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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for December 20th - 27th
Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For this week, December 20th thru the 27th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
As we enter Capricorn season and celebrate the turning of the wheel, many will be standing in awe and trepidation, as we stand at the threshold of some inscrutable something. The problem is, we just don’t know what we are on the threshold of. We can feel those wheels turning. It seems obvious that the world is in a state of transition. We just don’t know what it is transitioning into. In order to navigate this successfully, we are being asked to hold to what is true. And by true, I mean actually so. Not innuendo, not guesses, not random conspiracies hobbled together at the last minute. We’re talking about the real stuff. But this is also about being true to yourself. Not compromising your values, your ethics or morals. And in doing so, hold fast to these. And then ask yourself in all seriousness, when push comes to shove, when your back is against the wall, what are those things that you see yourself standing for? What is the Right Thing to do? And with that being answered, in what ways are you going to then use your voice, your heart, your hands, your skills, and your thoughts in service to what is good and true? We all have a part in this transition. Let’s do it the right way.
Taurus is likely to come into the Solstice week with a bit of celebration and cheer. After all someone has to keep the hearth lights all lit up and glowing! Those holiday parties won’t happen on their own. Just be open to a few unexpected surprises towards the end of next week, which could either be startling, and/or utterly entertaining. Or maybe both. What the heck! This is a sacred time of year, and we all celebrate in our own inimitable way. And whether that means a bit of ancient Saturnalian cheer, or trying something completely new and different, or just holing up with that cocoa avec spirits, so be it! It’s all about the festivities and cheer, and doing it the way that you want to do it is your prerogative. Especially with Uranus still dancing it’s last dance in your sign. And this is all despite whatever is happening in the real world. Taurus is all too aware of this feeling of something changing. Something impending. And we’re all standing in trepidation of what that might all mean. But in the meantime there are festivities to be had, and joy to be spread. And you are perfectly situated to be the purveyor of good cheer. And we certainly can’t allow the grinches to ruin the spirit of the season. You’ve got this!
You would have thought that once Mercury stationed direct that you would finally be home free. Not quite. It is likely that you still find yourself trying to sort through the morass of information, speed bumps, and incessant news. Now add on those holiday trips and those regularly planned festivities needing to be attended. They simply can’t be avoided, even in times of chaos. And the truth is, none of us are too sure which way is up and which down any more, so why not just go be festive? Like Alice in Wonderland we are tasked with making sense of the insensible, and like the Mad Hatter it takes all the running you can do to stay in the same place. However, Saturn has come in here like Sister Hail Mary to tell you to just stop. The world will keep swirling and twirling, the Mad Hatters of the world will keep running, but you are being given permission to get off the tread mill, turn off the noise and the rattle of the world, and gather your wits about you. Whatever is left of them, that is. And let it be. Chances are, even if you try to lock the doors and close the shades the world will come to you, if you don’t go to it. Therefore pick and choose. Come or go. But do prioritize. And let the rest of the chips fall where they may.
It is not unusual at this time of year to look nostalgically back at what once was, while considering our hopes and intentions for the future. This year, we are all looking to the future with a bit of uncertainty, not quite sure what or who is standing behind that strange curtain over there! And for that matter, also trying to figure out whether or not we are in Kansas anymore, or if Kansas will be the same when we get back. The truth is, we really don’t know how this is all going to pan out. 2025 is truly going to be a transition year, moving from one order to another. And we’re all being carried along on the tide. But each of us has a role to play. And figuring out what that will look like for you is still in its own state of transition. You have a vision. And perhaps that vision has even been brewing for quite some time now. Whether or not it is going to be hatched this year is yet to be determined. But one thing we are all feeling is the anticipation of something getting ready to happen. In the meantime, use this week to reflect on the year that was, while also considering whatever it is that you personally want brewing on the back burner of your life.
You do have plans. Even if they are temporarily put on hold, you sort of have an idea of what you want to do. Or at least a concept of a plan. Even if it isn’t totally spelled out. And even if it seems as if the world has you on notice. There is not much that will dissuade you right now. In some way it may feel like your life is currently overlapping between an old order and a new one. And that new order is trying to take on some sort of form. Even if it is a little ambiguous right now. And shifting into a new order is not always that seamless. There are so many variables! There are also the old obligations that you can’t seem to get out of. Certain attachments that you don’t want to let go of. Just know that this ultimately is not about the recognition and the attention. This year is really about putting your best foot forward, and being the best you can be. If you do get some rewards and accolades in the end, that’s also okay. But it shouldn’t be the goal. The ego has this way of getting in the way when that happens. And this time is not about that. It’s about following the behests of the soul. Listen to what your heart and soul are telling you, and let them lead the way. Then put your best foot forward and follow it.
There are so many things you want to do, so many ideas are percolating on the back burner. So many paths unfolding before you. Right now the hard part is choosing. You don’t necessarily want to veer off in a whole new direction. There is still a part of you that sees the value of what you have been doing up until now. It’s tried and true. It’s been working up until now. But there are also these other opportunities that seem to be calling you from afar. It may seem like too much. But there are times when we are asked to grow beyond our own expectations. It may involve something of a learning curve. It may be hard. It may even feel a little scary. But if you play your cards right, and if you are prepared, maybe, just maybe, you can (at the very least) see some sort of plan coalescing over the next few weeks. It is true that the future remains inscrutable, and this could be one of the things holding you back and preventing you from totally committing. Use the reticence to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Become more fully informed. But do not allow your fears to diminish your dreams. Sometimes we have to move through our own reticence (and even fear!) in order to grow and finally live our own best lives.
We’re all kind of feeling like we are stepping over a threshold and into a whole new reality. And it is certainly true that humanity as a whole seems to be going through a transition, and bringing us all along for the ride. At the same time we’re needing to figure out our own role in the scheme of things. Where we are going to be standing when all is said and done. This is really hard to commit to when you can’t even see your hand in front of your own face. But rather than getting your knickers all tied in a knot, go slowly. You don’t want to go swerving down a foggy highway at 90 mph. Take tentative steps at first just to be sure of your footing. Procrastination may actually turn out to be your friend. Pause for the season. Ring in some good will and cheer. Break out the bubbly, entertain the guests, and extol your generosity upon one and all. There are jokes to be shared, and good times to be had. We’ll all be descending on you as the holidays roll in, so be prepared. You may think you had a right to escape, and had the perfect hideaway all picked out, but we know where you live, and/or where you are. And we’re not forgetting that amazing holiday cake you made last year. You can step over that looming threshold later. This week we celebrate.
Scorpio always has this Spidey sense about things. They can feel it in their bones. And as humanity seems to be standing at a threshold and about to cross over, we are all waiting here with bated breath. Some of us will be clinging to the remnants of what remains of the past, while others will be charging in like gangbusters. The thing is, when the future is still so cloudy and uncertain, our best course is actually somewhere in between. Especially with Mars still all retrograde, the last thing we want to do is charge in unannounced! But neither will it help to cling to the remnants of the past. We have no choice but to step over the threshold, and see what awaits us on the other side. And this will take great courage and fortitude to do, when you can’t see 2 feet in front of you. But rather than barging in full force, begin with baby steps in order to test the waters out. Step by step, things will soon come into view, and you will know what you need to do when you get there. In the meantime, trust your inner senses, leaning heavily on things like your conscience, your core values and ethics, and a firm moral compass to guide you. And trust that these will lead you to take the right steps at just the right time.
One part of you is cheering you on to reach even beyond the furthest shore. You want to grow, perhaps even beyond your previous expectations. But you also realize that you are currently dealing with certain limitations that need to be honored. Not doing so could prove to be regrettable in the end. And the truth is, those limitations are not necessarily telling you not to dream your dreams. It may be a little harder to achieve them than you anticipated. But what those limitations are trying to show you, is the wisdom of balancing that big vision for the future with some pragmatic reality and common sense. This could find you waffling back and forth before you find that middle path. Not easy for a Sagittarius! Use your limitations to think more strategically. Earlier in 2024 you were being inspired to take a few risks. But now you are being asked to go with caution, knowing when you can move forward, and when you need to pull back. This is wisdom, not cowardice, that prevents you from taking on more than you had bargained for, while still compelling you to grow in a more level and measured way. A way that is sustainable and could therefore last for years to come.
2025 is a year of transition. So in many ways it can feel as if we are standing on a threshold, and about to step over into a whole new world. Perhaps even one that we’re not quite ready for. There is comfort in the things that we know, and that we had always previously relied on. So when we feel those tremors of change it can be a little scary. Even good changes have their trepidation due to what we leave behind. And to make it even more complicated, although we seem to be standing before this open door, we cannot see our way through it. The future looks clouded, things seem to be distorted, and not where they should be. And the uncertainty can be confounding, especially for a Capricorn who thrives on clarity and well defined goals. Right now, all we are being given are concepts of goals, and that does not instill confidence. Unfortunately, as we stand here, there is only one way to go, and that is forward. Even if it is uncertain, and lacks the clarity you are seeking. What you don’t want is for that uncertainty to hold you back, or prevent you from living your own best life. Use the uncertainty to take some baby steps forward. Going too quickly will only trip you up. But not doing so will only lead to regret later on. Test the waters. Then create a strategy. The rest will follow one step at a time.
Ever since Pluto first entered your sign you’ve been receiving evidence that the world as you once knew it is in for some sort of major renovation. It may not happen right away. But there could already be evidence that the new world is coming, and it’s just a matter of time. In the meantime, in your own life, you could see things moving apace, even as you are longing for greater stability. At times like these we may hesitate, clinging to what once was, and perhaps fearing the uncertainty that all of the unknowns can bring. Rather than resisting the natural order of things, take a wait and see attitude, checking where all of this is taking you. Don’t allow it to subsume you, but take it one day at a time, one step at a time. These are times that call for clever strategies. In the meantime put some of that reticence aside, and take advantage of the holiday season for some good tidings and cheer. Venus is lingering in your sign, and asking you to come out to play. Maybe even kick up your heels for a bit. We can deal with some of the uncertainties later on. Right now there is some holiday carrying-on to be had with all and sundry. And you’ll be wanting to take some of that holiday cheer with you into the New Year ahead.
Many a Pisces is feeling betwixt and between. In some ways you are feeling like you need to fulfill a new vision for the future. One that had been agitating you forward earlier in 2024. But now that reality has set in, you could easily see yourself hesitating. It’s not necessarily fear that is holding you back, so much as reticence. And the fact that you can’t see a clear way forward. So the inclination is to stick with what you know for now, and what you feel you can rely on. But you might also want to ask yourself: In what ways might you be limiting yourself, or holding yourself back? Sometimes we have to move through our own fears and hesitation, in order to grow, in order to thrive, and in order to live our own best lives. Use the hesitance to modify your dreams, not give up on them. Think more strategically. Or perhaps make yourself more informed. Use the hesitancy to balance any exuberance, and use any lingering inspired enthusiasm to keep you moving forward. This is not about running out of the gate. This is about taking one measured step at a time. At least until the fog begins to lift, and you can better see your way forward. Then dive deep into the spirituality of the season, and allow it to fill your heart with joy. We’re all needing a bit of that right now.
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