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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for May 31st - June 7th!

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for May 31st - June 7th!

For the New Moon in Gemini (at 16º 18’) for your natal sign or house location:


(3rd House) Wear your wounds and imperfections like a badge of honor. In fact, rather than being ashamed of them, wave them like a semaphore with exultance and glee. For this is also you, in your all in all, and it’s not what is perfect about you, but rather your imperfections that ultimately make you relatable to others. Mars just completed a conjunction to Chiron, before it will enter Taurus on June 9th. It has been inspiring you, motivating you, pushing your forward all these weeks that it has been in Aries. Use the New Moon on June 6th to try something new, do something you are already doing in a new way perhaps, but to also further commit to any new initiatives begun since Mars first entered Aries at the end of April. Gemini has a lot to do with our mind and perspective. Use the New Moon next Thursday to: learn that new thing; better manage your time; or engaging with others. Gemini is a time for activity, for catching up, gabbing, and social engagement. Inquiring minds want to know more, learn more, see more and hear more. And the more informed you are the better prepared you will be for the months ahead. A good affirmation for the New Moon in Gemini might be: I gain confidence in using my words skillfully, and sharing my ideas clearly with others. 


(2nd House) At the New Moon in Gemini, Taurus aims to sift through their priorities. What are those things that you would prefer to spend your valuable resources and time on? And what are those things about yourself that you consider to be most valuable and useful? The sign Gemini is a sign of many interests, talents and resources. Being able to use these to your best advantage is a gift. One topic that may come up at this time of year, is whether or not you are feeling valued and appreciated for what you do. There are many ways to be valued. Sometimes that can have to do with money and gifts, but there are also other ways of being valued that cannot be quantified. This can also be a good time to create some sort of financial plan going forward, or figuring out how to make your current situation sustainable.Your ruling planet, Venus, is conjunct the New Moon in Gemini on June 6th, as well as sextile the North Node of the Moon, making this an excellent week to revamp or create some sort of financial or pragmatic plan for the future. The sort of plan that you know you can live with. Embrace the fact that your ruling planet Venus is center stage embraced by the New Moon. May prosperity be mine in a way that benefits all those concerned.


(1st House) The New Moon on Thursday, June 6th, at 16º Gemini 18’, will affect most strongly those Geminis born between June 3rd and the 9th, or have 13-19º of Gemini Rising. However, all Geminis will be sensitive to this annual New Moon. Fresh with the newness of beginnings, you will want to make sure that whatever new initiatives are being spawned at this time are a reflection of your true self. Make this a time for renewed self-awareness, and self-knowing. Reacquaint yourself with your personal interests and sense of identity. This is a good time to reinvent or improve yourself or your appearance, with the intention to be a more authentic version of yourself. Make room for more of who you are, while culling out what you have outgrown. This is your personal annual Moon, therefore decide what seeds you want to plant for the year ahead: what interests you wish to pursue, what you need more of, what you want to be more informed about, what will tweak your interests and lure you with fascination on this journey of becoming. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, may I recognize the steps that will help me to realize my most heartfelt dreams. 


(12th House) The New Moon in Gemini each year can often find Cancer reflecting on and reviewing the past. It is also about releasing, and letting go of those situations, things and experiences from the former year that are no longer relevant for where you are now, and where you intend to go in the future. This is when you tie up loose ends, bring closure to the past, and let bygones be bygones. It would also not be unusual to find yourself wanting to take some time out and go on retreat, in whatever way that works for you. This is when Cancer is more inclined to seek solitude in order to gain greater clarity, away from the distractions of the external world. Cancer does some of their best thinking when they are alone and undisturbed. But it can also be an opportunity to clear your mind of any residual negative imprints and memories. It’s about releasing the past in order to walk unburdened into your future. This is a good moon to go on an educational retreat; to enter a sacred place of learning; to withdraw in order to gain deeper clarity; to connect to your dreams; read or write in solitude. The New Moon on Thursday, June 6th is also a good time to make the intention to learn better ways to shield yourself from negative thoughts and influences. May I have the courage to release those things that I no longer need, and that are preventing me from growing. 


(11th House) The Gemini New Moon each year is your aspirational moon, your wishing Moon, and is a good time to connect with and reaffirm your aspirations for the future. Therefore you might want to work on setting realistic and achievable hopes for the future, as well as sorting out what connections, groups, associations, and networks might help to support or facilitate what you are hoping to achieve. This is the moon that aims to help you find your associates, meet friends, gather with those of like mind, and who share the same sorts of intentions that you have. But it is also where you come to realize your ideals, hopes and wishes for the future. Therefore use the New Moon next Thursday, on June 6th, to connect with your most salient hopes, dreams and aspirations. Make your list. Make it long if you like. Then release it out to the Universe. Then explore the myriad of ways that you might want to connect with those ideals and aspirations that you would like to see more fully realized over the year ahead. A good intention for the New Moon in Gemini might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstance arise to see it fulfilled. 


(10th House) The New Moon in Gemini is an opportunity for Virgo to reassess their position in the world, and what you want to be known for, and wish to be seen.The New Moon may be highlighting one particular thing that you are known for. Or perhaps many things. And basically that falls on you to live up to your own expectations. Therefore strive to be the best that you can be in any situation, and make the intention to use and develop your gifts, talents and knowledge to pursue the best possible path in only the best way. New Moons are about new beginnings, so this is a good time to clarify for yourself what you want your goals to be for the future. The New Moon in Gemini can sometimes bring new opportunities or a new position, or receive attention for something that you do well. It can even bring rewards, affirmations and confirmation, letting you know whether or not you have chosen the right path. You could find yourself discussing plans for the future; creating a new plan; setting an example for others to follow; or learning how to communicate more effectively with others. Some possible intentions to be sown with the New Moon on Thursday might be: May I be led to realize my life’s path and purpose; or: May I take the steps that will allow me to further develop my talents and share these with the world at large. 


(9th House) For Libra the New Moon in Gemini is an opportunity to expand your knowledge and understanding of yourself, the world, and what your positions are. What are the things that you truly believe in? What are your truths? In order to arrive at that, Libra will often consider looking at an argument, an idea, or a judgment from varying points of view. The intention is to broaden your perspective. To understand why others believe what they do, or hold to certain ideas. The concept is that if an argument is fundamentally right and true then it should be able to stand up to even the most vigorous debate. Libra takes pride in being able to see both sides of a situation clearly and objectively. Use the New Moon on Thursday, June 6th, to become more fully informed on a position. Look at a question from both sides, and keep an open mind. The New Moon in Gemini is an opportunity to learn something new, to expand your horizons, to question even your own beliefs. Ask questions, and be willing to debate your own point of view. Go on a journey, see things the way others see the world. A good intention for the New Moon in Gemini might be: May I be led to increase my understanding and become better informed about the world I am engaged in.


(8th House) The New Moon in Gemini is often a time for Scorpio to gain deeper insight and understanding. Scorpio is not afraid of what they will find by turning over every rock, or investigating every nook and cranny, or even looking under the bed at night. Scorpio really, really wants to know about everything. Even the things that creep and crawl around in the dark. This is because they also know that it is in these hidden and dark places that some of the most profound truths can be found. Including things like: birth, death and rebirth; beginnings, endings and renewal; and even our own purpose. This can also include breaking things down in order to rebuild them again; creating better habits to replace the old ones that were holding you back; and making resolutions for healing and renewal. This is also the time of the year in which you may find yourself wanting to prepare for the future, create a plan, make agreements with others, sign contracts. And ultimately it is also when you stop to think about what you are needing from others, whether that be support, security or confirmation. Therefore a good intention for the New Moon on Thursday might be: May I have the confidence and understanding to know and ask for what I need.


(7th House) The New Moon in Gemini is often a time for Sagittarius to come to appreciate those people that you know you can rely on for support and guidance. These can be your closest allies, friends and partners. But it can also be those people that you go to for advice, as well as understanding. Don’t be surprised if you find your heart growing a few sizes this week. The New Moon is trying to get you to open up and connect with others in some way. Things you might find yourself preoccupied with are: creating more equanimity in partnerships and close relationships; getting advice from a specialist; being open to starting a new relationship or commitment; renewing vows or making promises to others. This is a good time to facilitate: being a mentor for others; helping others to recognize their skills; going on an interview; opening up communications with others. Use the inspiration of the New Moon to perform random acts of kindness and benevolence. You will be remembered for doing so. A good intention for the New Moon in Gemini might be: May I be open to communicating and sharing with others without judgment. Or: May I be able to skillfully help and teach others with clarity and understanding. 


(6th House) For Capricorn, the New Moon in Gemini has two primary aims: to look for ways to be more productive; and to cultivate routines and better habits that can help to support your health and well-being. That can include things like getting the best advice, or learning about a specific health condition. But it can also be about exploring those things that support your well-being. Capricorn likes being informed. Therefore ask questions, read articles, have conversations with the experts. The more informed you are the better able you will be to be in charge of the outcomes. And also knowing what or who might be the best healer or healing method for you. It is also a Moon in which Capricorn finds themselves looking for more efficient ways to do their work, create better work conditions, or to improve their work space. All in all this is a good Moon to: learn more about a health condition; begin a new diet or exercise regimen; gather information about wellness, remedies, recipes and vitamins; learn a new and practical skill; get to know your co-workers. Some possible intentions for the New Moon on Thursday, June 6th might be: May I find the best healer, advice, or healing modality that works for me and my well-being; Or: I want to see myself learning a new skill. Something that is useful.


(5th House) The New Moon in Gemini is a time of year in which your are asked to pay attention to those things in your life that allow you to shine, or that make your heart grow a few sizes. Joy. That is what this time of year is about for you all: reconnecting with your own joy. Gemini is a social sign. Therefore, when thinking about fun and doing fun things, you might want to also consider who you might want to have fun with? Who are those people who make fun things even more enjoyable? People who love to do what you do, but especially want to do it with you. Gemini is the way that Aquarius loves to play, whether that be in some sort of banter, finishing a crossword puzzle, or allowing the creative muse to take you where you need to go. Use the Moon to do something fun and different. Spend some time with children or young people. Or people you just love. Go on a date. Take a new class, or join the gym. Move, dance, sing and laugh. Then make the intention with the New Moon on Thursday, June 6th, to say: I want any resistance, or obstacles to joy and happiness lifted from me;  or May I step out of the way, in order to allow love and joy to enter my life and open my heart.  


(4th House) This time of year often finds Pisces focusing more on the home and/or personal life. Or it may simply be that you are looking for something of a retreat. Like retiring into the comfort of the familiar, such as home and family. Surprisingly, because we are also in Gemini season, that can also include things like road trips with family; or going on outings with loved ones. The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th inspires us to take initiatives that will improve family relations, upgrade your home environment, and do things that will more likely cultivate community. Gemini is also a busy sign, so don’t be surprised if you are inspired to rearrange the bookshelves, or open up your home up to visitors, or find yourself deep in conversation while doing the dishes. New Moons are about new beginnings, so this is a good time to initiate new beginnings in and around the home or concerning family, whether that means looking for a new home, fixing up the one you have, connecting with family, or coming to terms with those things that bring you a feeling of belonging. This can also be a good time to bring closure to a situation. A good intention with this Moon might be: I want to better appreciate the patterns and events in my life that have led me to where I am now.


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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