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3 Yoga Poses Anyone Can Start With
Written by Kelly Barnes

Some people travel as a recreational activity to relax and discover new places, while some travel because of business or work. Whether you are traveling for leisure or business, one thing is for sure – your routine changes.
The good thing about yoga is that it can be done at any time and anywhere. You can easily slip the practice through your busy schedule. In fact, doing yoga is very beneficial. A lot can happen during your life, and doing yoga can make you less stressed and less worried.
Here are 3 yoga poses anyone can do
1. Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose)
When you spend hours sitting on a plane or working in a desk, the upper body tends to slouch and bend in an unhealthy way. The extended puppy pose helps lengthen your spine and releases the tension in your back and shoulders.
How to do it:
- Starting in a table-top pose, press your feet on the floor untuck your toes and keep it in a straight direction.
- With arms stretched in front of your body, push your chest downwards and let your forehead rest on the floor.
- Stretch your spine and push your hips towards the ceiling.
- Relax and hold the pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
2. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s Pose)
The cobbler’s pose is an easy pose that does not need props or yoga tools. It opens the hips and stretches the inner thigh. This pose can help neutralize the effect of sitting for a long time and helps relieve back pain.
How to do it:
- Beginning in a staff pose, bend your knees and bring your soles together.
- Push your feet close to your body and let your knees hand to the sides.
- Hold your feet together using your hands or hold your big toes in a toe lock.
- Stretch your spine and roll back your shoulder blades.
- Hold the pose for 1 to 5 minutes.
3. Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose)
This pose works the whole body with a slight inversion. It is good for tired legs and feet. The inversion also allows the blood circulation to reach the head, supplying more oxygen to the brain.
- How to do it:
- Sit beside the wall with your shoulder and hip close to the wall.
- Lower your torso and lift your legs against the wall.
- Wiggle your body to move further or closer to the wall.
- You may use a folded blanket or pillow under your hips if you feel any lower back or hamstrings discomfort.
- Relax your arms to the sides and breathe.
- Hold the pose for 1 to 15 minutes.
Aside from its relaxing benefits, yoga helps fight the stress caused by everyday life. You’ll feel rejuvenated and more energized during your week, making it more fun and relaxing! Don’t forget to try these easy yoga poses, even if you’re just getting started.
About the author:Kelly Barnes is a 200-hour hatha yoga teacher and loves yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. You can learn more about her at
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