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Magdalena's Call: Navigating Earth's Shift with Inner Calm

Magdalena's Call: Navigating Earth's Shift with Inner Calm

It is I, the Magdalena. I join you this day in reverence to the transition that you are all a part of. A transition not only in your lives, but the larger earth as well.

As light workers you'll be called upon as we move into this ascending timeline more deeply. The remnants of the old continue to cry out with resistance based in fear to attempt to dominate the change that is occurring. It is, as you know, unnecessary. And yet, from their perspective, they do not understand that the immense changes that are at hand are inevitable. And while resistance is ineffective, they will continue to try.  

So, your presence is needed to hold the vibration of peace within your hearts, that others may be able to reach for that and bring it within themselves, as these occurrences, like those happening today in Los Angeles, occur in other places, in other times of this year. Know that this is a great service to all. 

For every light worker that stabilizes their energetic field, allows it to strengthen another's energetically. While it is no one's sole responsibility to act as the key to stabilizing the field for all, every little bit makes a difference. Every person you speak with who feels that calm within you, has a greater opportunity and chance to navigate to that sense of peace within themselves. So do not underestimate your ability to make great change in the world by simply holding your center in peace. 

This is what is needed often in these times of change. Let not your minds consider this foolish or diminish the quality of this contribution. It is essential, for fear running rampant can escalate in ways that are highly disruptive to all around. It creates more challenges for those who are already struggling to maintain their trust and sense of safety in such turbulent times.  

Allow me to merge with you, within your field and transmit a sense of deep peace, in honor of the truth, that all is well beneath the surface. Whatever actions humans have taken to exacerbate the situation are of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. 

There will be times of prudence to withhold speaking of such things, so as to not incite greater fear. And there will be times it is necessary to speak of such things, in order to shift them, to draw attention to what is occurring and invite change.  

Allow my peace to permeate within you. Let it guide you through your own discovery process of how you can be in service to the presence of peace in such times. Explore whether that is through verbal speech or quiet mindfulness, both are necessary at times within you. 

Imagine the soft petals of the center of a rosebud resting within your heart. Smell its fragrance, sense the softness within each petal. And see how gracefully it allows itself to open in due time. This is a symbol of trust, that in the unfolding is beauty itself. It is not the destination, it is the unfolding that you have come here to participate in. While these times seem chaotic and challenging, this is part of what you expected to experience.  

You expected to challenge yourself, to hold the vibration of gentleness, peace, and love within you. When others around may not be able to do so, it is a service to them. Allow yourself to step into the mastery with which you intended as you came to this earth. Open to receiving this gift from me, that it may emanate through your presence to all those around you. So many are seeking such nourishment and reassurance. 

Let them find it within the safety of your loving presence. I am the Magdalena. 

Channeled Message from Mary Magdalene 

Laura Smith Biswas 
Dec 05, 2024

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Laura Smith Biswas with written permission to repost her articles, videos, and other content.

Credit: Laura Smith Biswas - Click Here For Bio

Laura Smith BiswasLaura Smith Biswas is a bridge between worlds. She links the tangible and spiritual in two key areas - relationships and business.  At the core of all her work is the relationship we all have to love itself. She translates this into practical wisdom to help others experience more love in relationships - whether those are intimate ones or further out in our circles of connection through work.   

Her background comes from diverse areas including business and finance in top global companies, entrepreneurship, shamanic medicine training, spiritual psychology, grief recovery, and more. This wealth of experience and training has resulted in two areas of practice: The Love Mandala for creating greater love and intimacy in relationship and The Leadership Mandala for guiding others to conscious leadership and operational excellence in business. Both are practices that can be found at TheSacredMandala.com 

She is best-selling author of The Cosmology of Love: 70+ Ways to Experience Greater Love, where she illuminates how to identify your top needs in receiving love, specific ways to create more loving relationships and improve communicating love with all the people in your life. Her work serves as a reminder that love isn’t an accidental thing we find, but a sacred co-creative act. She supports her clients to discover what sacred union looks like for them so they can create more intimate and fulfilling relationships.   

She is a serial entrepreneur who loves exploring entrepreneurial models of work that blend sound principles of psychology with strong business fundamentals. She is passionately engaged in leading as an aware, humanistic leader who believes that a holistic model of work is not only engaging but necessary for the highest levels of success. In her leadership coaching practice, she supports clients to create organizations built on these same fundamentals. 

She is a mother of three young adult children and lives in Southern California with her life partner. She holds an MBA from Yale University and a MS in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.   

Contact info:  
Laura Smith Biswas
TheWaysofLovingQuiz.com Take the quiz to discover your style of love. What are your unique strengths in love and where are your opportunities to create more?   
Read more in the book at WaysofLovingBook.com or AffirmationsofLoveBook.com 
The Leadership Mandala Quiz  Take the quiz to explore the integration of your consciousness and business leadership across key areas such as operational excellence, holistic thinking, self-awareness and culture. 

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above and is posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of this content, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. Discover the wisdom of CrystalWind.ca! Since 2008, we've been dedicated to awakening, enlightenment, and self-help to empower your spiritual journey. Dive in and grow with us—your next step awaits! #CrystalWind #SpiritualJourney

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