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Soul's Urgent Message: End of Outdated Subconscious Programming!
Written by Dana Grozdanova
This is a channeled message from my soul that feels like it’s important to make it public.
It is something that has recently come to my awareness and that I already knew in my mind but this time it hit me in every cell of my body. It is only when I can feel it in every cell of my being that I am able to fully embody it so that an inner transformation can begin.
Read it with an open mind and heart and let the activation occur because this message contains a lot of it. Enjoy!
“When something has been repetitive in your life it becomes something that comes natural to you. This can either be good or bad.
You can learn repetitive patterns that benefit you and you can learn those that can be harmful for you in the long run. These are the patterns that can make you sick or make you feel emotions that are created by these subconscious beliefs and cause you to feel unhappy with life.
You ALL have beliefs running through your system depending on the environment you grew up in and the experiences you had since a young age. Many of you who have chosen to walk the path self-love are becoming aware of these patterns and you are breaking yourself free from them. Once you have done the work of healing your personal pain and dedicating the time to love the parts of yourself that have been denied you will move into the next layer of awareness.
When things are repeated over and over again over a certain amount of time it becomes your truth. For some people this can mean that feeling anxious is a natural state of being. For others being rejected is something that becomes their truth. In some cases people considering themselves as being ugly is simply a fact. Repetitive patterns like this become active and running programs within your subconsciousness and they will emerge at any given moment when you do not feel the strength of your innate truth. They will enforce your already deeply engrained false beliefs and make you feel more of it.
At this time these beliefs within you are amplified. The subconscious programming will be triggered within you and make you feel like you cannot handle it anymore. This is done on purpose, by the incoming light frequencies, so that you can shatter the illusion of this programming from within yourself. These programs are running their course.
People often talk about “destroying the Matrix” or wanting to transcend the ego. What you are in fact doing is dismantling the outdated programming within your subconsciousness. Just like an old computer you are erasing and deleting what simply is not part of the new “technology.” Your vessel (or computer) is being updated and upgraded to a higher version of yourself. A connection is being made with the Supreme Intelligence that is giving you access to a whole new way of being. The downloading is actively happening right now and so the old programming cannot continue to function.
Look at what is being brought up for you to be seen right now. Which old program is still running within your system? Are you still believing the stories of the past that are being played out in your memory? Are they active thoughts that are preventing you from connecting to the part of you that is already in its authenticity?
It is time to erase and delete anything that no longer reflects the reality that is deep within your soul. You have come all this way now to realize that any thoughts you have that bring you down in one way or another are nothing but old programs. And you can simply DELETE them. Stop engaging in thoughts that make you feel less than you are. Catch them like bugs that are running through the system. It doesn’t need to become a virus. You have the absolute power and right to end any thought that does not reflect the truth of your soul. A program like this has only power if you allow for it to take over. And you have a choice in this matter.
If you want to break the system of the Matrix then break this from within yourself. Install the new beliefs that reflect the pureness of your soul. You are ready to end the tales of the past and create a completely new narrative that reflects the innate truth of your heart.
It is you and only you that has the power to clear and create what you truly desire.”
Dana Grozdanova: My Spiritual path has begun in 2010 where I was shown how Spirit operates in my life and how it is a force that has always been present with me since the moment I was born. Angels, spirit guides and other light beings began making their presence known and guiding me through my life. They have been giving me information, explanations, signs, hope, courage, love and much more that I needed on this journey of life.,
I have been creating intuitive art to help people connect to their own soul and feel their own power. My journey is forever changing and I am here to share what my soul wants to express with the world.
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