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Full Moon in Aries, October 9th, 2022 ~ Emotional Healing
Written by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
At a time when we are working on purification and profound cleansing, before stepping into a new eclipse passage, we welcome a wonderful Moon, due to the surrounding energies, that will help us heal emotionally, as it opposes Venus and conjunct Chiron in Aries, releasing the wounds that are still active in our emotional body, and clearing our second chakra of the feminine abuse experienced through eons, as the emotional body is linked to the second chakra, finally healing all distortions that are associated with it.
The Moon takes place at 16 degrees of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the one representing the self, It is with Aries that we begin to initiate ourselves, once again, within this eternal Divine Spiral, passing from experiencing the feminine essence and the remembrance of the Illuminated Realms with Pisces, to the power of Fire, the strength, energy, and passion it brings, if used wisely. This is a time for us to integrate the masculine, and its power to manifest and protect in the physical, as this is what the authentic masculine archetype does.
This Moon is going to be an elixir for those who need both healing, and for those who are now moving forward into a new direction, one that at the beginning may feel confused, but that the current energies will help us clarify, as for those who resonate with direct and slow motion phases, by the Moon time we will too have Vesta, Mercury, and Pluto direct again.
A healing that is too supported by Saturn, as the Moon sextile it, helping us in being self-disciplined in our healing journey, by taking responsibility, and not ceasing the process once it is initiated. This is precisely what makes us emotionally mature. It is also going to seed stability, by helping us connect deeper with our feelings, remembering that stability comes when we love, respect, and trust ourselves, standing firm in who we are, and our beliefs.
It is also an important time for those who are mastering balanced relationships, as the Moon will oppose Venus, and whether through the challenges we need to experience or through self-realization, we will be revealed what we need to experience a more harmonic reunion. Sometimes we will realize the relationship has fulfilled its purpose, and we will need to work on emotional healing and releasement. Others, we could see where we need to commit more or be more compassionate, creating the shift required for our relationship to continue growing.
A new direction that in these last months of the year we all are transiting, for we are beginning to feel the harmonic timeliness that we have anchored in our new reality, creating new ways of living. As we have the Sun and Venus in Libra, we will feel surrounded by peaceful and benevolent energies that will help us in being more patient, as we cannot accelerate healing, and once we trigger it, it will occur gradually.
The Moon in Aries as well as Chiron is a massive source of healing energy. Healing all that impedes us to be who we are, manifesting our mission, for as Aries reminds us, we are all leaders, especially of our own destiny. It is a time for us to go after what we truly desire, and above all, follow our unique soul's path, no matter what others may think, for once we step into this path, it is no longer about us, but about All, as One.
It is precisely in healing ourselves, by first accepting, embracing, and understanding our emotional wounds, that we become strong, free, and sovereign beings, able to follow our heart and personal guidance, for we no longer resonate with a false path that only pleases others.
It is by healing that we conquer our shadows and begin to walk with integrity, for we have aligned ourselves with all of who we are, the light, and move into a unified field, where we come back to a unified field, leaving aside our sense of separation.
Have a blessed passage, Beloved Ones!
May all you create come from a space of unconditional love, self-empowerment, and discernment.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.
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