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Sirius Rising - 777 Gateway

Sirius Rising - 777 Gateway

Every year during July and August galactic stargates align with Star Sirius. The Sirians are our ancient ancestors who already transitioned into higher dimensional access through the Ascension process.

Star Sirius is the prototype for the Ascended Gaia. The powerful 777 gateway opens a time differential to future Earth. The portal provides an interdimensional doorway to Gaia’s ascended essence. We are the galactic purveyors of the ancient star seeded Zep Tepi era and the future New Earth golden age!

Star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star or Sirius A, is twice the size of our sun and brightest star in the night sky. The name ‘Sirius’ means glowing in Greek. While the Sirius Stargate is open from July 3 through Aug. 11, we see Star Sirius rising on the horizon with our Sun – the golden star next to blue star. The ancient Egyptians celebrated the Dog Days with the annual rising of the Nile River.

“Priests, who were the calendar keepers, sighted the first rising of the Dog Star from their temples. At the temple of Isis-Hathor at Dendera, Egypt is a statue of Isis, which is located at the end of an aisle lined by tall columns. A jewel was placed in the goddess’ forehead.

The statue was oriented to the rising of Sirius, so that the light from the returning Dog Star would fall upon the gem. When the priests saw the light of the star shining upon the gem for the first time, they would march from the temple and announce the New Year.” More info here.

Sirius Rising - 777 Gateway

This is the time of the year when the sun and Sirius rise on the horizon together in harmonic convergence. During this six-week period a continual stream of Sirius Blue Ray consciousness will open portals to the magical days of ancient Lemuria. According to the wisdom keepers, the ancient Sirian civilization of Lemuria spanned the western Pacific coast of America, from Mount Shasta all the way down to Hawaii, and over to Australia and India.

On Friday’s 777 Gateway Activations from Mount Shasta, allow the Blue Ray of Sirius to shine brightly on you and illuminate your galactic Soul Pillar and Light Body for Ascension. The Blue Ray of Sirius is transmitting LOVE from our galactic family.

Calling all New Earth Wayshowers, Master Alchemists and Star Beings from all around the world to gather for a LIVE Zoom broadcast on 777, Friday, July 7 from Mount Shasta, CA for the most powerful gateway of 2023!  Register Here

Lovingly, Meg


Copyright (c) 2023 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
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