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February 2025 Astrology Guide: Your Must-Read!
Written by Michelle Karen

Jord “harvest”. What we have sown in the past, we are now reaping. We are also sowing new seeds for the future. What thoughts and feelings do we harbor? What words do we use? What is our level of self-confidence? What dreams, goals, and objectives do we nurture? This month encourages us to discern between what needs to be discarded and what assists us in creating the future we want.
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Monday 2/3, Venus enters Aries till March 27. During the next 7 weeks, our heart tends to be on our sleeve. Demonstrative, enthusiastic, passionate, sincere, energetic, and impulsive, we could fall in love at first sight. We could also be aggressive, self-absorbed, and explosive in our relationships. Competitive and eager to take daring financial initiatives, we could take uncalculated risks and spend money more quickly than we earn it. It is advised that both in love and in financial matters, we think before leaping.
Jupiter turns direct on February 4 at 11º17’ Gemini symbolized by “Two Chinese men converse in their native tongue in an American city”. Its shadow period will remain until May 1st, 2025. Expansion, growth, study, and travel are back on the front burner. New educational opportunities are available. Our self-confidence, faith, and personal mastery are again on the rise. We can engage in new ventures, need to learn about what is going on in other parts of the world, take an interest in other cultures and languages, and derive from them the deep knowledge that helps enhance our moral growth.
Friday 2/14, Mercury enters Pisces till March 3rd. During the next 2 weeks, our mental sensitivity and visionary skills are highly developed. Mentally versatile, gentle, flexible, and refined, we are extremely aware of other people’s feelings and the energy of our environment. We are drawn to artistic and spiritual topics of interest. Yet our psychic awareness could distort our intellectual perceptions and if we are not careful enough, we could fall prey to spiritual imagination. A wonderful cycle for creative work in general and for artists who are particularly inspired.
Mars remains retrograde until Sunday 2/23 when it turns direct at 17º01’ Cancer symbolized by “A hen scratching the ground to find nourishment for her progeny”. Its shadow period remains until May 2nd. Issues around leadership could arise. We may be more emotional and sensitive and feel a deeper need for security than usual. In our family and romantic relationships, anger that had been brewing beneath the surface for some time, could erupt rather dramatically. Progress could be stalled. Frustrations run high. Old grudges, conflicts, or simply brooding might rear their ugly heads. We are required to take a step back and question our past actions. During this period, yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong, are all very good ways of quieting our mind and finding inner peace. After February 23rd, as actions resume their normal course, we may still be very concerned with providing our family with food and security.
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The Moon will be Void of Course (V/O –forming no major aspect with any planet before entering the following sign-):
- On Saturday 2/1 between 2:06 PM and 5:10 PM: when the Moon enters Aries.
- On Monday 2/3 between 2:19 AM and 7:33 PM: when the Moon enters Taurus.
- On Wednesday 2/5 between 7:29 PM and 10:44 PM: when the Moon enters Gemini.
- From Friday 2/7 at 11:52 PM till Saturday 2/8 at 3:04 AM: when the Moon enters Cancer.
- On Monday 2/10 between 5:49 AM and 9:02 AM: when the Moon enters Leo.
- On Wednesday 2/12 between 11:12 AM and 5:07 PM: when the Moon enters Virgo.
- On Saturday 2/15 between 12:36 AM and 3:45 AM: when the Moon enters Libra.
- On Monday 2/17 between 3:24 PM and 4:19 PM: when the Moon enters Scorpio.
- On Thursday 2/20 between 2:06 AM and 4:55 AM: when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
- On Saturday 2/22 between 12:38 PM and 3:09 PM: when the Moon enters Capricorn.
- On Monday 2/24 between 7:28 PM and 9:40 PM: when the Moon enters Aquarius.
- From Wednesday 2/26 at 2:04 PM till Thursday 2/27 at 12:46 AM: when the Moon enters Pisces
Mark these periods in red in your calendar and avoid scheduling anything of importance during these times as they would amount to… NO thing!
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Scheduling our activities using the zodiacal position of the Moon
Moon in Aries between Saturday 2/1 at 5:10 PM and Monday 2/3 at 7:32 PM: Perfect for intense physical activities, anything requiring forceful, direct action and self-assertion. Good also for leadership, spontaneity, good will, being a way shower, initiating new projects or bringing our car to the mechanic….
Moon in Taurus between Monday 2/3 at 7:33 PM and Wednesday 2/5 at 10:43 PM: Perfect for any financial matter: paying our bills/debts, asking for the money that is owed to us, opening a bank account, investing in real estate, buying, and selling. Perfect also for a stroll in the park, going to the countryside, connecting with our Mother the Earth… Good also for gardening, pottery, sculpting, as well as bodywork…
Moon in Gemini between Wednesday 2/5 at 10:44 PM and Saturday 2/8 at 3:03 AM: Excellent for multi-tasking, curiosity, any form of communication, exchanging information, sending e-mails, calling friends and acquaintances. Great also for social activities, attending conferences, reading a book, watching a documentary, gathering data on various topics, connecting with new people….
Moon in Cancer between Saturday 2/8 at 3:04 AM and Monday 2/10 at 9:00 AM: Perfect for family activities, especially those involving children. Good for spending more time at home, cooking, nurturing ourselves and those we love, inviting the people we cherish over for dinner. Excellent also for drawing, creative writing, humor, and anything requiring imagination and a touch of craziness….
Moon in Leo between Monday 2/10 at 9:01 AM and Wednesday 2/12 at 5:06 PM: Excellent for anything glamorous, dramatic performances, being in the public’s eye, throwing or attending an elegant party, playing with children, romance, and creativity in general…
Moon in Virgo between Wednesday 2/12 at 5:07 PM and Saturday 2/15 at 3:44 AM: Excellent for starting a new fitness program, learning, healthy nutrition, fasting, clearing our closets, cleaning our home, reorganizing our drawers…. Perfect also for detailed work, the focused use of our intelligence, and taking care of small pets….
Moon in Libra between Saturday 2/15 at 3:45 AM and Monday 2/17 at 4:18 PM: Great for relationships, associations, diplomatic exchanges with others, anything related to beauty (a haircut, buying new clothes, a make-over…), art (especially painting and decorating…), a pleasant social event (concert, art exhibition…).
Moon in Scorpio between Monday 2/17 at 4:19 PM and Thursday 2/20 at 4:54 AM: Perfect for scientific research, esoteric studies, self-transformation, shamanism, dealing with the mysteries of life, death, and sexuality, as well as insurances and issues involving personal power.
Moon in Sagittarius between Thursday 2/20 at 4:55 AM and Saturday 2/22 at 3:08 PM: Perfect for traveling, religious and/or philosophical activities or matters related to higher education and the law. Excellent for lecturing, learning, perfecting a foreign language, exploring other cultures… Perfect also for athletic training and tending to large animals (horses….).
Moon in Capricorn between Saturday 2/22 at 3:09 PM and Monday 2/24 at 9:39 PM: Good for furthering our ambitions, asking for a promotion, enlisting the support of people in positions of authority, making a good impression, re-structuring our business, and redefining our long-term goals…
Moon in Aquarius between Monday 2/24 at 9:40 PM and Thursday 2/27 at 12:45 AM: Perfect for philanthropic activities, charitable organizations, meeting with friends, making new acquaintances. Good also for inventions, far out, progressive ideas, inter-dimensional and time travel, anything related to UFOs, computers, and technology in general….
Moon in Pisces between Thursday 2/27 at 12:46 AM and Saturday 3/1 at 1:51 AM: Great for meditating, sitting by the ocean, anything related to the sacred, dancing, painting, swimming, dreaming, music, photography, film, sleeping, channeling, connecting with the mystical, the magic and the oneness of all that is…
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This month’s intentional meditation starts on Wednesday 2/12. Take out as many blank sheets of paper as you have intentions and place them near a window, on a balcony or in a garden so that they basked in the light of the Full Moon in Leo at exactly 5:53 AM. Once that moment passed, gather your Full Moon charged blank sheets and place them in a folder until the next New Moon.
On Thursday 2/27, take out your blank full moon charged papers and write on each a concise, positive intention. Place them on a balcony, in a garden or near a window so that they are out by exactly 4:45 PM for the New Moon in Pisces. Once that moment has passed, staple them together and put them away in a folder expecting the manifestation of all your dreams….
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Saturday 2/1: Venus Conjunct Neptune (8:33 AM)
A highly idealistic and romantic day. Our sensitivity is greatly enhanced. We could meet someone we feel a deep soul connection to. The attraction could be imbued with a form of mystical glamour yet could also pull wool over our eyes and, if we are not careful enough, prove deceitful. A great transit for a make-over, redecorating our home, and artists who are particularly inspired. We should however beware of financial losses caused by unwise speculations or concealed information.
Monday 2/3: Mercury Trine Jupiter (1:52 PM), Venus enters Aries (11:57 PM) till March 27
Today is great for studying something new, buying, selling, trading, signing contracts, or traveling. Our strong self-confidence and faith in life ensure that things go our way. The people we encounter are positive and supportive of our goals. We are praised for our good work and receive good news. A wonderful day to ask for a promotion. Plans for the future are encouraged. Regarding Venus in Aries, kindly refer to the opening paragraph.
Tuesday 2/4: Jupiter turns direct (1:40 AM)
Kindly refer to the paragraph below.
Friday 2/7: Venus Sextile Pluto (4:14 AM)
A great day to eliminate activities that are no longer meaningful. Our relationships could go through some significant changes. Issues around communication or sexuality could emerge. Jealousy, possessiveness or control could erupt, forcing us to examine and purge feelings we thought we had already overcome. For the sake of peace, in the face of forcefulness and manipulation, we should choose compromise and cooperation. A passion we have could turn into a lucrative business.
Sunday 2/9: Sun Conjunct Mercury (4:08 AM), Mars Trine Saturn (5:15 AM)
An excellent day for handling assignments requiring good communication, concentration, experience, and efficiency. Our keen judgement, discipline, enterprising spirit, and hard work help us achieve our goals. We are particularly resourceful and energetic. Not easily swayed by external considerations and eager to improve our skills, our endeavors are backed by sound common sense. This is a most perfect day for construction work, handling heavy machinery, or engaging in strenuous physical activities requiring stamina and endurance.
Monday 2/10: Mercury Square Uranus (11:28 AM)
Quick, unpredictable, original, and even rebellious, we could argue just for the sake of asserting our difference. The tendency could be to jump to conclusions without having sufficient information, or to act in erratic ways. Not a good day for traveling or signing legally binding documents. Snap judgements could cause communication breakdowns. Obstinacy and egotism lead to disagreements and in some cases, even scandal. Nothing is likely to turn out the way we expected. But if we remain present to the present and flexible, we could be led to exciting activities and make unusual new friends.
Tuesday 2/11: Sun Square Uranus (11:30 AM)
Restlessness, disruptions, and chaos mark this day. Arguments, conflicts, and disagreements could cause difficulties in our relationships resulting in alienation or even separations. Outside circumstances tend to precipitate changes that shake us out of our comfort zone making us discover aspects of ourselves we never even knew existed. This transit gives us valuable insights into what is no longer working, so that we may eliminate the problem and breathe new life into our existence.
Friday 2/14: Mercury enters Pisces (4:06 AM)
Kindly refer to the paragraph below.
Tuesday 2/18: the Sun enters Pisces (2:07 AM)
During the coming month, we tend to be more quiet, introspective, secretive, and self-sacrificial. Focused on our inner life and keen on developing our spirituality, we are likely to find yoga, meditation, healing, music, poetry, dance, photography and cinema most appealing. The next 4 weeks make us sensitive to the plights of others. We demonstrate compassion, are more deeply in touch with our inner talents, and seek peace in a gentle manner.
Thursday 2/20: Mercury Square Jupiter (12:13 PM)
Blind trust is unwise. Today, if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. We should be careful to not promise more than we can deliver. Our judgement in legal and financial matters could err on the excessive side. An item we are eying may be overpriced. If we make our plans carefully without overlooking details, and remain flexible as well as moderate, this day can be good for business transactions. A great transit to focus on improving our character.
Sunday 2/23: Mercury Trine Mars (8:58 AM), Mars direct (6:00 PM)
Our mind is sharp. Our words are direct, decisive, and forceful. Even though we might feel argumentative, competitive, and somewhat impatient, we grasp subtleties quickly. Our insights are deep and our understanding, keen. Our ambitions are supported by our determination and enthusiastic energy. A great day to engage in physical activities or start a new fitness program. Re-Mars direct, kindly refer to the opening paragraph.
Tuesday 2/25: Mercury Conjunct Saturn (4:02 AM)
A great day to catch up on bills, write e-mails, return phone calls, and file administrative papers. Our mind is serious, disciplined, and grounded. Our attention to details, organizational skills, and endurance helps us improve work methods and encourages us to shoulder responsibilities with efficiency.
Thursday 2/27: Mercury Sextile Uranus (1:38 AM)
An electric, stimulating, invigorating day that could bring unexpected twists and turns. Dynamic insights, exciting new people, original thoughts, and futuristic visions lead to unusual experiences that either refine or completely change our life direction.
Wishing you a wonderful month of February!
In Loving Light.
Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.
Kindly note that the days and times given are in PST (Pacific Daylight Saving Time). For Rocky Mountain Time (except AZ which is on PDT) add 1 hour. For Central Time, add 2 hours. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours. For Alaskan Time, subtract 1 hour. For Hawaii-Aleutian Time, subtract 2 hours. For Greenwich, add 8 hours. For Central European time (CET) add 9 hours, for Eastern European Time (EET), add 10 hours.
The world is shifting. As old paradigms become irrelevant, we need the astrological insight and gifts that Michelle Karén provides for people worldwide, right now. Having predicted current global circumstances, she also holds the answers to help empower people. Michelle Karén is the author of the groundbreaking book, Astrology for Enlightenment, published by Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
Copyright © 2024 Michelle Karen Books.
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