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The Positive Impact of Independent Living on the Mental Health of Persons with Disabilities
Written by Luke Douglas Views: 1957

Life can be challenging for anybody, but particularly so for those with disabilities. This has a lot to do with how society observes them and treats them, often stigmatizing them well beyond their actual limitations.
Aside from making their day-to-day life more difficult than it has to be, this also contributes to another problem, which is poor mental health of people with disabilities. Experts at Meds News recommend one way to approach the issue is through enabling and empowering them to live as independently as possible, since that could have a positive effect on both their quality of life and mental health.
Better Job Opportunities
Whether one’s struggling with poor mental health or a mental disease, getting a job may prove to be helpful for several reasons. First of all, it would mean more financial independence and, consequently, a better standard of living and access to healthcare, which is crucial for people with any sort of disability. When a person works, their days are structured and they are usually required to communicate and cooperate with others, which is another way to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety and encourage better mental health. In addition, training for a job and developing different skills can be therapeutic and allow you to deal with your emotions more effectively. This type of professional and personal development can also boost confidence and act as a motivator in all aspects of life. Fortunately, there is a plethora of job opportunities for people with all types of physical and mental disabilities, which includes work-from-home jobs for those who find it strenuous or impossible to actually go to work every day.
Assisted Living
In some cases, people with disabilities are unable to perform some of the daily routines that people without disabilities take for granted, which can make life extremely uncomfortable, lower their confidence and lead to a wide range of mental conditions. However, when a person with a disability gets the chance to live independently, but with adequate support, they can thrive in any field and live more fulfilled lives. Nowadays there are plenty of fantastic supported independent living options for people with disabilities, including those that can provide you with specialist disability accommodation. For instance, if you need help with your daily tasks, this is an amazing solution to your problems, one that makes it possible for you to live in a positive and safe environment, while still being as independent as you physically and mentally can. Such an arrangement can give you a strong sense of accomplishment, as it grants you more autonomy in making your decisions and living on your own terms. Plus, the best of these communities help you work towards achieving your personal and professional goals, which can benefit your mental well-being to a large extent.
Support Instead of Control
One of the biggest problems for people with disabilities is that sometimes they require caretakers, and if those caretakers don’t show enough understanding or competence in their relationship with the person they’re caring for, they can do more harm than good. If you’re assisting a person with a disability, especially if you’re their family member, you should prioritize supporting them, but avoid controlling them at all cost. If you make all the choices and do all the work instead of them, you aren’t helping them to the best of your ability. In fact, you may be helping them physically, but contributing to their mental struggle by removing their right to choose and limiting their independence further. Make it your mission to make their life and routines more manageable, without restricting their freedom and self-sufficiency. Being patient and positive, while only stepping in when it’s inevitable, can be advantageous to their mental state and, in some cases, they can even perceive it as emancipating.
Mental health is just as important as the physical, although it’s sometimes overlooked in people with disabilities. Even doctors tend to concentrate on treating the physical disability and managing physical discomfort, while disregarding or taking insufficient notice of the mental issues. This is why it’s crucial to find efficient ways to help people with disabilities with their everyday efforts to live happy and meaningful lives.
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