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The Elders: Is the Law of Attraction Real
Written by Robyn G. Locke Views: 1679

Is the Law of Attraction real? Is it as it seems to be? How can you know for sure?
And if it is real, how do you attract what you want sooner rather than later? Start by deciding to move forward as you determine to move closer to what you want. What does it mean to move forward in this way? Is it a physical step, or is it an intentional movement to become more aligned with what you came to do or be?
You see, as you carve out your day, do so in a purposeful way. Take a moment to look upon what you want to move toward and allow your day to be framed from the vantage of how you want it to unfold. In this way, you can more readily accomplish what you want to have the day manifest for you.
What Do You Want
It is when you desire for the day to out-picture what you intend from it that you will allow the day to mirror more readily what you want from this life. You see, all of life does await your direction. The more details you can provide, the better. But then, the key here is to intentionally release all you have envisioned to Universe. Release now to Universe so that more can be added to this equation. Do not hold onto your imaginings so tightly. When you do so, you restrict what can be given. When the boundaries of your picture are so tightly woven, how can another element or two be added in between the lines?
You see, life and all its wonder are there to provide you with the framework for all you seek. Yet you must imagine what you want first. You must give to Universe a loosely woven objective. You cannot say, I just want my life to be bountiful and good; that is not enough. You need more details to be added to your imaginings. Do you see?
Add Feeling to The Mix
These are steps that each must take, so let us take a step together now. So as you move toward self-discovery and wholeness, let us pause and reflect on this measure. This is a big step. In this recognition, each must internalize (to some degree) what they want – what they are enlisting to do or be. What do they want to bring forth? Do you understand this? Here is a self-guided meditation that will help you to enact this objective.
Law of Attraction
What is the law of attraction, and how does it impact your life? How also do certain experiences make you feel?
When you consciously connect to feel a component established in the creation of some-thing, alignment occurs in a rather seamless way. In the process, you are creating a vibrational equivalent to what you seek to manifest. When you are in the midst of engaging with your creation, in this way, your resonance aligns with it and it with you. You, in essence, bring this thing into being because you are attracting it to you. This is the Law of Attraction in action.
Do seek wholeness in the mix. Through wholeness, you can manifest more readily and completely. Acknowledge and consciously seek to engage Universe with what you want through your unwavering focus, not by fluke or happenchance. Do so through your purposeful intention, and it will be so.
Who are the Edlers:
Think upon Us as a Consciousness of Light and Love. Think upon Us as ever-moving light that does fluctuate and form words within the in-breath and out-breath of a beat or measure. Think upon Us as Love, in Love with all that is.
We are Beings that wish for humanity to have answers that have eluded them in recent times. There are those who have shared such information, but it is also being released in this manner, in this time, so there might be a knowingness as one engages with life here.
We are Pure Consciousness, We are many, and We provide insights for humanity so that more might be gleaned in this lifetime than without such knowledge.
We are Love, but all are that which is.
Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2024. All rights reserved.
Robyn G. Locke is an Energy Intuitive, Coach, Speaker, and Author who helps clients break negative patterns and find their true purpose. She bridges the physical and nonphysical worlds to offer purpose-driven self-healing books and workshops. The Elders, beings of Pure Consciousness and Infinite Awareness, communicate through Robyn to share insights that can change lives. They remind us of our true purpose and offer steps for healing and positive change. Source Here
© 2025. All content (articles, imagery, fair use) & design protected. Written permission required for copying. All rights reserved.
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