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Why I Urge You to Stop Arguing for Your Limitations RIGHT NOW

no one controls you

Do you ever find yourself arguing for you limitations?

Probably. We all do sometimes! That being said, I would urge you to give up this behavior as much as you possibly can.

What do I mean by arguing for your limitations? I mean making excuses for why you can’t have what you want in life.

For instance:

“I’d be a more positive person if I hadn’t had such a terrible childhood.”

“I could have the job of my dreams if I didn’t have a family to support.”

“I’d be in good shape if I didn’t have this medical condition.”

Now this isn’t to say that if you have these issues, it hasn’t impacted you tremendously. It has, clearly. However, arguing for your limitations will only keep you stuck in the reality you do not want to live in.

Arguing for your limitations is a zero-sum game, every single time you play it.

Trust me.

What authority do I have to tell you this?

I know it can be easy for some people to read an article like this and think something along the lines of:

“Well if she thinks that she must just be lucky, her life must have been charmed from the start. She doesn’t understand suffering the way I understand suffering.”

Sorry, friends, but this is just not the case. I didn’t just end up here and I certainly wasn’t born into eternal optimism. I changed my mentality to get here.

To be clear, before I learned about the Law of Attraction, I was the true definition of a hot mess. I suffered from anxiety and depression. I was bulimic and an addict. In my my mid-twenties I finally went to a therapist who convinced me I had borderline personality disorder, and that it was a disorder I’d have for the rest of my life.

Now I had plenty of good reasons for being in my hot mess position, believe me. Life in many ways hadn’t been easy for me, and not knowing how to make sense of the chaos I had fallen into mental illness, addiction and almost constant overwhelm.

The shift

When I became aware of the fact that my thoughts were creating my reality, however, things started to change for me. Instead of blaming my circumstances and limitations I started to take responsibility for where I was and where I wanted to be.

Instead of leaning on beliefs like “I’ll always be an addict,” “I’ve had a hard life” or “I can’t be positive because I’ve always had anxiety,” I changed my tune. I made a conscious choice to turn away from these thoughts and statements as consistently as I could.

I changed my arguments of limitation for arguments of possibility. I started telling myself “anything is possible,” “I’m moving in a positive direction,” and “if he/she can do it, I can do it too.”

Bit by bit, the pain in my life drifted out of the picture. Prosperity, freedom, creativity and fun stepped into the place of the once-constant pain.

I’m no longer an addict or bulimic. I no longer even remotely qualify as a borderline personality, and I no longer believe in labels like this either. Better than that, I can honestly say I am one of the happiest and most optimistic people I know. I’m not perfect (and nor do I ever intend on being perfect-please hear this!) but I enjoy my life every single day.

These things didn’t happen by accident or coincidence. They happened because I made a choice to stop arguing for my limitations.

Unchain yourself from your limitations

So, today, if you happen to find yourself in a place in life you don’t want to be-take heart! It can be just a temporary detour on a ride to a much happier and healthier place, if you want it to be.

I know you too can achieve anything that’s important to you. All you have to do is stop arguing for your limitations and choose to believe what you want is possible for you.

As long as we continue to tell ourself the lie that our destiny is already determined based on some misfortune in our life, it will be so. Make a conscious choice today to let go of limitations as much as you can in your life, and you’ll come to witness the dramatic shifts you’ve been praying for. I promise.

XO, Andrea

Law of Attraction Educator 

I’m a Law of Attraction mentor and educator who works with people one-on-one and I also administer a LOA membership website.  If you are looking for some guidance on how to use positive thinking to your advantage, contact me and let me know how I can help you! Feel free to also subscribe to my newsletter for more of my blog articles like this.
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