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December Astrology & Aromatherapy

December Astrology & Aromatherapy

December brings us dreams and heart healing. Mercury goes retrograde with the truth-seeking Sagittarius new moon.

Winter officially begins with the December solstice, starting the new year in the dark and stillness. The Cancer full moon invites love and nurturing in at the height of the holiday busyness. Lots is happening, but there is an abundance of watery heart energy to sustain us.

December Sky Viewing

  • Morning sky – Venus
  • Evening sky – Saturn and Jupiter (Jupiter is the bright one rising in the east as it gets dark.)

Virgo Last Quarter Moon – Dec 4

The waning Virgo moon squares off with the Sagittarius Sun. Both are considered “serving spirit” signs in alchemical astrology. Their lesson paths involve serving something greater than themselves. Virgo serves the earth and Sagittarius the sky.

Now in the latter half of the moon cycle, it is time to begin releasing our previous new moon intentions. This is the final week to put any finishing touches on that intention. Start feeling into what new intention will serve you for the coming moon cycle.

Venus enters Scorpio today as well. This adds to the energy supporting our releasing and diving inwards.

Lavender – is calming for cerebral Virgo, whose sacred job is to pay attention to the patterns of the earth around it. Always interpreting what it all means, Virgo benefits from the calming influence of any of the lavender essences.

Neptune Stations Direct – Dec 6

After five months retrograde, Neptune is stationing direct. Our dreamy, visionary planet, most connected to the heart of the universe, now slowly moves forward from our perspective. If you’ve been feeling spacey, unfocused, adrift you may now feel the fog slowly lifting. Neptune in Pisces is double dreamy and twice as loving. Pisces merges into the love of the universe that Neptune represents as well.

Yarrow – our local native flower makes a beautiful, deep blue essence that is healing to the wounds Pisces can bring forward.

Moon and Venus Meet in the Morning Sky – Dec 9

Our Divine Feminine planet connects with (what many say is) the feminine moon, signaling our descent into the heart chakra. We have a month of focusing on something that blocks sharing our radiant love. Reminder: Venus is traveling through a 19-month Leo cycle, so self-love is at the forefront right now. This conjunction is happening in Scorpio, which supports diving deep into the shadows that hide your heart-filled love light.

Look for the moon with Venus, in the early morning sky, over the next two mornings.

Ylang Ylang – is simply the best heart opener around!

Sagittarius New Moon and Mercury Retrogrades – Dec 12

The moon breezes by Mars and connects with the sun for the new moon. Mercury goes retrograde today as well. That’s some juice! The moon is activating the divine masculine before meeting in the heart of the sun, both in truth-seeking Sagittarius. Perhaps an intention around greater healing of the masculine is in order for this moon cycle’s intentions, cultivating the truth of equality for us all.

Mercury stationing retrograde offers a stillness to the mind. Skip the hype about this transit being fearful and bad. It offers a quietness. A time to get off the hamster wheel and instead create and express yourself.

There is a lot of energy around our masculine and mental sides with this new moon, so let your mind explore.

Moon with Saturn – Dec 17

Look up after sunset and see the moon with Saturn. They’ll be high in the southern sky.

First Quarter Moon in Pisces – Dec 19

We continue along the moon cycle in “serving spirit” signs, this time in empathic Pisces. The healer sign is helping us bring our new moon intentions to life. This half moon invites action around our intentions. Watery Pisces might inspire a more “being” rather than a “doing” sort of action. Is there something you’re feeling or intuiting that could help you manifest your intention from a week ago?

Winter Solstice – Dec 21

The sun enters Capricorn marking the December solstice. Winter arrives officially for us in the northern hemisphere. Around here it seems like winter has already begun, but it has still been our local brand of fall. Watch the temperatures plummet in the coming weeks, signaling winter is actually here.

This solstice is the start of the new seasonal year. Time for yearly intentions. What are some goals you envision for 2024? Use each new moon to work through those larger intentions.

Ponderosa Pine — our local native tree (check out the ones we have here on the property) is a perfect elder energy for Capricorn solstice to help ground intentions and support manifestation.

Cancer Full Moon — Dec 26

Time to nurture and celebrate unconditional love. We’re moving quickly through the holidays, a time of family and busyness. The Cancer full moon invites us to stop for a moment. Care for ourselves and our loved ones. Feel into our hearts. Share our love. Nourish ourselves and those around us. Love, love, love is Cancer’s motivation.

Pinon Pine — another local native tree is a lover for Cancer. It brings us food, warmth, shelter and nurturing love.

Wishing you well on your journey through December,
Sheridan — Alchemical Astrologer, Spiritual Aromatherapist, and Earth and Sky Artist

If you’re in the Aspen or Carbondale, Colorado area — join me at True Nature Healing Arts for the Sagittarius New Moon Ceremony, Thursday, December 14, 6-7:30 PM. Learn more about the current astrology and set intentions for this moon cycle, as well as for the upcoming solstice. Come play with astrological aromatherapy for Sagittarius tooLearn more and register here.  I’d love to do ceremony in person with you!


About the author:

Sheridan Semple Bio
I grew up in the mountains of Aspen, where I discovered my love for the outdoors and how women can be inspired by nature. By trade, I am a Shamanic Astrologer, Medicinal Aromatherapist, Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), Clinical Aromatherapist (CCA), Clinical Nutritionist (CNC) and Clinical Herbalist (CCMH). I use my experience with the physical, emotional and spiritual realms to teach women how to find themselves, their paths and connect with their Soul’s original intent for coming here this lifetime from within. Source Here

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