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A Message from the Angels: Stop Outsourcing Your Happiness!

A Message from the Angels: Stop Outsourcing Your Happiness

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As you enjoy your season of light, we are, as always, sending you so much love.  

To us, you are the lights on the tree of life. Your spirits sparkle and shine and radiate a love and compassion for the world that is brilliant and beautiful. Of course, there are times when your light dims at the surface, but in your depth, it always shines.

You—the deepest truest you—always wants to love. Deep down, you all want to feel love. Deep down, you all want to share your particular expression of love. Deep down, you all want to experience the abundance of life on Earth. You all want to feel secure. You all want freedom of expression.

Without exception, all human beings want these very basic, essential qualities in their lives. You are wired to expect and want the good in life. You are wired to witness contrast and immediately put out an energetic "request" for something better. You are all, without exception, magnificently connected to the source of life itself, and there is not a single person among you who is less worthy of love than the other.

The challenges arise because each of you wants to experience these qualities in different ways, and you don't yet believe that the Creator can guide you all to what you want in a harmonious way. 

Some of you understand you can go "upwards and inwards to create what you want.  You are the ones who will feel more loving, secure, and abundant because you have worked to realize that you are energetic beings, responsible only for "tuning" into loving and kind feelings that put you in the perfect vibration to receive love and assistance. Your lives will reflect your loving vibration with a steady stream of guidance and grace. Most of you feel this inner connection sometimes, but at other times, you feel as if others are in charge of your life, happiness, security, and abundance.

Dear ones, others only have this power if you give it to them. If you make someone responsible for your security, you will always feel insecure, for no other human can manage your vibration. If you make someone responsible for you happiness, you will love them when they offer it and be upset when they do not. If you "outsource" any of your desires to another human being, you put yourself at their mercy—whether you worship them or fear them.

From the 3D perspective, it may appear that your needs and desires cannot be satisfied if others are to have theirs fulfilled. If you both want the last piece of pie, someone may gobble it up before you get yours. But if you can maintain a higher vibration, you might find that someone gives you an entire pie the next day, and you have more than you originally wanted. Or someone you love might bake you a pie!  Likewise, someone can steal your money, but if you can maintain an abundant vibration, it will come back to you in magnificent ways with loving people and happy miracles. 

Only you can choose whether or not you want to "outsource" your joy, security, happiness, and abundance to other human beings. Only you can decide whether or not you want to connect upwards and dive inward to find the good feelings you truly want to experience in every moment. If you do decide to reach for the good feelings more often, you will attract what you want through your vibrational match, and it will no longer matter who is doing what around you in the 3D world.

A river will try to move a boulder, but if it can't, it will find a way around. The river cannot stop flowing. Likewise, Divine love will strive to help you remove obstacles in your life and heart, but failing that, it will find another way to help you open to and receive what you desire.  It does not and cannot stop flowing.

So whether or not you feel empowered by others or disempowered, try to remember this one simple truth: Enjoy the goodness other humans offer you, but count on the Divine.  Enjoy the kindness, the love, the security, the abundance they can provide, but go upwards to God and inwards to find the vibration you seek, the feelings you want to feel, for in that reality, even if other human beings fail you, the Divine will not.

Dear ones, you were meant to have the lives you want, but you were not taught how life really works. You were not taught that your vibration matters more than your actions. You were not taught that your feelings matter and that when you feel bad, it is time to stop and find something to feel better about.  However, now you are learning. You are expanding your awareness. You are gathering the inner tools in your toolbox to create magnificent lives, and this is not dependent on the cooperation, agreement, or even approval of others.

The Creator who loves you all without condition wants to help orchestrate your dance with life so you all can experience the essence of what you want in the most beautiful form. The creator knows an infinite number of pie makers, benefactors, lovers, and so many more. The Creator knows who will most work in cooperation for your mutual joy, benefit, and upliftment.

As you relax into the knowing that you are loved beyond your capacity to comprehend, perhaps you can take a breath, look around you in this very moment, find something to appreciate, and say to yourself, "This moment is good."

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

This moment is good. Never mind that I have a pile of work, emails, and personal chores that I can't keep up with. Or the fact that people I care about have serious health challenges right now.  The list goes on and always will.  But this moment is good.

At this moment, there is so much to be thankful for.  I am alive. I have a warm cup of tea on my desk. The leaves on the tree in the backyard are turning yellow and dotting the grass in a symphony of color. Christmas lights are twinkling, and my house is clean. My fridge is full of Thanksgiving leftovers.  My desk is a hot mess of things I love mixed with work projects and so much that makes me smile. This moment is good.

The past may have been a mix of glorious and terrible, but now, in this one moment, in the eternal parade of moments, there is much to appreciate.  The future may be unknown—after all we're creating it as we speak, but it need not be fearful.  Now, there is always something to appreciate. 

A few months ago, when I tripped on my class supplies in the middle of the night and broke a toe right before my class and a family visit, I didn't even bother getting upset for long. Sitting there on the hall floor, I gave thanks for the fact that I knew what to do, that nothing else was broken, and that I already knew it was going to heal. 

My example is small. A greater one comes from someone I know whose colleague lives and works in a war-torn country where bombs go off in the vicinity nearly every day. Despite that, this man gives thanks for family, friends, and life's work.  His outlook is amazing. It keeps him going and doing what he loves, and in his case, it keeps him alive. Whatever is or isn't going on, there is something to appreciate if we look.

Lately, I've been reminding myself often what the angels tell us often. We are all so loved. We just have to let it in. We just have to stop focusing obsessively on what isn't working, didn't work, might not work, probably won't work, and bring ourselves back into the glorious place of power, which is this moment, here and now.  What can we feel good about now? 

I memorize good feelings when I have them. I can shut my eyes anywhere now and drum up a feeling of being deeply loved. When I stand with my feet in the grass, face to the sun, I take a moment and memorize the feeling. When I appreciate the taste of a good bite of food or sip of coffee, I stop to savor it and remember the feel of it.  When someone is kind or generous I shut my eyes and take a moment to savor this morsel of life.  A bird sings in the backyard tree, and I pause to take in the love she offers so freely.  

The more we allow ourselves to truly appreciate the simple pleasures, the more life will present them to us. There is no end to the goodness. When I don't feel great, I stop myself and recalibrate as soon as possible because I don't like making things harder than they need to be, and I don't like "outsourcing" my happiness, as the angels worded it today.  

Like all of us, I sometimes forget I'm supposed to feel wonderful. Recently, in the throes of getting caught up over the short break, I started to feel like I'd never get a moment to enjoy the vacation. As I began to spiral into overwhelm, it dawned on me that I just needed to fix my vibration.  I got up, grabbed a cup of tea and a pumpkin spice muffin leftover from the holiday meal, and then went outside. I filled my lungs with the crisp air and took a moment to enjoy the sunshine.  Refueled by this little two-minute break, I could resume my tasks efficiently.

Likewise, when a dear one told me last week that their heart rate had gone down to 40 beats a minute and then back up to something equally dangerous, I took a breath, appreciated the fact we were talking and that they were still on earth and was able to be inspiring to this person rather than burdening them with worry.

As we stop "outsourcing" our happiness to others and the external world, we become more in control of our energy, feelings, and creations. We enjoy it when the world makes life easier, but we don't get freaked out when it doesn't.

Here are a few tips to help you find that goodness from within:

1.  Memorize good feelings

As I mentioned above, we can memorize good feelings. We're all pretty practiced at memorizing bad ones!  We just have to make a little effort to stop, savor, and pay attention to the good in life. The next time you enjoy or appreciate anything, pause. Appreciate it more. Enjoy it more. Pay attention to how you feel in your body and mind right in that moment. See if you can remember that feeling later.

Even if nothing in your life feels great now, imagine. Imagine until you find a feeling you like and then sit with it and notice its effects on your body. How does comfort feel? A warm blanket? A cup of tea? Hugging the dog? I bet you have some good feelings already memorized.  Give it a shot. It has been an invaluable skill for me many times.

The more you practice memorizing feelings, the easier it will be to recall the good ones until you can actually generate feelings of love, joy, abundance, or well-being from within.  

2. Allow yourself to enjoy simple pleasures

Look for the good.  Take a moment to truly appreciate any and all simple pleasures, from sunshine on your face to a cool breeze, a song, a light, or a person being kind to another in line at the store.  Pause for a moment of appreciation.

Savor these morsels of love in the buffet of life. They are anything but insignificant. They are moments of pure magic, tuning into heaven, and certainly, moments that contribute to your own good because they raise your vibe almost instantly.

3. Share a bit of goodness

Especially over the holidays, there is a spirit of giving. You don't have to give money or stuff. You can share a kind word or a smile. You can let someone who is in a rush get in front of you in traffic. You can do something you love and share with a friend. You can take a few extra moments in prayer. You can appreciate your home and share a bit of love and goodness with the things that bless you every day.

This all may seem small, and in the 3D world it may be, but love is never small in the vibrational reality. It is profound. At the end of your life, you will see these magic moments and the richness you shared within them.

I know it has been a wild year. It has been quite divided here in the US, but eventually, we'll all realize that unity will never be found through demanding agreement. Unity comes from our willingness to remain undivided from our own hearts. In that alignment with our Source, we can find the unity of love with others. We can move away from those who don't feel like love. And we can simply do the dance with life, happily flowing around our perceived obstacles without worrying about them blocking our joy, well-being, abundance, or security.

I love this season and wish you all the most simple, beautiful pleasures each day.

Have a blessed week,

Credit-Ann Albers - Click Here For Bio

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, www.visionsofheaven.com

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