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Being Change

Being Change

Blessed Being, change is constant in life. It is the fact that Time marks.

You see change around you and happening to you. You see that the passage of Time has an effect.  Rather than change, we could say that movement is constant in Life.

Being Movement

From the subatomic to the visible, movement is occurring infinitely.

We have said before that the movement of Time is around you and within you. It responds to you, with you, and through you.

Your ability to work directly with Time relies on your ability to speak clearly with it, to speak its language, to come to an understanding. This speaking is not with words, it is with vibration.

What is vibration but movement?

As you observe Time and your life on Earth, you recognize a cycle of movement and rest. You recognize that your body needs a distinct amount of rest from movement to function optimally.

It is in these moments of sleep, meditation, and imagination that your biological system is in tune with the language of Time.

In these moments, you are Allowing Time, you are connecting with the flow of Time so peacefully, that it nurtures instead of propels.

This state of connection—of rest, quiet, calm, and allowing—it is a moment of Conscious Peace.

How often do you reach that by choice?

Sleep is a great need. Without it, your functionality is noticeably difficult. You can even utilize stimulants to combat the fatigue, but eventually you must succumb to sleep or suffer rather extreme consequences.

We point out the obvious to bring the non-obvious into better focus.

The Movement of Being

What about your states of meditation and imagination? How important are they? You know that with a practice of quieting the self, you reap benefits.

It is actually a state of focus, it is just that these particular states of focus combat worry and anxiety.

It is a time of focus within the self rather than outside of the self.

These states soothe chaos or disharmony within the vibration of self, just as sleep does. This is the key of Being Change.

As you allow your self to soothe into a conscious connection of peace with Life, you touch the beneficial and nurturing harmony, the support of Love—the passive strength of the invisible realms.

In these moments of Conscious Peace, you are becoming One with the harmony of Life, with the great force that builds worlds.

You are whole, connected, and affecting great change through the passive force of Love.

Being the Change

It is in these moments that your power to build the future increases. You are working from the internal, rather than the quick fix of reworking the external and convincing the self into believing that because the outside has changed appearance, the inside must be different as well.

It is in these moments that you allow a connection with Love to emanate from you—into your life, and your world.

It is in this way that you are Being the Love that is causing change.

You are Being Change.

This movement is not visible in the moment, but it is rearranging Life at its core, where Love resides. Perhaps in another moment, you will be called to action, but this internal harmony is your first action of change.

A state of Being that allows Love to nurture change. Quiet yourself. Imagine it.

Be it.

As we sit to Blast Being Change, we are opening our minds to the ease of Time flowing, for each new day and night supports change and offers improvement.

We are allowing the Love of Life to soothe our fears into a Knowing that All is well.

We are connecting with the vastness of Life, receiving its infinite safety as Time illuminates the path of Love. We are holding our harmony in the chaos of fearful humans that have not yet touched the beauty of their own heart.

We are the calm in the storm, the safe shores that await the courageous to reach out and touch the future of Love.


by Jamye Price 
Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living. Source Here

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