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Unlock Your Destiny! May 12 - 18, 2024 Forecast

Unlock Your Destiny! May 12 - 18, 2024 Forecast

Discover what the stars hold for you! Explore the astrological forecast for May 12 - 18, 2024

5/13  ::  Sun (essential self & core drives) ~conjunct~ Uranus (change & liberation):
This energy serves to provoke a radical shift within you, catalyzing the desire to breathe fresh, clean, new, vital energy into your idea of who you are and what you came to contribute. It may not be comfortable, but it is necessary and even moreso for those of you who are more rigid in your habits & thinking, or who depend on others to validate your identity and recognize your contribution. Sometimes a little disruption serves to get you focused on what is really important to you. And at this time, change is in the air. It is far better to use the intensity of the social/collective change to shift on personal levels, rather than try to go it alone or worse, play the martyr or victim. It is time for your most Authentic Self to make your unique contribution and bring the piece that only you can. This activation may bring the sudden clarity that you need and a refreshed attitude toward life, which can help tremendously as you fortify the connection to what makes you feel truly free, sovereign & independent. If you resist, delay or deny the shifts taking place at this time, then you will just attract more chaos & disruptions that are far less productive, much more frustrating and significantly more costly.

5/13  ::  Venus (relationships & finances) ~sextile~ Saturn (roles & responsibilities):
This energy revolves around your obligations, within the context of relationships. These are not necessarily burdensome commitments, but rather, they underscore the importance of genuinely serving those you hold dear. It is a phase that demands authenticity in personal relationships and financial matters. This activation urges you to define and strengthen whatever new values & priorities that you are establishing in those areas of life (relationships & finances). I strongly advocate for redefining terms as situations evolve because as you grow and your needs change, it is essential to communicate these changes to those closest to you. Achieving the next level of growth becomes challenging when roles & responsibilities are not clearly defined or allowed to evolve. It all begins with understanding your own desires & non-negotiables and what you are willing to compromise to manifest the reality that you wish to build.

5/14  ::  Ceres Retro in CAPRICORN (until Aug 26th):
This is yet another indication of initiating new ways of nourishing ourselves and nurturing others that is up for renewal. It’s time to achieve a dream that is really close to your heart and it can be a good time to nurture a business if that is what you are initiating at this time – it reminds me of advice I give to those with Cancer/Capricorn activated: Treat family like a business and business like a family. What I mean by that is: to have really good boundaries, excellent communication & conscious awareness of the family needs when dealing with loved ones (that you share many lessons and much karma with) … and at the same time, in business or dealing with the public, you want to treat them like the kinfolk they really are – your sisters and brothers, trying to figure life out just like you are. In Capricorn, the Council of Grandmothers are present and remind us that there is an element of social responsibility with this placement, it is time to be completely responsible for your footprint on this planet and it is time to look beyond your Self to see what you are actually contributing to the planet at this time. Are you leaving it better than you found it? It really is a delicious opportunity for us to start fresh, with new structures in place that honor everyone’s true purpose on Earth. Let’s begin to visualize a world where more people know their true purpose and understand & honor it naturally and joyfully. Use the Retrograde to review your life and how you have evolved in your own nurturing needs.

DATES to Remember:
Ceres Enters CAPRICORN  ::  2.7.2024
Ceres Retro 21* CAPRICORN  ::  5.14.2024
Ceres Direct 7* CAPRICORN  ::  8.26.2024
Ceres Enters AQUARIUS  ::  12.7.2024

5/15  ::  Mercury Enters TAURUS (until June 3rd):
Mercury in Taurus activates our senses as our primary communicators. Mercury rules all the information that we take in – mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually so when we are processing that information through the Taurus lens, then we must engage our 6-senses in order to learn or discover truth. Your senses give you so much information but with food & pharmaceuticals disconnecting them or dulling them down, you may have to do a cleanse just to get them to function properly. Mercury in Taurus helps us all get very practical, activating our common sense. It is time to be very pragmatic by asking the value & worth of all that you engage in, all of which has just gotten renewed when it re-set your thinking in Aries. With Jupiter expanding the possibilities, Uranus changing & awakening things in Taurus too, now we can claim a whole new level of self-expression – we can add our own unique essence to our creative ideas – and we can make new choices, based on renewed values & priorities. We are activating our imaginations to help beautify our environment and cultivate creative solutions to our current challenges, individual, social & collective. Use this energy to upgrade the little things that make life comfortable, enjoyable & beautiful! Post-Retrograde allows you to move forward with more clarity on which ideas will be worth your time, energy, money & investment of effort going forward.

5/16  ::  Pallas Rx RE-Enters SCORPIO (until Sept 8th):
Pallas entered Scorpio, kicking off a process of evolution for a full year (Nov 19, 2023 – Nov 30, 2024) in a way she has not done since 2001. First, she will move through Scorpio and then Sag and then Retrograde, extending her stay in this zone of your chart. It is a powerful re-set that will give you access to your own unique wisdom & power. Also, keep in mind, Scorpio brings the conception of a creative baby or an individual healing process, Sag will expand the creation or process in a spiritual or inspirational way and then Capricorn will ask you to make it real, give it form & structure or a foundation to exist upon … and then you can go forward in Aquarius to serve humanity in some way, if you choose!

Pallas went Retrograde in Sag (3/29) and will go Direct in Scorpio (7/9), extending this entire process of recalibrating your beliefs so that you can step into your power & wisdom at a whole new level. This means that you are in the process of a deep healing review in your Scorpio/Sag Depts and the idea is to glean as much wisdom & clarity as possible so that, when it goes forward and moves on into Capricorn (11/30), you will have a whole new vision and some major healing already integrated so that manifesting the Next Level of your own Unique Genius and setting your Self up to make a contribution to society will flow organically.

When Pallas is in SCORPIO, it is very special because it will activate your *prismatic perspective* on true, individual power and your creative potential. Now that we’ve cleared some karmic and emotional debris over the last year or so, how can we create a life, or world, that channels power responsibly and co-creates with the Garden of Life that we are a part of! According to Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George, Pallas “describes how we face the issues of learning, creativity, the arts, politics, healing, alienation from relationships, competition, and the fear of success.” As she moves through Scorpio, we will create from and tend to the Soul Level, meaning we will add soul to all that we create, heal or learn. It’s a powerful re-set that will give you access to your own unique wisdom & power.

Pallas in SCORPIO can help the following in various ways:

  • You can create a master plan and an effective strategy for navigating *now*.
  • Your perception is keen and deeper, seeing through the surface to the Truth of anything/one.
  • You can do deep & permanent healing by seeking and finding the *ROOT* of the issue.
  • You will have things from your unconscious brought into your conscious mind to be expressed at a Higher level, worked with and/or released altogether.
  • You can heal any of the following issues on a deep cellular level: sex, death, anger, power, money & resources.
  • You can heal and express the essence of things using symbolic art, such as Mandalas, Sacred Geometry etc.

The last few times that Pallas moved through SCORPIO/SAG = 2019 :: 2014-15 :: 2010 :: 2005
The last time it Retrograded in the same zone was 2001 and the next time will move through is 2028-29.

DATES to Remember:
Pallas Enters SCORPIO  ::  11.19.2023
Pallas Enters SAG  ::  2.6.2024
Pallas Rx 8* SAG  ::  3.29.2024
Rx RE-Enters SCORPIO  ::  5.16.2024
Pallas Direct 19* SCORPIO  ::  7.9.2024
Dir RE-Enters SAG  ::  9.8.2024
Pallas Enters CAPRICORN  ::  11.30.2024

5/17  ::  Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):
This energy carries a robust and challenging force. At its peak potential, it invites you to embark on a profound journey of self-exploration, uncovering hidden depths within your psyche and gaining invaluable insights to inform your path forward. Delve beneath the surface to unearth core motivations and decipher the hidden or deeper meanings behind your decisions. While the revelations may surpass your expectations, trust in the wisdom of the Universe’s timing. Remain focused & guided by your internal compass, disregarding external judgments or opinions. Be aware of any temptation to fixate on one thing or attempt to persuade others to adopt your viewpoint, as this is a waste of your precious time, energy & resources. Instead, prioritize your personal growth and individual direction, trusting that your own journey will naturally inspire and enlighten those attuned to your wavelength. This is a personal transformation of your thinking or your creative ideas, when you realize that something has to change or end and you may have to make a choice or decision.

5/18  ::  Venus (relationships & finances) ~conjunct~ Uranus (change & awakening):
This marks the inception of profoundly new values & priorities that have been simmering within you for some time. You are encouraged to embrace this shift wholeheartedly, without hesitation or apology. Remember, as you evolve, your surroundings naturally adjust or fade away. The status quo is no longer sufficient, urging you to explore unconventional approaches, particularly in fostering conscious equal partnerships. We are entering a new era, the Aquarian Age, promoting individual growth within the collective framework. This activation invites you to release resistance, embrace alternatives & cultivate a fresh perspective on your own life. Take stock of your relationships & resources to see what still holds value and what has outlived its purpose, and then, release what no longer serves you. Additionally, remain receptive to innovative ideas emerging during this period—they may prove invaluable in the future.

5/18  ::  Sun (identity & purpose) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion & consciousness):
Annually, these two celestial bodies converge to initiate a new cycle and expand your life & consciousness. It is an opportune moment to imbue your personal narrative with an expanded vision & more personal authenticity. Over the past year, you have accumulated valuable lessons & experiences, and now you are encouraged to assimilate & apply this newfound wisdom. This potent alignment amplifies your individual sense of Self and propels you toward greater personal growth. It signifies a transition to the next stage of your journey, infusing you with the optimism & confidence needed to explore new avenues or acquire fresh knowledge. At its zenith, this energy sparks a fervent drive to excel, while at its nadir, it may manifest as arrogance or self-righteousness. With this annual energy, be alert to opportunities for expanding your consciousness and improving your circumstances through your own ideas, choices, efforts & expertise.


* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact and includes contact/link back to post. 
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast by Kelly M Beard covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. 
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