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The Hathors: The Power of Focused Intention

The Hathors: The Power of Focused Intention

We are here, once again, reminding you of who you are and how you create the reality that you experience.

We are here to empower you with the awareness of how you use your personal energy to create. We are aware that on some level you do know this. So you can consider we are only prompting your memory. Remember everything is energy. You are 100% energy 20% is physical. So use the other 80% to create your reality.

Every human on your planet is a multidimensional divine being. As a divine being you are powerful beyond measure, infinite in your knowing and awareness. However, as a divine being, when you choose to embody, you are required to match the energy and follow the laws of the 3D reality of this planet.

So when you as a divine being decide to take a physical form, the moment you take your first breath, you are required to match the vibrations or energy of this dimension. The energy of this dimension is a field of unconscious energy of limitations. So you as this divine being who are powerful beyond measure goes unconscious and is programmed with limitations.

Many humans will stay unconscious of their power to create and live their experience from this limited awareness. When an earth walker awakens and realizes who they are, they began to grasp that they are creating their reality, things begin to change. They step into their power.

They also perceive how easy it is to match the unconscious energy field. They begin to understand when they go unconscious and act with automatic programming. This can be a very slippery slope. It is like us telling a fish, swimming in water, don't get wet. The goal is to shift out of this unconscious state of being as quickly as possible.

A divine being decides to come into this dimension to transform misqualified and negative energy and to practice using their awareness to create their physical existence. And what better place to practice creating your real life than in an energy field of unconscious limitations. Quantum physics says that as you go deeper into the working of the atom, you see that there is nothing there, just energy waves. Energy is the currency of the universe. You live in a vibrational universe. Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates. At the most fundamental level the Universe, and everything which comprises it, is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways. The Universe has an agreement to manifest your focus.

Matter in merely energy in a state of vibration. Energy is a spiritual currency. So remember everything you give your attention to, you purchase with your energy! Remember energy is the currency of the Universe. When you "pay" attention to something, you buy that experience. When you focus your consciousness of anything or anyone who disturbs you, you have just given your personal energy to that that situation or person. You have empowered that situation or person.

We can give you an example of a current event that has just occurred in an election. This election was very polarized. The citizens of the country had very strong opinions about the outcome of this election. What most citizens did not realize, when they used their energy to focus on the one they did not want, the one they disliked, they were giving or feeding their energy to that candidate as their energy/vote. What you focus on you create. It seems this candidate understands energy manipulations. They understand it doesn't matter if it is negative or positive energy, it is energy and they wanted the energy. So this negative focused energy by the collective minds tipped the scale and the candidate they opposed won the election.

You can become aware and selective of where you place your focus. Because that is what you are spending your energy in creation. Worry is using your energy thoughts on the things you do not want to happen.

When you are worried about a loved one, safety, health, behavior or addictions you are adding to their situation in a negative manner. The best way to support them is to see them doing well, recovering, and being safe. See them at their best, laughing, calling you with good news. They feel your energy and it supports their well-being and healing. When you worry they feel that negative vibration directed toward them as well.

It is important to be selective and shift your focus to the things that you desire to create. The things that enrich your life and raise your vibrations. This is where the focus of intention is most powerful. When you state an intention your mental focused energy is sending a message to the quantum field, this invisible field will respond and answer that intention. When you can state an intention and keep your energy focused it will manifest in your reality or life. You become the creator of what you experience and what you desire. Or you create the very reality about which you are worried.

This is how you go about creating the events in your life. The more you practice this ability of focused intention the quicker those intentions will manifest. Your worry or negative thoughts are only sloppy intentions.

Watch what you give your attention or intention to. Make a game of this. The individual known as Mother Teresa stated, "I am not opposed to war I direct my energy for peace." She understood the power of your thoughts, and emotions. Another example of the collection misdirected focus is the War on Drugs. That directed focus has only increased the situation of drugs, it has not eliminated them in any way. The more you focus on a negative issue or situation the more it increases.

The more you complain about a neighbor or a co-worker the more they do the things that annoy you. The more you focus on the issue of your health or the bills remember you are giving these very issues your energy, you are feeding them and they continue to get worst.

Instead make an intention that my health continues to improve. It is my intention and I am grateful that I pay my bills on time easily. It is my intention and I am grateful that my co-worker and I find a place of harmony. You will begin to see the results of this conscious shift in how you use your personal energy and focus. You will be amazed at the results and the miracles that will begin to manifest in your life. Be patient with yourself.

Re-set, re-adjust, re-start and re-focus as many times as you need to. Step into your personal power of awareness and focused consciousness in the use of your attention and energy. We will continue to support you and remind you of this truth. the 'team'

Thought for the Month

"It is important to be selective and shift your focus to the things that you desire to create. The things that enrich your life and raise your vibrations. This is where the focus of intention is most powerful. When you state an intention your mental focused energy is sending a message to the quantum field, this invisible field will respond and answer that intention. When you can state an intention and keep your energy focused it will manifest in your reality or life. You become the creator of what you experience and what you desire. Or you create the very reality that you are worried about." ‘The team'  


Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]
©2024 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.

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