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Aquarian Galactic Reset
Written by Meg Benedicte
Significant solar flares and strong plasma waves occurred this past weekend (an X2.8-flare and two M-flares on Friday, December 15), buffeting the planetary field while the 12:12 gateway is active until the Solstice.
As we stand at the galactic hinge point, society is being redirected into a new era, the Age of Aquarius. As the veils thin and outdated systems falter, we can influence the future outcome. We are witnessing a heart-swelling movement of common compassion and empathy for ourselves and others. No longer fixated on personal acquisition or individual differences, our world can unite and jump-start a new paradigm.
We celebrate the annual Winter Solstice on Thursday, December 21 in US/Canada and Friday, December 22 in other parts of the world. The Solstice is the shortest day of the year and the return to Light in the northern hemisphere. The Winter Solstice occurs when Earth is tilted farthest away from the Sun. The Solstice initiates a new season at 0°Capricorn while the solar system aligns with the galactic center. It is the perfect ‘closing act’ of 2023, a universal ‘7’ year of rapid change and transformation.
The Solstice is the day we recognize the infinite Circle of Life. The ouroboros, a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, symbolizes eternity, infinity, and the Cycle of Life. It represents the concept of constant renewal, where endings give rise to new beginnings, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things. The year-end Solstice is the annual day we honor coming full circle as we prepare for 2024’s momentous ‘8’ Year of the Dragon.
You may be processing and integrating 2023’s transformative events, unexpected surprises and life changes. Transformation is penetrating at the molecular level. You are in the midst of a conscious transition from the original human incarnation into your Soul’s ascension incarnation. It is an extraordinary experience to actively transform your human energetics to match the Soul’s essence, power and presence.
Step into the Quantum Vortex and collapse the veils of 3D density, accessing quantum possibilities for living in the new era. The Aquarian Era inspires creative groups of people to access quantum solutions to the world’s problems. Air signs represent intellect and ideas, and Aquarius is the sign of innovation, technology, and humanitarianism.
The Aquarian galactic reset ripples into every area of life. Whatever we initiate during the 12:12 – 12:21 Gateway will ripple into the quantum field of all possibilities. As we near the annual Solstice on December 21/22, let your imagination run free in the quantum holographic field. You are birthing your Soul’s destiny in a newly forming era.
When we come together with a united purpose and vision, we form a ‘group mind,’ a unified field of powerful laser focus that electrifies quantum entanglement. We can shape-shift potential future outcomes for Gaia and humanity with our singular focus and intentions. It is why we incarnated on Gaia at this time. Our combined ‘Love pulse’ ripples into the planetary field and transmutes pain and suffering. We are here to uplift the consciousness into higher levels of unified compassion.
You are a ‘Consciousness Leader’! Not only are we spreading LOVE throughout the collective, we are transforming Gaia from an enslavement planet into the Heart Chakra of the Milky Way. Heal your heart, attain inner balance and radiate LOVE everywhere. Let’s unite and set into motion world peace and compassion!
Join the Family of Light as we will travel to the galactic center on the Solstice and transform our world. All events are recorded for replay. Register here.
Lovingly, Meg
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