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Finding A New Job, Career, or Life, Pt. 2
Written by Robert Wilkinson
Your Astrological Chart Lights the Way.
Yesterday I introduced some “real world” factors for those who are searching for a new career, a new job, or a new life.
We discussed the importance of taking an inventory of our skills so we can attract something which can help us expand our capabilities, and knowing what could be true for us so we take command of the process. Today we’ll discuss the astrological factors related to jobs and profession.
Because we are each a combination of planetary tendencies expressed in our own unique ways, there are virtually limitless possibilities of practical growth and success in our chart. And because we’ll all Eternals having a human experience, we all have gone through some experiences which are universal. So let’s explore some factors associated with profession and work.
The 6th and 10th Houses Show Us Our Perfect Jobs and Perfect Professions
Our profession is ruled by the 10th house, whereas the jobs we do for others is ruled by the 6th house. The 10th also rules our flowering, our honor, and how we are recognized by our world. Besides the work we do for others and the work others do for us, the 6th also rules all levels of health, how we treat those in our service, and our pets.
I believe these 6th house associations can give us clues about the health or dysfunction of all the other sectors of our life, because of its relationship to the other houses. An example of this is the 6th house is the 9th house from the 10th, making our 6th house the “truth” of our profession. And the 10th house is the 5th house from the 6th showing our profession is the natural creative expression of our service. This is part of the analytical method associated with “Derivative Houses,” which give us clues about the relationship of each house and each sign to every other house and sign.
Planets in the 6th and 10th houses show us what parts of our “inner Lights,” or inner powers are focused in our jobs and professions. The planetary Lights show our inner inclinations, whereas the houses show the outer sectors of our world of activity. So a planet in a house shines the Light of their sign quality into the life affairs associated with the house. A planet in the 6th or 10th is very important in our understanding of what we are suited to do, because it shows us what parts of our personalities are most involved with those areas.
The Signs and Planets Show Us the Energy of Our Work and Profession
If you have no planets in the 6th and/or 10th houses, then examine the signs on those houses, as they show what kinds of energies you'll be most likely to encounter in your work for others and your profession. Thus if you are a Pisces or Pisces rising, your natural 6th cusp shows the sign of Leo, ruling children, theater, and sports, then these are the areas for you to find work, if not a profession. However, those with Leo on the 6th also have Sagittarius on the natural 10th house, giving us important clues about what sorts of professions might be a natural fit.
In another example, Libra and Libra rising has Pisces on the natural 6th, so Libra can be more ambivalent and unclear about what work they should be doing, but it will have to bring feelings of being connected to the larger group or effort, or some sort of compassion or empathy as all of these are Pisces traits. It could be a “behind the scenes” situation like hospital or institutional work, and may even require meditation so as to maintain inner equilibrium! Because Libra has Cancer on its natural 10th, then that could yield a great profession in food service, supply chain involvement, family care, or any other job related to Cancer.
Obviously, there is a lot of information available about jobs involving working for others by seeing where the ruler of the sign on your 6th house is, just as by knowing the sign on the 10th we can know the types of things we’re naturally suited for. There’s also another layer of information to be found by looking at the sign and house position of the planets ruling the 6th and 10th.
Leo and Leo rising (Ascendant) people have Capricorn on the 6th. Since Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, looking at Saturn's sign and house positions and aspects point the way to where people of this Sun and Rising sign are most naturally going to find work. If you are Virgo or Virgo rising, you have Aquarius on the 6th. You would share the same work inclinations, since Saturn also rules Aquarius (in worldly affairs).
If you're a Cancer or Cancer rising, then you have Sagittarius on the 6th of work, so look to your Jupiter sign and house to get clues about where to find a job. As Cancer has Aries on the natural 10th, that sign points the way to professional fulfillment. If you’re a Scorpio or Scorpio rising, then you have Aries on your 6th, and Leo on your 10th. Both show your work and professional inclinations.
One thing to keep in mind when searching for a new profession is that any profession we might do well always involves an "apprenticeship" time of learning, both theoretical as well as practical. You must learn ideas, as well as the practical application of those ideas in ever-more skillful ways, to be a true "professional" in what you do, rather than a dabbler or dilettante. That is one difference between the work we do for others, where they bear the majority of the responsibility and take the profits, and our profession, where we are the author of the work, and receive both the benefits and rewards, as well as the responsibilities, involved in that activity.
Planets in the 10th show what you would be naturally good at doing as a public profession, so depending on the planet, learn all you can about the keywords of that planet to understand how you are to let your light shine in front of your world. The sign it is in may or may not be the same sign on the MC, or Midheaven, the celestial "up" in our existence.
By way of example, in my chart I have Mercury conjunct the MC at 30 degrees Aries, while also having Venus in Taurus at 14 degrees. That shows different things affecting my professional sense of self, the flowering of my Ascendant. I would do well at both Mercurial and Venusian professions, even though they would have two entirely different "flavors" due to being in two different signs. While my Mercury has indeed shows as a variety of professions, the Venus in Taurus also shows I might make a great chocolatier, or coffee taster, or a food critic who is widely published!
Because I have Mercury in Aries in the 10th and Venus in Taurus in the 10th it can be expected that my profession or “public self” would involve both Mercurial and Venusian function. My profession involves writing and speaking (Mercury) but also a lot of music and culture as an event promoter for many years when younger (Venus). I have worn many hats this life (Mercury) but also have been a professional in my field for almost 50 years, and published an average of over an article a day for almost 19 years straight (Taurus).
More About the Importance of the Houses
An important factor to consider is the houses, like the signs, are polarities that show the relative healthy function or dysfunction of the axis based in how they manifest in their respective life areas. In the case of the profession, "as the roots, so the flowers." The 4th house is the roots, the foundations we provide our public, professional selves. If the foundation is flawed, or corrupt, or inaccurate, the entire house of cards will ultimately collapse. That's why in any consideration of our true profession, we must examine our 4th house, any planets there, what sign is on the cusp (called the IC), and other considerations to get a sense of what we base our future flowering upon.
A final consideration for now is that the Cadent houses (3. 6. 9. 12) are said to prepare us for what is shown to us and our world on the angles (1, 4, 7, 10). This works for all the houses. The Succedent houses (2, 5, 8, 11) are preparatory for the Cadent, and the Angular are preparatory for the Succedent.
In any consideration of our work for others, we need to take into account our 5th house, since it will prepare us for the 6th house work, or contribute to our self-undoing behaviors concerning our work. Related to this, while “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” it’s also true that too much play (5th house) when we should be working (6th house) gets us fired and the job not done!
In any consideration of our profession, or what we should be looking for in our profession, we must look at our 9th house, since it shows what we will have to learn to prepare for our public flowering or our professional growth. If the 9th house is our truth and philosophy as well as our ability to envision a wider future, it’s easy to see how important those factors are in our public persona (10th house).
So the 5th house prepares us for the 6th, and the 7th is what our 6th draws on to substantiate it (because the 7th is the 2nd from the 6th). The 9th house prepares us for the 10th, and the 11th is what our 10th draws on to substantiate it, because the 11th is the 2nd from the 10th. As you can see, these interrelationships between the signs and houses in our chart can give us a holistic view of what service we are to do (6th house) and how we are to flower in life (10th house).
On A Final Note
The 5th is our way of being connected to life and its enjoyable enthusiasms, and the 9th is our truth and vision of a greater future. When confronting a professional shift, look to your 9th to see clues of what is coming. When confronting a job shift, look to your 5th to see clues of how to prepare for something more rewarding. Also, since 5th shows play and creativity, these are useful tools to embrace when looking to work for others. It’s always fulfilling when we can work at our play and play at our work, as long as the job gets done. The 9th shows our larger sense of truth and adventure of learning a greater point of view, so these must be activated if you would find a new professional direction that will satisfy you.
As we embrace the possibilities of our 5th and 9th houses, we transform our lives and relationships. As we expand our creativity and natural self-expression of our 5th house, we naturally prepare the way for a greater service in the 6th. As we expand our sense of a greater future and a wider adventure into greater truths, we naturally prepare for a greater effective role in our world in the 10th. As we embrace a greater service and a greater truth, we transform our lives in profound ways.
5th and 9th are said to be "Life Houses," where we connect with a natural expressiveness and an enjoyable enthusiasm of being ourselves in life. To the extent our job or profession robs us of these, it's time to prepare to do something different that is the expression of these. There are many things to do in this world. The trick is to find that which you could love and do enthusiastically, something that provides you some nourishment and lots of room to grow into your excellence. Some things to consider.
Searching For A New Career, Job, or Life? - How to Find It Pt. 1 Here!
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