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Is the World Reaching a Breaking Point?

Is the World Reaching a Breaking Point?

Global Crisis Point

As a native of Los Angeles, I am heartbroken about the devastating fires spreading throughout the area, some I’ve actually lived in.

Having endured several fire evacuations myself in the past, the trauma stays with you. My heart goes to all involved, both human and animal, who are suffering, overwhelmed with grief and loss. You are in our prayers.

We are already experiencing very different energies for 2025. The vibration is intense, even uncomfortable. As the old system shudders, the new timeline surges forward. The transition seems to be unfolding in gasps, with shocking breakthroughs. Since the new year, everything I touch seems to be breaking apart. The mind tends to focus on what is collapsing, instead of the replacement. This will require some laser focus mastery to nurture what is birthing anew!

2025 is encoded with zero point possibilities. With all five ‘generational’ outer planets in zero potential. It is a ‘choice point’ year! Also, a powerful Mars transit in Leo enforces significant influence during 2025, emphasizing more resilience, personal strength, and motivation to take action. When we focus on the new timeline, our energy is pulled into the new system, reality, reset.

Not everyone will want to go through the Ascension process. It is an individual choice.  Now that the Ascension Gates are open and active, for the first time in millennium, souls can exit the earth plane and transition back to their original Soul cluster. Being held in captivity has traumatized humanity, leading to infighting, desensitized emotions, dissociated psyche, and spiritual disconnection.

The old system is unsustainable. Being that 2025 is a ‘choice point’ year and the Ascension Gates operational, there are multiple options to choose from:

  • Remain in the old Atlantean matrix system of hierarchy, patriarchy
  • Disentangle from the matrix system and shift into the Ascension timeline
  • Enter the Ascension Gates and activate your personal Resurrection process
  • Complete your human earthly incarnation and transition back to OverSoul’s homestar

Now more than ever, humanity has options to choose from. It is liberating! While the world struggles under the hierarchal power system, the seeds of Aquarian Age are flourishing and spreading. The New Earth collaborative system is gaining traction. As the old reality falters and weakens, the new heart-centered reality is growing.

It is not easy living through a global reboot. It requires a level of inner core strength and Soul presence to remain steady, calm and purposeful. Make your safety a priority. Put in place what you need to provide for yourself during stressful situations. Your health and wellbeing are most important.

Without a solid self-care practice in place, the Resurrection process may be overwhelming. Once initiated, everything speeds up. With AA Metatron’s guidance, you have tools and protocols for the transfiguration process. You are transforming your bioenergetics at the molecular level. It is the ‘chrysalis’ of Soul embodiment. You are merging with and becoming your Higher Self.

With such rapid change, reach out, connect and reinforce your support network. If you are looking for a high-vibe tribe or self-care protocols, I have created a spiritual community on the cutting-edge of Ascension. You have options!

You can start applying AA Metatron’s Quantum Access® method to break out of the matrix and get rid of toxic density. You can join my Ascending Spiral Membership for bi-weekly group energy activations, clearings and assistance. You can participate in our monthly global activations to support your Soul purpose as a Light Leader. You are not alone. The Light Family is growing. We are birthing alive the New Earth!

Lovingly, Meg

Meg Benedicte Bio - Credit

Copyright (c) 2024 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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