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Your Weekly Guide To Planetary Influences - December 11 to 17, 2023

Your Weekly Guide To Planetary Influences - December 11 to 17, 2023

SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON: A new and exciting lunar cycle begins this Tuesday, December 12, when the Sun and Moon align at 20°40´ Sagittarius.

This New Moon is exactly aligned with the fixed star Atria (at 20°54´ Sagittarius). Atria is the brightest star in a constellation called the Triangulum Australis (Southern Triangle). It is about seven times larger than our Sun and emits about 5,000 times the luminosity.

Atria is a very favorable influence, enhancing spiritual powers when it is activated. The fixed star also carries the positive energies of both Mercury and Jupiter, opening our minds to higher wisdom, facilitating the search for life's meaning, increasing optimism and hope, and favoring philosophical or religious pursuits. Atria is said to be just, truthful, righteous, and benevolent.

With the New Moon conjunct Atria, all these potentials and qualities are more accessible for us at the time of the lunation, as well as throughout the lunar cycle that begins on Tuesday. What excellent energies to work with as we complete 2023 and begin a New Year!

THE NEPTUNE EFFECT: The planet Neptune also plays a significant role in the new lunar cycle, due to being in hard square aspect to the New Moon. The God of the Vast Oceans always invites us to transcend our human perspective and to view life through our Soul's eyes. This lofty goal is sometimes difficult to achieve, and Neptune's square to the New Moon indicates that we may not be comfortable with what being "more spiritual" entails.

To navigate this lunation successfully and to benefit from its gifts, we are asked to release qualities associated with the shadow side of Sagittarius. We must rise above judgment, self-righteousness, dogmatism, and any attitudes or beliefs that keep us in a lower vibration than love. In their place, we may call in tolerance, forgiveness, reverence, open-mindedness, generosity of spirit, optimism, and faith.

However, since this is a challenging aspect from Neptune, we will need to do our work. If we resist this process and choose to walk down the same old, tired path of judgment and intolerance, we are likely to encounter the less comfortable side of Neptune: disillusionment, lack of clarity, apathy and avoidance, deception, over-sensitivity, and even fear.

OTHER NEW MOON INFLUENCES: Other planetary aspects in the New Moon chart further clarify the energies we'll be working with this week. The Sun and Moon are widely conjunct Mars, so we will have courage and energy but might also be very restless and could act impulsively. A hard sesquiquadrate aspect to Jupiter contributes to a tendency to overdo and to leap without looking first.

A challenging quincunx between the New Moon and Uranus indicates sudden or unexpected events, surprises that require us to adjust our expectations or our beliefs. But assisting us from the sidelines are harmonious trines to Chiron, the North Node, and Eris, which increase our confidence and help us be in alignment with our Soul's highest evolutionary growth.

DAILY ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects: 

Mercury sextile Venus: This agreeable aspect encourages conversation of a serious or profound nature.
Sun quincunx Uranus: We may feel unsure about our footing, sensing that change is in the air.

New Moon: The Sun and Moon align at 3:31 p.m. PST. This lunation sets themes for the next four weeks, with a climax of energies around the time of the Full Moon on December 26. 
Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune: We may be confused or disillusioned about relationship situation or financial matters. It may be best to delay important decisions in these areas, until our minds are clearer and our emotions calmer.
Mercury stations retrograde: The Messenger Planet will be moving backward from December 12 to January 1. Although the New Moon energies would typically support initiating a new project, with Mercury going retrograde today, the next three weeks may be best spent in more inward or introspective activities, to gain important insights into how we want to proceed in the New Year.

Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter: This influence is very impatient and tends us to be judgmental or intolerant. The urge to convince others of the "rightness" of our perspective can trip us up.
Mars semisquare Pluto: Compulsive behaviors or impulsive actions can cause problems. We may feel restless and be easily irritated or angered.

No major aspects are exact today.

Mars trine Chiron: A renewed self-confidence is possible, inspiring and supporting us as we open to new ventures and unfamiliar ideas.

Sun trine Eris and square Neptune: An independent streak is strong, so we may want to include alone time in our plans for the day. However, Neptune's influence means that the road may be foggy and that our feet may not always find solid ground. It will be important to carefully consider all potential outcomes before taking risks.

Venus quincunx Chiron: A lack of sensitivity to another's feelings may trigger insecurities. Issues of trust are central to relationship troubles.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your need for expansion is strong this year. Adventures may take physical form through long-distance travels, involve the pursuit of higher learning, or be more on the level of spiritual or philosophical journeys. Whatever you do, there is also a need for independence that wishes to be satisfied. One of the challenges of this year could be a lack of clarity about what you truly want and need; this will require introspection before taking action. You will also be learning the spiritual qualities of surrender, acceptance, trust, and faith as you navigate uncertainties.  (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mars, square Neptune, trine Eris)

In peace, love, and gratitude, 

Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • Monday: Mercury sextile Venus, Sun quincunx Uranus
  • Tuesday: New Moon 3:31 p.m. PST, Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune, Mercury stations retrograde
  • Wednesday: Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Mars semisquare Pluto
  • Thursday: No major aspects are exact today
  • Friday: Mars trine Chiron
  • Saturday: Sun trine Eris, Sun square Neptune
  • Sunday: Venus quincunx Chiron


"BREAKTHROUGHS & AWAKENINGS": My webinar covering the first four months of 2024 will air live on Wednesday, January 10! See this pagefor a full description or register at https://PamJan-April2024.eventbrite.com

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! Please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.
To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2023 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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