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Angels Work Every Day: Weekly Inspiration
Written by Shanta Gabriel

Angels Work Every Day
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
This message from Archangel Gabriel is encouraging you to remember to ask for assistance from the Angels for even the most mundane circumstances, then be willing to receive in a new way.
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week
Allow the grace of the Angels to work in everyday functions.
It is interesting to consider that the Angels want to work in our everyday functions. That means that no matter what we are doing, inviting the Angels to participate with us would add a new creative dimension to our activities.
The Angels are working for the awakening of every person on the planet to help create a world that holds the Peace and the Beauty that most of us want to experience.
They are always available to us, but because this is a Free Will planet we need to invite the Angels to participate in our lives before they will help out. I have had amazing experiences when I invited the Angels to assist me in relationship issues, technical computer cases, and health challenges, as well as a myriad of other situations. In every instance, their help has been very creative and often miraculous.
Working with the Angels is beyond our mind's capacity to understand. Beneath the level of everyday awareness lies the spirit that is your true state of being. When you open to receive the light of the Angelic Dimensions into your heart and mind, a beautiful world of clear seeing is available to you and life responds by offering the magic of awakening energy.
When everything takes on an enchanted edge, you have raised your vibrational frequencies. This allows you to be lifted up on wings of Angels to be carried into the realms your Soul remembers. It feels like Home, and your inner being rejoices in the experience of the Love that awaits you.
This is the gift being offered to you by the Angelic Dimensions. There are some Angels that have been with you from the moment of your Soul's first incarnation and Angels that came to you for this lifetime. There are Angels that show up when you are in a challenge that will benefit your Soul's growth. And there are legions of Angels who are specifically working to support you through the Shift of the Ages we are all experiencing. Every one of these beings of Light holds your best interest at heart and is at the beckoning of your Higher Self.
Your Higher Self knows the Angels from whom your Soul would most benefit. It is your job to be in contact with this most exalted part of your being and let your Higher Self, acting as the voice of your Soul, bring to you the help and guidance that you are seeking from the realms of Angels.
You are being asked to step out in Faith and open to a new level of empowerment and joyous life. Everyday functions become the enchanted way of living that many of us imagined was possible. Your willingness to ask for help miraculously brings you into alignment with the Creative Source of All That Is. Allowing ourselves to receive all the good that is available for us becomes our main task.
Just think how your willingness to receive helps the Angels to fulfill their destiny. You would be doing them a big favor!
Divine Presence,
Thank you for the opportunities being offered for me to receive the assistance of the Angelic Dimensions into every area of my life. May I be a receptive presence that allows the wisdom, insight and expanded perception of these beings of Light to serve me as they have offered to do.
May all beings allow the Grace of the Angels to work with them to bring more Love, Wisdom and Empowerment into life on Earth now and always. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
March 3, 2024

The Gabriel Messages #48
Allow the grace of the Angels to work in everyday functions.
Dear One,
The Angels are always available. Their presence is blessing all that you do and say. Their intention is for Peace, Harmony and Divine Order on the Earth. When you call upon the grace of the Angels, all situations are blessed with their intentional energy. This is a very powerful tool to use in daily life.
Do you want order in your workplace so that all your work is done quickly and easily, so that all you need is available, and all your words and actions are guided? If so, call the Angels into your workplace. Ask for their blessings and know divine order will be the result. Allow the Angels to intervene on your behalf even with the smallest details that you feel you should take care of by yourself. You will find your work flowing more easily and smoothly. Even more, Creative Solutions will abound.
Do you want peace and harmony in your relationships? Ask the Angels to assist in your family and in all interactions with others. More harmony and a new level of grace will be the result.
The Angels are here to bring more love, harmony and order into daily life. They are here to demonstrate how much easier life can be when you allow a higher frequency of energy to work through you. But they will not intervene unless they are asked, so there must be a willingness on your part to bring peace-filled energy into your life.
The Angels are messengers of God. They are not here for you to worship nor to gain power over you. They are here to assist you. The Angels are a part of the Divine Presence just as humans are, so there is no need to fear when you have prayed to experience more miracles in your life. Your willingness to have more love, joy and harmony will bring to you those very qualities you seek. You can bring the Angels into your life to assist you in enhancing the energy you work with every day.
It is a great gift to have the Angels offer their assistance for planetary good, as well as for the good of your personal life. Allow yourself to receive this blessing. Ask for assistance in all the mundane things that bring you stress. Ask for angelic intervention in all overwhelming situations.
Allow yourself to feel this incredible level of support. Be willing to have yourself surrounded in wings of Pure Love and see how much easier your life will feel to you. You can receive the love, light and wisdom of the Angels now, all you have to do is ask.
Please remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Allow the grace of the Angels to work in everyday functions.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
March 3, 2024
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others.
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