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The New Moon In Capricorn 2022

The New Moon In Capricorn 2022

December 23rd ~ 30th

Grow as the flower grows, unconsciously, but eagerly anxious to open its soul to the air. So must you press forward to open your soul to the eternal. ~ Mabel Collins (Light on the Path)

At 1º Capricorn 33’ the New Moon falls on December 23rd, just a mere few days after the Solstice, and the Sun’s entrance into Capricorn.

The darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the New Moon stands as a symbol for the hope of renewal, rebirth and the return of the light. And if we were to hitch a ride on this wave of renewal, it can bring us where we need to go. 

Capricorn is a sign of commitment, resoluteness and planning, therefore the New Moon in Capricorn is an ideal time to set positive, realistic and achievable goals for ourselves. Do not be deterred by the Mercury retrograde phase which begins on the 29th. That will be our opportunity to review, reassess and revise the goals that we are setting now. 

Traditionally we make our resolutions for the year ahead on New Year’s Day. However, New Moons are times of New Beginnings. So rather than waiting for January 1st this year, plan on making your New Year’s Resolutions with the New Moon instead. We can all benefit from the determination and resolve of the sign of Capricorn to carry these resolutions forward into the New Year. All the more so with the raw potential of a New Moon.

With the New Moon square optimistic and enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries, we are being asked to think large. As mentioned last week with the Solstice also exactly square Jupiter, these 90º square aspects motivate us to grow and evolve. Jupiter is enthusiastic, bold and energized in the fire sign of Aries. A sign of raw energy and possibility. And in the potential of the New Moon and the growing influence of the Jupiter/Aries transit, many are probably already thinking in terms of what we need to do in order to make new beginnings, and/or further grow in 2023.

What we need to look out for with the Moon square Jupiter, is of setting our goals too high, or of having unrealistic expectations. Resolutions often don’t make it past the first few months, and often it is because we overdo things, or try to do too much. The key is to not take on more than you can handle, while also finding ways to allow for some sort of growth or progress to take place. Jupiter entering Aries is encouraging us all to move in a new direction, and allow some new vision to take hold. If you feel like you have too many goals, pick the most important of these to focus on 

Here is some practical advice for making resolutions or setting intentions with the New Moon in Capricorn and/or the New Year: 

  • Don’t make too many resolutions. It will prove to be self-defeating. Rather focus on one (maybe two) goals that are realistically achievable within a reasonable amount of time. Pick the one that is most important to you. 

  • Don’t make drastic changes too quickly. The Mercury retro period will totally undo all that. Rather take small incremental steps that allow you to gradually adjust to changes as you are going along. 

  • Writing your resolutions or intentions down is a way for you to process and really consider what you are wanting to accomplish. 

  • You don’t necessarily need to start any new commitments at the New Moon or on New Year’s Day. But know that if you do, you can use the upcoming Mercury retrograde from December 29th thru January 18th, to revise, tweak or adjust your plans so that they can be more realistically achievable. 

  • Be specific! If you wish to eat healthier, or create a wellness plan, or write that book, be specific about what you are going to do, and when: “I am going to commit to taking a 1 hour walk in the park 4 days a week beginning January 1st”. 

What the New Moon in Capricorn is really good for: 

  • Creating a plan. Make it concise. Make it specific, and realistically achievable. 

  • Beginning things, or taking on a project that requires a little extra discipline and foresight. 

  • Organizing things. Whether in your calendar, your environment or those drawers that got out of hand. 

  • Looking for positive ways to manage your time. Create a realistic and manageable schedule. Use an on-line calendar with reminders. Find a 2023 date book that appeals to you. 

  • Seeking advice, either from people you respect, are experienced, or are older, wiser and have been there and done that already. 

  • With Mercury stationing on the 29th for its retrograde phase, this could be a good time to revise, or reassess certain family traditions or rules. Perhaps even passing the torch of traditions and/or responsibility on to someone else. 

Cultivating more Capricorn in our lives:

  • In what ways can you be more self-reliant and self-sufficient? 

  • What promises and commitments do you want to follow through with over the year ahead?

  • What are the things that would make you feel most accomplished? 

  • What would self-respect look like for you?

  • How can you show greater respect to those you consider to be your elders, or those whom you look up to and admire?

  • What can you learn from them? 

If you wish to set intentions, make resolutions, or positive affirmations with the New Moon, the best time to do so is while the Moon is still in Capricorn from the New Moon on December 23rd (5:17 AM EST; 2:17 AM Pacific Time; 10:17 AM Greenwich Universal Time) through December 24th. Some positive affirmations and intentions for the New Moon in Capricorn might be:

  • “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” ~ Leo Tolstoy

  • I honor Experience and Memory as the basis of Wisdom.

  • May I take the steps that are necessary in order to promote a more positive public image.

  • I embrace my limitations as a means to practice patience while focusing on those areas where I know I can make the most progress. 

  • I lead best when I lead by example.

  • “Character ~ the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life ~ is the source from which self respect springs.” ~ Joan Didion

  • May I recognize and follow the path that is best for me. 

Less than one hour before the New Moon, Chiron will station for its Direct Phase at 11º Aries 56’. One of the keys to working with Chiron is learning to accept our foibles and peculiarities, not as weaknesses of character, or as things to be ashamed of, but as the natural consequence of living a unique human experience. The ultimate aim for Chiron is healing, acceptance and wholeness. Recognizing what makes us unique, also allows us to recognize the sort of path, life or lifestyle that would be most appropriate for our needs. Chiron in Aries brings us the courage to live our lives according to our own needs, and on our own terms, while also accepting others where they are on their own journeys. 

Combined with the New Moon in Capricorn the station of Chiron can bring us the courage and the motivation to get our lives back on track. The track we were meant to be on all along. 

One last Note on Mercury’s retrograde phase December 29th - January 18th: When Mercury is retrograde while Mars is retrograde in Gemini (a Mercury sign), expect those things associated with Mercury to be even more haywire than usual: 

  • Travel and commuting: We have already been seeing a lot of weather related travel issues for the holiday weekend coming up. Traveling during these retrograde phases will require patience, flexibility and some extra time and planning. Be prepared for delays and cancellations. 

  • Miscommunications: Not the best time to make major decisions, or have that really important talk. It is however a good time to sort things out in your mind. We’ll talk more on that in the next posting.

  • Making promises or commitments; signing contracts. Things will probably need to be revised or reversed later on. 

  • Plans, appointments, routines. Be prepared for last minute changes. 

More on this next week!

For the New Moon in your natal or Solar House, click below: 


Image: Stonehenge December 20, 2019 by Carol Evans

Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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