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Aya's Pleiadian Revelation: Unveiling Levels of Consciousness!

Aya's Pleiadian Revelation: Unveiling Levels of Consciousness!

Beloved ones of light and spirit!

You have arrived with powers and abilities as sacred souls. Many have forgotten the wisdom gleaned for millions of years of perfection.

You are here together in this moment of now. The collective consciousness unites all beings as a gift. Let’s explore some of the levels of consciousness and methods of assistance from your higher self and other realms of being.

You are dreaming awake in a temporary body that is projected by a higher frequency of spirit. You may feel that your body form is very different than what you desire, but know in truth that you are created to perform all aspects of your soul’s plan. You are beautiful and perfect as you are. Spirit knows no competition and rising to this perspective will bring peace to your mind. Relax and breathe in the sacred essence of your true state of being.

There are levels of consciousness that are infinite in your manner of understanding. With three major areas that also have multiple layers of frequencies, you are able to choose and explore. You are able to access, experience and create in boundaries that can be removed by intention. Let’s focus first on the three levels that are with you as life unfolds moment by moment.

The first level of consciousness is the flow of awareness. This is the level of being that everyone is the most familiar with throughout each waking dream. Without consciousness there would be no thought or interaction with another. There would be no intention set or goals to reach.

The next level of consciousness is the subconscious mind. This is the connection to spirit in a pathway to change your life. Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, no matter how difficult to achieve, the outcome desired will happen. The subconscious mind will use all aspects of your life that are remembered and forgotten, to bring about the outcome that you alone have programmed.

The connection to spirit with the subconscious mind can be accessed by writing, painting or performing activities where you get lost without intentional thought. Clear telepathy often is experienced and many times the hearer is completely unaware that spirit is speaking. Guides and friends from origin can encourage or warn with messages of loving intent.

The subconscious mind is running your life as you create without knowing the reason you continue with behaviors that you consciously detest. Whether procrastination, over eating or sexual addiction, the subconscious mind can be changed to serve you well. The psyche is continually adding information to your experience with ongoing activities that are specific to each person. Thoughts have frequency and energy. You are collecting images with high and low frequencies in your psyche that have developed since your arrival to the current waking dream.

The third level of consciousness is the collective of all life, both in form and unseen. From this place of being, one can experience the highest state of awareness. This allows for communication with spirits in non-physical, clairvoyance, clairaudience and other forms of spirit communication. The soul is felt and the priority of life changes to encompass oneness and a sacred love for others as self.

In this depth of this perception, there are experiences without fear. Darkness, portals of light, tunnels and racing energy will often be seen with eyes closed. The understanding of infinity overrides the observations and only peace is felt. Exploring the cosmos as well as flying in awareness over buildings and trees becomes familiar and expected in daily life.

Spirit consciousness is available to all souls in form. Many do not take the time to cultivate the inner world of being. There are magnificent gifts waiting to be discovered. You are a soul of light and these abilities are there for you each moment!

I will remind you again that each of these three levels of consciousness have multiple frequencies that blend and overlap with others. You are never stuck in one domain of experience. You can quickly move from being awake and aware, to traveling through astral and to dimensions forgotten in your human experience. You are unlimited as the soul of origin.

You will bring to your perception that which you focus on with intention and love.  There is nothing to fear as fear is an illusion. Be aware that the psyche and creative ability of the mind will always be busy offering images that seem real. Just as there is truth, there are deceptions that are believed as you seek answers. Thought forms can only hold a frequency for about fifteen seconds. Gazing at the images before you will allow you to know if they are real as spirits and other galactic races remain and thought forms morph and dissolve.

Allow everything to flow and leave. Writing down your experience will allow you to grow and understand your infinite life. Answers will be discovered with the power of your soul!

Light dispels all darkness! Fear nothing and journey on in love!

I Love You So!



Judith is Kab’s mother in this lifetime, and she is the human incarnation of Aya, Kabamur’s mother on Taygeta. Both Judith and Kab have incarnated together in this lifetime to share with the world about Pleiadians and about the coming Shift. Judith has fully activated clairvoyant abilities; remote viewing, astral travel, multi-dimensional sight, visions of past and future, interactions with Fairies and Angels, and ongoing telepathic contact with Pleiadian Guides. Their Taygeta family is at the forefront of operations relating to Earth’s coming Ascension.
“Kab” is the human incarnation of Kabamur, son of Elder Ikai of Taygeta and Aya, and brother of Laka, Neioh and Akatu. He has incarnated with Aya to share Pleiadian Messages and awareness of the Shift in the last days. Kab is one of many that will serve as Ambassadors when Pleiadians are introduced to humans following the Shift to Sheen.


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