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Weekly Forecast: January 7 - 13, 2024

Weekly Forecast: January 7 - 13, 2024

1/8  ::  Mercury (ideas & thinking) ~square~ Neptune (boundaries & beliefs):
(3 of 3:  11/27  ::  12/27  ::  1/8)
This energy brings forth a blend of blessings & challenges.

It offers a favorable time for spiritual exploration and infusing your dreams with some energy, if your schedule permits. However, it also signifies a period prone to significant misunderstandings among individuals. It is crucial to consider your words before speaking, as the potential for misinterpretation or complete misunderstanding is heightened this week. Guard against allowing your longing for dreams to cloud your judgment or lead you astray into illusions or delusions. This energy may prompt deliberate deception in some individuals, while others must exercise caution not to be misled. It is advisable to adhere to facts or maintain silence for the time being. There might be a temptation to withhold information to avoid potential confrontations—however, it is best to resist this urge. Instead, focus on communication with your Self, your Higher Self, and God/Spirit today. If engaging with others, ensure absolute clarity in explaining yourself to avoid any potential misunderstandings.

1/9  ::  Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):
This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination and taking action on your own behalf. Take a close look at your own routines, home environment, work, or any other significant areas in your life. Reflect on the decisions that have brought you to this point. It is an apt moment to survey your surroundings and determine how to retain what serves you well while releasing what no longer aligns with your future path. This phase encourages organization & decluttering, addressing anything that requires attention or letting it go altogether. While you may feel exceptionally practical or self-focused, it is actually a form of self-preservation, which is essential.

1/9  ::  Mars (energy & passion) ~sextile~ Saturn (endurance & stability):
This energy gives you a tremendous power booster to your drive to create stability, as you define it. You will be more willing to do the work, starting with a plan that is carefully thought out and then methodically carried out. Plan and then DO! Not just one or the other, but both, which can eventually produce solid results. The rewards for your hard work or the return on your investment will reflect what energy you have put in to stabilizing your life. This energy should not be restrained but consciously directed. Excessive restriction (Saturn) may cause an explosion (Mars) down the line, whereas a solid base (Saturn) contains the fire (Mars) so it becomes useful, productive, and often, beautiful as well.

1/11  ::  CAPRICORN New Moon:
This New Moon is inviting us to plant seeds of the future, set new intentions and clarify our aspirations as we step into the new year. The Cardinal Energy of Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, and Aries illuminates our foundational aspects of Home & Work and Self & Other, guiding choices & decisions in these domains of life. The messages conveyed are subtle yet resolute, signaling the closure of the old to make space for activating the fertility of the NEW! The Capricorn New Moon presents an opportunity to establish fresh structures and new foundations, supporting our growth & evolution in the coming year. It is time to discern responsibilities, clearing space to deepen dedication to what truly matters while embracing the new choices and creative forces destined to unfold in this new year.

This period signifies a renewal of elements that provide support & protection in our daily lives. Recognize that with a New Beginning in your Capricorn sphere, natural Integration will beckon in the Cancer realm. This Initiation/Integration Energy prompts adaptation, adjustment, and growth in Aries/Libra domains, nudging the individual to evolve due to new energies activated both at home and work, in private and public spheres.

The Capricorn Lesson revolves around Inner Authority and Personal Roles & Responsibilities. Reflect on your identity in personal and professional realms. This moment offers an opportunity to define what Sacred, Heart-Centered Work truly means to you, releasing barriers hindering your unique contribution to society. Shed weaknesses & fears, liberate yourself from the past, and embrace the essence of who you are and what you seek in this life. Align with your own Truth & Purpose, renew your commitment, and prepare to experience recognition & rewards commensurate with your dedication. Your path forward begins anew, allowing you to realize your fullest potential in the present and future.

1/12  ::  Juno Retro in VIRGO (until April 21st):
Juno, the Divine Consort, governing our most vital connections and profound commitments is lingering in Virgo. As she lingers in your Virgo House, she will prompt you to evaluate the vitality, health & reciprocity of your present relationships & partnerships, especially those of an intimate nature. This energy ignites a desire to dedicate effort toward self-improvement and the nurturing of personal connections. When focused inward, this energy fosters healing & integration within the Self. However, when directed toward relationships, it demands careful consideration to tread the delicate line between keen observation and personal judgment. Juno’s cycle spans 4-5 years, and moving through Virgo prompts a commitment to your own personal health & well-being, fortifying oneself for the alliances and partnerships in the near future.

With Juno lingering in Virgo for 10-months, she prompts an unprecedented restructuring of this Area of Life (your Virgo House). This entails challenging your Gemini/Sagittarius aspects to venture beyond comfort zones into uncharted territories, while calling for integration in your Pisces realm to accommodate this rebirth in the Virgo sphere. This journey commences with redefining boundaries within your inner circle & primary relationships. As you evolve, those around you will naturally adapt or move away. This prolonged presence in Virgo upgrades your systems for living, particularly intimate partnerships, as you scrutinize their actual functionality. It prompts an evaluation: do they serve their purpose, and if not, how can they be repaired or gracefully released. This Retrograde will allow you to review the last 5-years at a minimum. Reflect on self-care and the balance between you and others over the last several years and determine where you can consciously recalibrate.

DATES to Remember:

  • Enters VIRGO = Oct 17, 2023
  • Retro = 21* VIRGO = Jan 12, 2024
  • Direct = 6* VIRGO = April 21, 2024
  • Enters LIBRA = Aug 9, 2024

1/12  ::  Mars (energy & desires) ~trine~ Jupiter (expansion & education):
This energy is generally uplifting as it harmonizes your drive with an expansion of awareness. It particularly favors physical endeavors and bodes well for success in any kind of competition. With increased energy flow, it is essential to tune-in with your body and maintain a grounded state. Jupiter’s influence often brings blessings that others might perceive as mere luck, yet it signifies an alignment between your inner essence and external opportunities. Even amid uncertainties or chaos, strive to envision success and position yourself within that vision. You may be able to access a more comprehensive perspective on the broader scheme of things, allowing you to plan more effectively. However, exercise caution not to become over-confident to the point of feeling invulnerable or invincible. Self-confidence is vital, but avoid veering into arrogance is also critical for success. This energy supports your clarity in recognizing your own individual needs and making decisive choices to navigate your desired path. It encourages calculated risks in order to progress forward.

1/13  ::  Mercury Direct RE-Enters CAPRICORN (until Feb 5th):
During its Retrograde in Sagittarius, Mercury prompted a recalibration of our beliefs and consciousness, facilitating a reconnection with our genuine faith and an expanded vision. Now that it’s gone direct in Capricorn, it sets the stage for the thoughts, ideas, and concepts we will nurture and materialize moving ahead. Having explored the expanded possibilities and assessed their vitality or viability, we are now empowered to select those worthy of embodying, expressing, and building upon as we move forward. This phase aligns with the annual practice of reviewing our accomplishments, focusing on what we can enhance or develop in the coming year. It is a time when our determination & focus intensify toward our goals and the strategies to achieve them. We assess our connections, discerning which are sturdy and which need reconsideration while also contemplating new commitments on the horizon. Mercury’s presence in Capricorn urges practicality concerning foundational aspects like home & work, as well as the dynamics between self & others. This will undergo an evolution, influenced by your renewed consciousness, prompting an upgrade in these basic, everyday areas of life.


* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact and includes contact/link back to post. 
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast by Kelly M Beard covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. 
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