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Unveiling the Cosmic Forecast: March 11 to 17, 2024
Written by Pam Younghans

ECLIPSE SEASON: With the Pisces New Moon behind us and a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon less than two weeks away, we are now at the entrance to eclipse season.
During this six-week portal, events and changes occur that bring our lives into stronger alignment with our soul's path and greater destiny.
While all of us, collectively, participate in this process of realignment, research shows that someone who was born during an eclipse season is even more likely to have major life changes occur during subsequent eclipse seasons. I'll be talking about this phenomenon in my upcoming Aries Solar Month class (see announcement below).
Also, please accept my apologies for the error in last week's Journal! With the change from standard to daylight time occurring for many of us this past weekend, figuring out the exact time of the New Moon was complicated. A chart drawn for 1:59 a.m. PDT on March 10 shows an exact Sun-Moon conjunction, so that should be the correct hour and minute.
SATURN AND CERES: Saturn in Pisces is exactly sextile the dwarf planet Ceres in Capricorn this week. This very favorable influence is of special benefit during these times of uncertainty. Its influence has been with us for at least a week, and will be strong throughout the coming week.
Saturn is a responsible, realistic planet, while Ceres is named after the Earth Mother goddess and represents our capacity for nurturing and self-worth. When these two work together, there is a nice blending of archetypal paternal and maternal influences. We are able to attend to both the need to be self-sufficient and the need to have a support system.
While the Saturn-Ceres sextile is in effect, we have the opportunity to establish a more stable emotional foundation for ourselves. This influence also enables us to manage sensitive issues with more objectivity. To assist in this, we may want to create a routine that includes daily self-nurturing and time to connect to our essential Self, especially if we have tended to be overly focused on work and outer-world responsibilities.
The Saturn-Ceres aspect also gives us a better understanding and compassion for those who are struggling. It helps us support and care for others, but in a way that enables them to take ultimate responsibility for their own well-being. Any attempts to rescue someone or take on their problems for them are not likely to have positive results.
THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects:
Venus enters Pisces: While Venus is in the sign of The Fishes, from March 11 to April 4, people can more idealistic in love and also more imaginative in their creative expression. Our abilities to be empathetic and intuitive are enhanced, as is our capacity for selflessness. However, we must also be aware of the shadow side of this transit, which manifests when we do not use discernment, either in our choice of partners or in our use of resources. It can be very easy to ignore red flags because we want to see the best in others.
Mercury semisquare Uranus: The mind is a bit scattered with this aspect, making it harder to focus on tasks. Miscommunications are due to being too abrupt, not thinking through what we want to say before speaking.
Saturn sextile Ceres: This aspect helps us establish a good emotional support system for ourselves and for others. We are able to be both strong and tender.
Venus semisquare Chiron: Old relationship wounds could surface today, challenging us to be more aware of the fears that may be driving our behaviors.
Mercury semisquare Mars: We can feel on edge or irritable today, and conversations can quickly become argumentative.
Mars sextile Eris: We are very aware of our personal needs, especially with regard to a desire to be independent and autonomous.
Mercury square Ceres: It can be hard to articulate our feelings today and we may feel that others do not understand us or our needs.
Sun conjunct Neptune: This annual alignment between the Sun and Neptune enhances our sensitivity, both psychically and emotionally. We more readily pick up on the energies and moods that are "in the air" around us. The creative imagination and our capacity for sympathy and compassion are highlighted.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your innate Pisces sensitivity is heightened this year, giving you an even greater receptivity to unseen energies and influences. While this can be very positive for your intuition and your spiritual practice, for situations that require compassion, and for creative endeavors, it is also important to be clear on your boundaries. As you gain a stronger sense of your essential Self, it will be easier to discern between what is "you" and what you may have unconsciously picked up from others or from the collective. This awareness of Self gives you the clarity needed to make this-world decisions with better certainty. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Neptune)
In peace, love, and gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- Monday: Venus enters Pisces
- Tuesday: Mercury semisquare Uranus, Saturn sextile Ceres
- Wednesday: Venus semisquare Chiron
- Thursday: Mercury semisquare Mars
- Friday: Mars sextile Eris
- Saturday: Mercury square Ceres
- Sunday: Sun conjunct Neptune
ARIES "SOLAR MONTH" CLASS: My next monthly class, covering the Month of Aries, will be on the equinox, Tuesday, March 19! This class has three sections: First, a preview of the planetary energies that we will be working with from March 19 to April 19, while the Sun is in Aries. Next, I will explain how transits and eclipses affect us personally, giving examples from the life of a well-known personality. In the last part of the class, I answer questions from participants about your personal transits.
This month, I'll be using the chart of King Charles III and show how past eclipses — and the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse on April 8 — impact his life. I hope you can join us!
If possible, please register before this Thursday so that you have plenty of time before class to print the handouts I'll be sending out on Friday. Click here to learn more or to register:
"SOUL CHANNEL" PODCAST: I'm excited to share the video of a conversation I recently had with Teresa Wornstaff on her "Soul Channel" podcast! We chatted a bit about my life journey and how I was drawn to astrology, discussed fate and free will, talked about how the planets and solar activity can impact us, and more. Enjoy!
DAILY INSTAGRAM POSTS: Please check out my daily astrological updates on Instagram!
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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