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Andromeda Intergalactic Council: Ascension Portal Now Open
Written by Chellea Wilder

Greetings in the Light, and Love of our Infinite Creator.
Thank you for communing with us today.
Within the last few Earth days, the occurrence of two of the most significant solar flares in human history has occurred. One at an X 7.1 and One at an X 9.0.
This remarkable phenomenon has caused the Divine Ascension Portal to be opened, which has the power to illuminate the minds and hearts of all of Humanity.
These powerful cosmic events have illuminated a spark within the hearts of many individuals across the globe.
Even for those who are awakened, it is leading to a deeper level of consciousness and understanding. It is a transformative experience that touches the very core of one's being, opening you up to even more awareness and insight.
For those who are open and receptive to these energies, the awakening process unfolds even deeper, with a sense of inevitability and purpose. Even those who believed they had already achieved a heightened state of awakening find themselves propelled into new realms of understanding.
This awakening is not a fleeting moment of realization, but rather is an enduring shift in the perception of your reality. It begins you on a journey of inner-discovery, that challenges your preconceived notions and expands your understanding of the divine nature within each of you.
As you embrace these Higher Light energies, you are being called to question your beliefs, let go of the ego mind of separation, and explore the depths of your own consciousness.
In this time of the Grand Awakening, you are reminded of the interconnected nature of all things and the sacredness of life itself. In these moments, It is a time of transformation and renewal, a time to awaken to your true potential, and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie within each of you. As you embark on this journey of exploration of your Inner Light, have the courage to embrace the unknown, and the strength to transform yourselves and the world around you.
This is the activation of the human heart. Awakening Love and compassion within each individual.
The codes engulfed within these divine energies, are activating Love within you, which is the reconnection to your Divine Essence.
This is just the beginning of your journey towards a higher state of consciousness. The 5th dimension, is not the final destination. The ascension moves you closer and closer to the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.
This influx of Energies, within This pivotal moment of your Ascension process, serves as a catalyst for the Grand and Transformative Event, that will hold the power to uplift not only humanity, but also the Earth herself into the 5th Degree of Light.
Throughout history, humanity has been shackled by the chains of ignorance, trapped in the illusion of the material world in the confines of the 3rd dimension. However, this awakening represents a powerful emergence from that darkness, a shedding of old beliefs and limitations. As Each of you awaken to the truth of your existence, you are transitioning into a heightened state of awareness. This is stepping you into the realm of the Higher 4th dimension, where the essence of your Divine Spirit shines brightly. You are also helping, in preparing yourselves, for the grand event into the 5th density of Light.
This shift in consciousness is a monumental leap in human evolution, paving the way for a harmonious coexistence with the New Earth. Those who are willing to embrace love, unity, and their interconnected nature to all life, will find themselves at the forefront of this spiritual Transformation.
You are the Ones who are Leading, Guiding and Assisting with the collective awakening and humanities evolution.
Continue to shine bright, as your fellow humans need you in these moments.
We witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you.
In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
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