not make your heart sing put it where it belongs or set it free. This will clear your inner and outer sacred space. Then open the doors and invite the new blessings inside.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
While Garnet is best known as a stone of protection it can benefit the use of our natural talents as well. It helps us to overcome any resistance we may have in using our gifts and promotes self-confidence. Garnet removes what no longer serves and mental self-sabotage. It promotes balance and clears and re-energizes the chakras.
Howlite helps us to formulate and achieve our ambitions and goals. It helps us to communicate these things in a calm and reasonable manner and tempers this with patience. Howlite also creates a link to the universal realms and prepares the mind to receive guidance.
Iolite, also known as “Poor Man’s Amethyst” is a stone of vision that assists our intuition and aids us in setting things in motion by staying true to yourself and your path while freeing you from the expectations of others. It helps us to live in the moment making it easier to snag the blessings given to us. It is also a soothing stone that calms emotions during times of change.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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