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June 2024 Astrology Guide: Your Must-Read!

June 2024 Astrology Guide: Your Must-Read!

JUNE 2024


Jera “Harvest.” This month, karma strikes. We are reaping what we have sown. While corruption, laziness, lies, and abuse will not result in happy situations; those who in for a long time demonstrated good will, engaged in hard work, showed discrimination, and had integrity will soar to new heights.    

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Pluto remains retrograde this whole month till October 11. Its shadow period lasts until February 2, 2025. The degree traveled in June (1º55’-1º24’ Aquarius) is associated in the Sabian Symbols with the following image: “An unexpected thunderstorm”.  Old, outmoded patterns cannot survive in the current evolution. The days of those who abused their power, lied, and built their wealth on corruption, are numbered. A glaring light is being cast on the darker, more toxic, destructive aspects of humanity, leading to a necessary explosion. The people will be seen everywhere to rebel in unprecedented ways against oppression.

Mars enters Taurus on 6/8 at 9:35 PM till July 20th. Resilient, persistent, and stubborn actions mark the coming 6 weeks. We may start projects rather slowly but once we get going, cannot be stopped. Driven by practical considerations, our desires are very physical, geared towards money-making ventures and building material solidity.

Saturn turns retrograde on Saturday 6/29 at 12:07 PM till November 15. Its shadow period lasts until February 18, 2025. The degree it turns retrograde on (19º26’ Pisces) is symbolized by: “A table set for an evening meal”. During the next 4 and 1/2 months, our relationship with authority comes into focus. How trustworthy are our governments? How much faith do we place in the laws? How supportive are external structures? The time has come to rely on our inner resources, stand in our personal power, and become the masters of our own destiny.

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The Moon will be Void of Course (V/O –forming no major aspect with any planet before entering the following sign-):

  • On Sunday 6/2 between 3:04 PM and 10:55 PM: when the Moon enters Taurus.
  • On Wednesday 6/5 between 1:09 AM and 1:36 AM: when the Moon enters Gemini.
  • On Friday 6/7 between 5:16 AM and 5:41 AM: when the Moon enters Cancer.
  • On Sunday 6/9 between 12:05 PM and 12:29 PM: when the Moon enters Leo.
  • On Tuesday 6/11 between 12:16 PM and 10:39 PM: when the Moon enters Virgo.
  • On Friday 6/14 between 10:54 AM and 11:12 AM: when the Moon enters Libra.
  • On Sunday 6/16 between 11:05 PM and 11:38 PM: when the Moon enters Scorpio.
  • On Wednesday 6/19 between 9:19 AM and 9:32 AM: when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
  • On Friday 6/21 between 3:58 PM and 4:08 PM: when the Moon enters Capricorn.
  • On Sunday 6/23 between 8:05 PM and 8:14 PM: when the Moon enters Aquarius.
  • On Tuesday 6/25 between 3:30 PM and 11:08 PM: when the Moon enters Pisces.
  • On Friday 6/28 between 1:45 AM and 1:52 AM: when the Moon enters Aries.

From Saturday 6/29 at 9:56 PM till Sunday 6/30 at 5:00 AM: when the Moon enters Taurus.

Mark these periods in red in your calendar and avoid scheduling anything of importance during these times as they would amount to… NO thing!

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Scheduling our activities using the zodiacal position of the Moon

Moon in Aries until Sunday 6/2 at 10:54 PM + between Friday 6/28 at 1:52 AM and Sunday 6/30 at 4:59 AM: Perfect for intense physical activities, anything requiring forceful, direct action and self-assertion. Good also for leadership, spontaneity, good will, being a way shower, initiating new projects or bringing our car to the mechanic….

Moon in Taurus between Sunday 6/2 at 10:55 PM and Wednesday 6/5 at 1:35 AM + between Sunday 6/30 at 5:00 AM and Tuesday 7/2 at 8:49 AM: Perfect for any financial matter: paying our bills/debts, asking for the money that is owed to us, opening a bank account, investing in real estate, buying, and selling. Perfect also for a stroll in the park, going to the countryside, connecting with our Mother the Earth… Good also for gardening, pottery, sculpting, as well as bodywork…

Moon in Gemini between Wednesday 6/5 at 1:36 AM and Friday 6/7 at 5:40 AM: Excellent for multi-tasking, curiosity, any form of communication, exchanging information, sending e-mails, calling friends and acquaintances. Great also for social activities, attending conferences, reading a book, watching a documentary, gathering data on various topics, connecting with new people….

Moon in Cancer between Friday 6/7 at 5:41 AM and Sunday 6/9 at 12:28 PM: Perfect for family activities, especially those involving children. Good for spending more time at home, cooking, nurturing ourselves and those we love, inviting the people we cherish over for dinner. Excellent also for drawing, creative writing, humor, and anything requiring imagination and a touch of craziness….

Moon in Leo between Sunday 6/9 at 12:29 PM and Tuesday 6/11 at 10:38 PM: Excellent for anything glamorous, dramatic performances, being in the public’s eye, throwing or attending an elegant party, playing with children, romance, and creativity in general…

Moon in Virgo between Tuesday 6/11 at 10:39 PM and Friday 6/14 at 11:11 AM: Excellent for starting a new fitness program, learning, healthy nutrition, fasting, clearing our closets, cleaning our home, reorganizing our drawers…. Perfect also for detailed work, the focused use of our intelligence, and taking care of small pets….

Moon in Libra between Friday 6/14 at 11:12 AM and Sunday 6/16 at 11:37 PM: Great for relationships, associations, diplomatic exchanges with others, anything related to beauty (a haircut, buying new clothes, a make-over…), art (especially painting and decorating…), a pleasant social event (concert, art exhibition…).

Moon in Scorpio between Sunday 6/16 at 11:38 PM and Wednesday 6/19 at 9:31 AM: Perfect for scientific research, esoteric studies, self-transformation, shamanism, dealing with the mysteries of life, death, and sexuality, as well as insurances and issues involving personal power.

Moon in Sagittarius between Wednesday 6/19 at 9:32 AM and Friday 6/21 at 4:07 PM: Perfect for traveling, religious and/or philosophical activities or matters related to higher education and the law. Excellent for lecturing, learning, perfecting a foreign language, exploring other cultures… Perfect also for athletic training and tending to large animals (horses….).

Moon in Capricorn between Friday 6/21 at 4:08 PM and Sunday 6/23 at 8:13 PM: Good for furthering our ambitions, asking for a promotion, enlisting the support of people in positions of authority, making a good impression, re-structuring our business, and redefining our long-term goals…

Moon in Aquarius between Sunday 6/23 at 8:14 PM and Tuesday 6/25 at 11:07 PM: Perfect for philanthropic activities, charitable organizations, meeting with friends, making new acquaintances. Good also for inventions, far out, progressive ideas, inter-dimensional and time travel, anything related to UFOs, computers, and technology in general….

Moon in Pisces between Tuesday 6/25 at 11:08 PM and Friday 6/28 at 1:51 AM: Great for meditating, sitting by the ocean, anything related to the sacred, dancing, painting, swimming, dreaming, music, photography, film, sleeping, channeling, connecting with the mystical, the magic and the oneness of all that is…

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This month’s intentional meditation started on Thursday 5/23 with the Full Moon in Sagittarius at exactly 6:53 AM.

On Thursday 6/6take out your blank full moon charged papers and write on each a concise, positive intention. Place them on a balcony, in a garden or near a window so that they are out by exactly 5:38 AM for the New Moon in Gemini. Once that moment has passed, staple them together and put them away in a folder expecting the manifestation of all your dreams….

Next month’s intentional meditation starts on Friday 6/21. Take out as many blank sheets of paper as you have intentions and place them near a window, on a balcony or in a garden so that they basked in the light of the Full Moon in Capricorn at exactly 6:08 PM. Once that moment passed, gather your Full Moon charged blank sheets and place them in a folder until the next New Moon next month.

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Sunday 6/2: Jupiter Trine Pluto (5:13 PM), Mercury Sextile Neptune (8:57 PM)

Cheerful optimism, tolerance, self-confidence, and generosity help expand our philosophical and social horizons. Cooperating for the good of all involved and extending our hospitality, while exercising our discrimination wisely elicit the trust of others. A wonderful day for artists who are particularly inspired. Our psychic abilities are enhanced and our imagination, intensified.

Monday 6/3: Mercury enters Gemini (12:37 AM) till 6/17, Mercury Trine Pluto (11:12 PM)

During the next 2 weeks, our curiosity and need to communicate are intensified. Short trips, social mixers, learning, teaching, and writing are all favored. Our mind is sharp. However, eager to learn a little bit about everything, we could get easily distracted, be somewhat scattered and superficial. Today, more specifically, we X-ray situations and people and should be particularly careful in our use of language as our words have the potential to profoundly influence others. We could take a keen interest in community affairs and propose some much-needed reforms.  

Tuesday 6/4: Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (3:23 AM), Sun Conjunct Venus (8:32 AM)

Goodwill abounds. Social events are elegant. Fundraisers are favored. Our interactions with others are positive and pleasant. We express ourselves with warmth, generosity, and optimism. A great day to travel or plan a long-distance trip. Our self-confidence, trust in life, and faith in others attract many beneficial opportunities.

Saturday 6/8: Venus Square Saturn (1:25 AM), Mars enters Taurus (9:35 PM) till July 20th

Today, more specifically, our emotional environment could be colder than usual. Single people could feel their solitude more keenly, while couples could experience strain and frustrations. Relationships feel more like work than fun. We are required to be very honest with ourselves and realistic in our expectations.  During the next 6 weeks, our actions are guided by common sense. We are grounded, solid, and sensual. We seek financial security and good investments. We may demonstrate a certain stubbornness in our self-expression. Our staying power is strong. No matter the obstacles, we keep moving along with consistency and determination.   

Sunday 6/9: Sun Square Saturn (3:36 AM)

Work is likely to be demanding. Our responsibilities seem heavier than usual. The efforts required are both challenging and time consuming. We are likely to feel keenly the lack of support, but with discipline, organization, focus, and persistence, can get through our workload on our own, and fulfill our obligations.

Tuesday 6/11: Mars Square Pluto (6:21 AM)

Today, manipulations, jealousies, rebellion, even hostilities could create much stress and prove quite destructive. Facing courageously the issues at hand with self-confidence and a sense of responsibility helps us clear the air and establish more honest relationships with others.

Wednesday 6/12: Mercury Square Saturn (3:47 AM)

We may feel rather pessimistic, depressed, tired, and discouraged. Our friends are neither particularly helpful nor supportive. Best to stay quiet and immerse ourselves in work that doesn’t require any imagination. Despite our responsibilities feeling heavy and our focus on details slowing us down, we can still make some valuable progress.  

Friday 6/14: Sun Conjunct Mercury (9:33 AM)

A good day for communications. Excellent for writing e-mails, making phone calls, buying, selling, and trading. Perfect also for small trips, setting goals, a social gathering, and trying something new.

Sunday 6/16: Venus Square Neptune (8:46 PM), Venus enters Cancer (11:20 PM) till July 11

Our sensitivity is enhanced, making us vulnerable. Feelings could be blurred by lies, deceit, and evasiveness. We should beware of relationships that seem too good to be true. An apparent soul connection could dissolve into a much less desirable situation laden with drama and confusion.  We should also be careful to not fall prey to frauds or financial scams. During the next 3 weeks, our feelings are geared towards home, family, and security. We are likely to be more caring, nurturing, and emotional. Attracted to cooking and good food, we enjoy entertaining and are inspired by a childlike approach to life.

Monday 6/17: Mercury Square Neptune (12:41 AM), Mercury enters Cancer (2:07 AM) till July 2nd, Mercury Conjunct Venus (5:43 AM)

Our mind is imaginative, sensitive, and inspired. We could however get lost in daydreaming and pay little attention to factual details. Not a good day to sign legally binding documents as we could miss much of the small print. Our social contacts are easy and pleasant. Great for gathering with friends and attending a nice event. During the next 2 weeks, artists are favored, as are those working with women and children. Our thoughts are focused on family, food, improving the comfort of our home, children, and safety.

Thursday 6/20: Sun Square Neptune (11:12 AM), the Sun enters Cancer (1:51 PM) till July 22

Prone to lethargy, today, we could feel rather dreamy, indecisive, and impractical. We are advised to stay away from promotional schemes and shady interactions. During the next 2 weeks, issues around home, family, food, security, comfort, and children all come into focus. We could feel more nurturing, caring, and sensitive than usual.

Friday 6/21: Mercury Sextile Mars (9:23 AM)

Communications are clear, dynamic, and to the point. Words and thoughts lead to decisive actions. Our judgement is sound. We mean what we say and call a spade a spade. A good day to sign contracts or get repairs done.

Wednesday 6/26: Mercury Trine Saturn (11:10 AM)

A wonderful day to map our progress, make plans, focus on our long-term goals, and work diligently towards our ambitions. We seek useful information that we can apply in a practical manner. Discipline, groundedness, efficiency, and structure enable us to clear our desk of backlogged work.

Friday 6/28: Venus Sextile Mars (9:49 PM)

Peaceful, easygoing, light social contacts are pleasant. We strike a good balance between the masculine and feminine sides of ourselves. A favorable day for a date, decorating our home, and/or beautifying ourselves.

Saturday 6/29: Saturn turns retrograde (12:07 PM) until February 18, 2025, Mercury Sextile Uranus (7:20 PM)

Regarding Saturn retrograde for the next 8 months, kindly refer to the opening paragraph. Today, more specifically, should be the stage of unexpected twists and turns. Our plans are likely to be disrupted. Eccentric characters show up. People we hadn’t seen in a long time re-enter our life. Inventive, futuristic, unusual ideas redirect our path. The more present to the present, flexible, and open we are, the more exciting and inspiring this day will prove to be.

Wishing you a wonderful month of June!

In Loving Light.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.

Kindly note that the days and times given are in PST (Pacific Daylight Saving Time). For Rocky Mountain Time (except AZ which is on PDT) add 1 hour. For Central Time, add 2 hours. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours. For Alaskan Time, subtract 1 hour. For Hawaii-Aleutian Time, subtract 2 hours. For Greenwich, add 8 hours. For Central European time (CET) add 9 hours, for Eastern European Time (EET), add 10 hours.

The world is shifting. As old paradigms become irrelevant, we need the astrological insight and gifts that Michelle Karén provides for people worldwide, right now. Having predicted current global circumstances, she also holds the answers to help empower people. Michelle Karén is the author of the groundbreaking book, Astrology for Enlightenment, published by Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. 

Copyright © 2024 Michelle Karen Books. www.michellekaren.com

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