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Gamma Brain Wave Activation - Arcturian High Council
Written by Grace Solaris

Beloved family of light we have now reached a group force field of over 450 devoted pioneers of light signed up and steadily growing with all those, that are still contemplating to joining us during the next hours and last minute which is always in great numbers.
Please note, this is a pure light transmission conducted by the Arcturians and is greatly supported by various high councils of light, who support humanity and Gaia in the ascension and transition phase into the new heaven-on-earth.
This is a pure light transmission. There are no links, no live or stream. We will simply meet in spirit at the set time and unite into One consciousness field for this sacred gathering of pioneers of light, star-seed and galactic ground-crew.
This activation is directed to our group force-field, as well as to each individual attendee thru downloads and activation's of light. In the first part of this transmission a clearing of your DNA and a rewiring of your brains neural pathways will take place to clear all distortions, that inhibits you in free thinking and soul expression and in the second part downloads and upgrade of your DNA will be conducted all tailored to you current frequency and what honors your highest good.
It is an individual experience, and there is no right and wrong. You might feel it strongly or just subtle or you might feel nothing at all, trust it is received independently of what you feel or sense and will be beautifully integrated and assimilated by your body intelligence.
Some of you might drift away during parts of or thru the entire transmission, this does in no way interfere with the transmission.. on the contrary... if the mind is too busy, we are sometimes "put to sleep" to allow our galactic teams to work with less resistance from an overactive mind, as your brain preferably should be calm and relaxed during the activation and downloads, which includes rewiring and opening of new neural pathways.
You are therefore asked to go into a relaxed meditative state shortly before we begin, state your divine intent to receive the DNA Upgrade & Activation and what ever supports your highest good to allow for a graceful integration and transfiguration.
To help you relax and get into an expanded state shortly before and during the meditation, you can listen to this beautiful meditative music with gamma binaural beats while the Arcturians facilitate the activation and work with you.
The masters of light will work directly with us as a group, but also with you individually, as you connect with them and will also clear any distortions in your chakric and endocrine system and central nervous system relatively to your current consciousness level and light frequency and tailored to your individual needs, which depends on how much inner work you have previously done.
If you have any pain or dis-ease in your body you can address this and ask the masters of light for assistance to heal and transform it. You cannot do anything wrong, but simply need to open and receive.
Trust that all is happening to your highest good and will be well received by your body, whether you feel it strongly or subtle. Some affects of this activation you may feel instantly others may transpire and unfold within... hours, days or weeks. There are no right or wrong, no rules. Everything happens in the right pace depending on your body´s ability to integrate and reconfigurate the upgrades of the activation. Trusting is the key to expansion and integration and to quantum leap to your next evolutionary level and trajectory of pure universal love, soul freedom and divine sovereignty.
When the transmission is finished after approx. 1 hour, please remain in meditation and allow for the needed time and what feels right for the energies to integrate and anchor into your being before you get up. The activation as such is complete, when the transmission is over, but the energies will keep moving and configurating your body to the new frequencies and new cellular and electromagnetic set-up. It takes several days for the initial integration of this activation and up to two weeks to fully anchor the new frequency into embodiment.
Please read thru the description again, if you are unclear of anything by clicking on details (click see more), there is all you need to know. I cannot answer any questions last minute, so please attend those, that are new here and might have questions and need help.
NOTE: In case you are not able to tune in at the synchronized time, know that you didn't miss it. You have the option to tune into the 0-point quantum field at any time to "catch up", if you were not able to connect and tune in at the exact time of the event. Just follow the above procedure and all is well.
In loving service to divine will,
Grace and the Arcturians
Channel: Grace Solaris
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