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Aya - Become Everything You've Ever Wanted
Written by Judith and Kabamur

Beloved friends of light and creativity!
You can be anything! You can do anything! As creators from the higher realms.
Decide now what is desired. The higher self is the greatest part of you! The watcher and observer of every breath is wanting only the best for your waking dream. Align the personality with the soul and soar above the earth to a magnificent new perspective.
Kindness is your superpower. So let’s begin here as you understand that kindness is your natural state of being, all other gifts are waiting to be opened as kindness is expressed. In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Here is where you learn that service to others is serving the light!
Forgiveness allows an area of your heart to open. It heals the body and mind and changes chakras to vibrant colors as the auric field moves in mesmerizing light. Forgiving everyone for everything will light your path in a powerful way. Others will feel your essence and be drawn to your energy as comfort. When you can forgive another for hurting you deeply, healing will rush into your heart.
When you can learn acceptance with peace, you have enough wisdom to change galaxies. Your soul accepts life as it unfolds while the creative personality resists change or the slightest discomfort. Accept what you cannot change and be still and trust that the spirit of all life holds you. Know in truth that only good is before you.
When you learn to trust in others when lies have destroyed you many times, you will be blessed with more truth. This frequency will amplify and move from the higher realms into your waking dream. Truth calls to be known. When you can be anything, be truthful.
When you can find humor, laugh until your sides hurt. Laugh until tears flow. Letting go and being vulnerable to anything humorous will bring joy to every cell in your body. Allow your organs to laugh. Feel a light feeling throughout your body. Stop taking everything so seriously. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone trips and falls. Next time you run into a door, just laugh! In a world of such serious unfolding, become the one that finds humor.
Most importantly in your waking dream, be real and authentic. There are chameleons everywhere. Clones often are programmed to speak with a certain accent while performing as a different character for races and regions. A shape shifting program is not a person at all. Live as your true self and others will likely choose to be authentic around you. Deep communication and heart based love will result on social media platforms and with family members.
Volunteer and give to those in need. Be strong for yourself and others. Take care of animals and nature. The list is endless for each person every moment. This waking dream has so much to offer. What are you willing to become as we move to the shift of the ages? The best version of yourself is calling with love. Align with the soul and discover your life of origin!
I love you and I look forward to our moments once again!
You have the power to be anything as you remember the light!
I Love You So!
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