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One Flow of Circular Energy - The Hathors

One Flow of Circular Energy - The Hathors

We are here once again offering you the tools, and the reminders of how, to transform and shift more easily into your unlimited self. This is a powerful statement and we invite you to realize that you are experiencing two different realities. One reality is the physical, limited experience and once in a while you experience your divine unlimited self. 

Those of you who are on the path of ascension are shifting consciousness and honoring your limitless divine self. As more and more beings open their hearts and are fully embodied, they are allowing their higher mind to guide and influence their lives and actions. These individuals are becoming fully aware of the illusion they are witnessing and participating within. This awareness brings a multidimensional shift in collective awareness. This collective shift is calling forth and sustaining an expanded unified field. 

This unified field begins to influence others and there will be an energetic wave moving across the expanse of consciousness. This is especially important during this period of great intensity on your earth. 

You are witnessing old limiting timelines and old limiting patterns dissolving. The very landscape of what you have called normal is shifting and changing. You are witnessing the chaos and resistance to change. 

You are actually bringing these shifts and changes about. As each person shines their light of awareness upon their shadow aspects and transforms those negative and misqualified energies, there is space for new seeds to be planted and new realities to be called forth.

The goal is to purge and dissolve unhelpful patterns, emotions and frequencies. Look within and become aware of the emotions that you have stored within your energy field and your body. It is time to clean out your emotional closet, it is time to dive into your cave of darkness that has held you limited and captive for so long. These emotions and patterns are required to be released, transmuted or healed consciously.

This is your next evolutionary stage, this is the opportunity to step up and fully embody your magnificence as a divine being of love and light, a divine creator of form.

We acknowledge all the work that you have done transforming your limited patterns and your painful emotions. However we are reminding you that now is certainly the most powerful time to finish clearing all conditioning, limitations, and negative and misqualified emotional energies that you have taken on from others. 

There are multitudes of divine beings ready to assist and support as you do this work and service for all. Ask for help, encouragement, wisdom, strength and guidance as you step into your personal power to make this significant difference. 

Remember that the only way negative limited energy can be transformed in this reality is through the conscious intention of a divine being who has experienced and embodied those negative energies in this dimension and reality. So you're up. 

We realize this assignment might have been in the small print at the bottom of your golden ticket. We assure you that you will agree it has been worth the ride and will get in line once again.

However, right now in your experience there seems to be the speeding up of time. That feeling is an illusion; you are really in a pause as there is a resetting of the internal as well as the universal clock. What was, is no longer. As you rest in the pause between what was and what will be, breathe deeply several times, place your awareness in your heart and begin to radiate from this place. Welcome the insights that come to you. Be gentle with yourself as you slowly allow the timeless aspect of yourself to come forth and show you the way into this new portal of time that has emerged from your dedicated work and service to the light of transformation.  

It is in this new awareness, this new portal of time, that you stretch into your infinite divine self. Be aware that you are birthing a new world by what you have released with gratitude, what you have healed lovingly, what you have transformed with courage and what you have offered generously.

Join other like minds and souls in the physical or non physical realms and continue to create from this place of your own recognized magnificence. Truly wake up to who you are. You are ageless and timeless.

Treasure the moments of clarity. Treasure the moments of loving contact. Treasure the beauty of this dimension in all its wonder and awe. Each breath of gratitude, each sigh of thankfulness, each laugh of joy and giggle of glee will ripple through this portal of time and seed a new future that is life sustaining, honoring of all living things. The energy that you anchor in your thoughts, words and action in this dimension affects your past and present and your future. Remember, it is all one flow of circular energy rippling out and touching everyone and everything. 

We extend our deep gratitude for the transformational work that you continue to express in your actions and words. We are here to assist, support and honor you, magnificent starbeings that you are. the 'team' 

Thought for the Month

"Remember that the only way negative limited energy can be transformed in this reality is through the conscious intention of a divine being who has experienced and embodied those negative energies in this dimension and reality. So you're up. 

We realize this assignment might have been in the small print at the bottom of your golden ticket. We assure you that you will agree it has been worth the ride and will get in line once again. the 'team' "

Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]
©2019 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.

© 2019 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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