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Unveiling Your Future: March 2024 Monthly Forecast
Written by Lena Stevens

The theme for March, 2024 is: “Pragmatic Progress”.
It is all systems go this month! We anchored on the theme of Pragmatic Progress because if you work with the creativity, imagination, visualization, intention setting, discipline, right timing, and flow of the month, you will see great results and feel that things are progressing in a positive way. There is a dreamy aspect to the month that supports expanding your vision of the future and what is possible, however it can also lead to delusion, not being grounded, and losing track of your energy as it flows in the wrong direction. Therefore the need for practicality and pragmatism when harnessing the active direction of the month to focus on your personal goals and vision.
We are in a highly creative period where there should be time allocated to getting emotional and creative clarity about future vision. Since relationships are also highlighted, some of this time could be spent in communicating your creative thoughts and insights with others. It is a social month, but don’t get distracted with mindless chatter and meaningless encounters. Using your intuition plays a big part this month and you can engage it when choosing whom to spend time with and when.
The month begins with an infusion of energy that can translate into good luck and self-confidence. You may experience synchronicity, ease, and more movement around projects and intentions. It is best to harness this positive influence and take action, any action, towards a new endeavor or project or intention. Focus on getting as emotionally and intuitively as clear as possible about what you want for your future. Sometimes it is easier to contemplate what you don’t want and set boundaries against manifesting the same old thing.
Along with the positive and forward movement, there is a foggy, hazy influence that can be supportive in dissolving an attachment you may still have to an old pattern. It can also support your creativity and imagination to dream a bit outside the box and envision your future in ways you were reluctant to do in the past. However, it can also lead to delusion, distraction and energy leaks if you are not careful and vigilant. The vigilance is staying present and disciplined about where your thoughts, emotions and activities go towards. Be pragmatic and practical in your progress. Think before you leap, feel into something before you say yes or no, and use your creativity and intuition wisely.
Beware of any chaos, especially in the first part of the month, that can cause unpredictable and sudden change of mind or heart in others or yourself. This could bring challenges to relationships but if you see this as an opportunity to improve or re-vision them, it will have a positive end result. In the same vein, if you find yourself challenged by obstacles, timing, resistance from others, confusion or fogginess, go with the flow of right timing and always look for the most practical and pragmatic path of least resistance.
Some suggestions for using the energy wisely this month:
- Start something new, take an action step towards a project or endeavor
- Use your imagination to expand your vision of what is possible
- Engage your creativity in new ways
- Focus on relationships and communicate your insights and dreams
- Trust your intuition but be practical in your actions
- Solidify any plans related to clear vision of what you desire in your future
How the month shows up:
Finally there is some relief from the constant push to release the past, let go, move on, and all the inner work you have been engaged in over the past several months. In a way, this month can be seen as rewarding the hard work of the past and witnessing progress and manifestation in many areas of life. If you have been struggling to find clarity, it may become available. If you have been striving for more support for health and well-being, opportunities may suddenly become manifest. If you have been seeking better relationships, that aspect may materialize into your life.
You could look at this month as a transition from challenge, struggle and confusion to more ease of action and clarity of vision. This will require the discipline of trust in the flow and right timing, patience with the process of progress, and engaging your creativity in new and innovative ways for problem solving as well as for envisioning what is next on your plate. Setting good boundaries will be important as well as being receptive to new insights that may seem far-fetched in the beginning. You have a great opportunity this month to climb out of the box of any belief that limits what you are capable of and what is possible.
There is a strong focus on relationships of all kinds this month. Whether you are seeking, struggling, reconsidering, re-visioning, restructuring, initiating, exploring or completing a relationship, this month encompasses all of the above. Be practical in your time management around relationships and use your creativity to rekindle and inspire connections that need a little boost. Beware of deception and always look for the truth behind deceptive desires of the ego.
Right relationships can be strengthened this month as people come together over cooperative practical projects. Everyone is seeking the right connections and tribal belonging, and the influences this month can support new partnerships, romantic alliances and a deep sense of community. There could be plenty of relationship drama this month and you will need to be discerning and disciplined around what to engage in and what is not your problem or business. Relationship with self is also on the table as you explore the truth of who you are and what you want. Most important are your relationship with time as well as with your past and with your future.
The body should feel stronger and more energized this month as there is support for well-being and opportunities for better self-care as well as simply more physical energy and strength available. It is still important to be practical and balanced in what you put out. For example, just because you feel great, don’t go out and work 20 hours or run a marathon if you have been used to a fraction of that.
There will also be opportunities for healing and emotional clarity that will support the balance of your body, mind and spirit. Clarity may come through the recognition of what feels good rather than what does not. Use your emotional intuition to weed out situations, habits, practices and people that make you feel less than, uncomfortable or compromised. The pragmatic part of dealing with health and well-being is to be discerning, setting good boundaries and only agreeing to things you know will serve you best.
This is an excellent month to take committed action towards pragmatic progress on a project or business venture. Make sure you have good clarity about your alignment with the project or business as well as the community of people involved. If you have been researching, scheming, organizing ideas, gathering support and making time and space for something to manifest, it is likely to gain traction this month. Follow your intuition and allow for flow and right timing to guide your progress. Think always of improvement when visioning anything for your future or setting new intentions and goals for an existing situation. The deceptive quality of confusion and fogginess at the beginning of the month may obscure truth about a person or a project and you may question what is right for you. Think before you leap and check with yourself about how something feels before you commit. It is OK to say “maybe” and not feel pressured. If you set good boundaries against what you don’t want, the right thing will manifest automatically.
The emotional quality of the month is supported by water, water, and more water. We also get winds to stir things up. As usual keep plans flexible and stay neutral and accepting in the flow of delays, sudden changes, and creative solutions. Use the environment to stimulate your own creativity. Look to nature to imprint you with the ease by which things grow, flourish and bloom. Nature has no issue with manifesting and allowing the right energy to move its way in and through any obstacles. It is a good contemplation to align yourself with both the creativity and the effortless action of nature. It may not always seem pragmatic to you but there is a larger picture to keep in mind.
On a personal level, your intimate environment can always use some practical improvement even on a small scale. With the equinox this month think of starting something, anything, just do it.
March 1-8
This time frame can be a little wonky with times of extreme clarity and purpose driving you to take good action, and with times of fogginess, a bit of confusion and a tendency towards uncertainty. This can be frustrating for you as well as for others around you. It is best during the first part of the month to make a solid plan when you do have clarity with the idea that it can be revised and refined as things may change around you.
Focus on your creativity and stay positive with the discipline around seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. There is support for problem solving outside the box and following your intuition about direction but all may not yet be as clear as you wish. Be patient.
March 9-16
This is a good window to initiate something, an idea, a relationship, a project, a new study, a travel plan, a creative endeavor, a new practice, a new schedule, a new dynamic for an existing relationship, or a new attitude. It can be a very exciting time but don’t overdo it. All systems go does not necessarily mean faster than usual, just more efficient. So take it slow and easy, in right timing, watching for intuitive signs and trusting the process.
Watch for the foggy quality of deception and, if confused about anything, step out of the sphere of others so you can get clarity by checking in with your own intuitive truth. It is a highly creative time which should bring some inspiration into how to move forward in both current and new situations.
March 10
New Moon in Pisces is Sunday, March 10th, at 3:00AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). NOTE: Daylight Savings begins March 10th in most of the US. Set your clocks ahead the night of the 9th by one hour.
This moon is emotional and invites creativity, visioning, dreaming and connecting. Relationships are highlighted and may need some review. It is a good time to consider what is working, what isn’t, what you want, what you don’t want, what your fantastical dreams are, and what your practical intentions are. There are twists and turns that may threaten your attachments to plans, people, and situations so stay flexible. Intuition is heightened during this New Moon so work with it in discerning your path forward and its alignment with you.
Do something creative, something new, be with people who are on the same page, communicate your visions and “what ifs”, get inspired by beauty and take some practical actions towards progress and improvement.
March 17-24
It is important to solidify and begin to execute plans early on in this time frame and before we enter into the eclipse season with the full moon on the 25th. This is motivated energy that, if focused in a pragmatic way, can really manifest for you during this time. Think of things that you considered not possible and allow for them to become possible in your imagination. Engage creative energy to support those dreams and simply intend for them to manifest.
You won’t have all the answers or even know how the end result will come about but the practice of allowing the imagination to bring new inspiration, ideas and insights is an important one in the process. There are always practical steps you can take towards your goals to keep the pragmatic progress going. Divide your time between creative dreaming and practical action. Don’t take things personally – especially snarky, opinionated or pushy attitudes from others. They may just be in reaction to their own discomfort with the unknown.
March 19
Equinox (Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, fall in the Southern Hemisphere) is Tuesday, March 19 at 9:06PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)
This equinox is an important one as it marks and anchors a new path, a new trajectory and allows for the creative current of the time to forge its way forward and support progress as we envision the future. We always suggest you honor this time of change by observing and acknowledging what may need a fresh start or a second chance. If you are still mired in something old that you just could not extricate yourself from, such as a responsibility that was not yet ready to release you, use this Equinox to do a reset that places you on the right track.
March 25
Full Moon in Libra with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is Monday, March 25, at 1:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
March 25-31
In the aftermath of the first eclipse of the season and the powerful Libra full moon, we are now in a time of tests, turning points, deep considerations, refining our goals, questioning our motivation, gathering support if we need it, making important changes and the exploration and acceptance of consequences. Depending on how well you navigated the first part of the month, you will either be in a place with no choice but to shed a very old skin and in a bit of discomfort with your life being somewhat chaotic and upside down, or you will be well on your way with new things in your life unfolding positively and without effort.
Relationships may be challenged during this time and, if they are, look at it as an opportunity to reset something in order to better support you. You will still need to reflect on what needs to be refined and you will still need to stay disciplined, present, patient and pragmatic, but life will be flowing and you will be coming from a place of clarity and hopefully have a really good plan in the process of being well executed.
Have a great month!
More on this Full Moon and start of Eclipse season will be sent in a Power Path update from our mailing list (click here to join)
Join Anna for a powerful remote shamanic healing working with these potent energies, Monday, March 25, 7PM MDT.
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