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Welcome February: Wheel of Fortune and Zero-Point!
Written by Tania Gabrielle

Welcome to February - a month where dreams come true…
Throughout February the numbers 10 and 0 bring Divine protection - a code activated across the board in BOTH the stars and numbers.
February 2024 (2 + 2+0+2+4) adds up to a 10 Universal Month.
10 is made up of 1 and 0, the straight line and the circle – building blocks of the universe.
10 is referred to as the “God” number, Instant Manifestation, Love and Light, and the Wheel of Fortune vibration – what you have immersed your energy on comes back to you.
So it takes us to the zero-point of creation – the present HERE NOW moment.
Adding 0 to any number takes us to the zero-point... and in February we will feel the shift in a powerful way. (It's also a Leap Year!)
The SAME zero-point energy is activated in the stars.
Pluto just moved into Aquarius on January 20th and is sitting on the 00° zero-point degree.
Now in February:
- Mercury conjuncts Pluto at 00° Aquarius (February 5).
- Mars conjuncts Pluto at 00° Aquarius (February 14).
- Venus conjuncts Pluto at 00° Aquarius (February 17).
With all these zero-point shifts you'll notice a really refreshing energy this month!
Energy that deeply impacts your ability to create rapid growth.
- February represents a point of no return.
Finally, February 1 is a 1 Universal Day and adds up to an 11 Universal Date, echoing the palpable shift in play into Light, Joy and Awakening. A new path is being forged this month.
Don’t hold anything back. Be bold!
10/1 cycles can be highly fortunate turning points…
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
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In fact, the powerful 10 Universal Month vibration is even more magnified during four special days in February…
Find out which 4 days activate a fortunate 1:2:3 “ready-set-go” code – plus discover 29 DAILY astro-numerology forecasts – in February’s edition of the Premium Wealth Forecast.
Plan your month in advance with confidence.
Listen to this free excerpt from the FEBRUARY edition now!
Tania Gabrielle is a Wealth Astro-Numerologist, spiritual teacher, author, composer and speaker. She has coached thousands of clients and entrepreneurs worldwide — helping them to design prosperous lives by leveraging the secret numbers’ code in their names, birthday and personal cycles.
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