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The 9D Pleiadian Collective: Remember Who You Are
Written by Octavia Vasile

The 9D Pleiadian Collective - We are here to remind you of who you truly are.
For so long, you have forgotten and identified more with the roles you play on Earth than with your true nature.
Beloved one, you are Spirit: unlimited and unbounded by any human perception—you are Light. The mind projects the body, but the body is not truly physical, as nothing in your reality is it only simulates physicality. You are where you are now because, consciously or unconsciously, you chose to be.
Many of you have incarnated and continue to reincarnate due to desire and fear, which play out through you. However, an awakened one chooses their next life wisely, with full awareness.
When you know what you are, there is no desire to have a physical body, as the body represents limitation. Yet, among the awakened ones, many have chosen to take a body and walk the Earth once again for higher purposes. The numbers will rise again, and many master’s will choose Earth during this time.
Beloved one, know this: you are not the body, nor the mind. You have identified with them and, in doing so, created limitations for yourself. But you are limitless in your power of creation—the same power that created everything. You can only tap into this power when you release the identification with mind and body.
Observe your thoughts, but do not believe they are you or even yours, for thoughts are simply electrical impulses formed by vibrations. Often, they are shaped by the vibrations you encounter.
Your body is a temporary, generated vehicle for you to experience life on Earth, but it is not what you are.
How much fear has been generated and spread on Earth due to the illusion of bodily death? This so-called "end" is nothing more than an illusion.
Rise above the illusion and return home to your true Self. Take the path of the witness—observe instead of reacting. Watch everything as if watching a movie on a screen, for that is all you are seeing—the Earth show.
When you rise and choose to participate in this beautiful play, do so as a creator—one who never forgets who they truly are.
And bless the Earth—from wherever you are, bless it—not as a stranger passing through, but as a master who knows they are one with it.
We love you."
The 9D Pleiadian Collective channeled by Octavia Vasile
If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings!
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