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Archangel Uriel: Five Keys to Ascension Mastery
Written by Victoria Cochrane
“Ascension” is a word that has been bandied around by spiritualists for the last two and a half decades.
For some, it means nothing, but for others, it has changed their lives. Ascension is not merely a matter of raising one’s vibrations and seeing things more clearly; it is a way of life that is far removed from the harsh realities of Earth. Those who have ascended live amongst those who haven’t, yet their realities are often much happier than those who are still struggling in the physical existence of life on Earth. Why and how? It’s a matter of consciousness, awareness, connection and absolute belief in the powers of the Universe. The fifth element is alignment to one’s higher self – their I AM Presence.
Spirituality is not dependent on any kind of structure that is usually found in religion, although most humans find it difficult to hold any kind of faith without attachment to a God-figure and the doctrine that comes with it. True spirituality is grounded in the truth of ones being, and the alignment to that truth brings a freedom devoid of any need for doctrine or structure that only allows certain conditions for that faith to exist. When one is aligned to one’s own truth, one is also aligned to the truth of the Universe, where only love exists within Creation itself.
Despite what any religion or spiritual master says, humans are, in fact, masters of their own destinies and create their own realities based on their belief systems, i.e., what they know and trust to be true. There are many facets of truth, but when one can truly say they love who they are completely and unconditionally, that is when they have ascended beyond the fallacies of physical existence and have aligned to their spiritual I AM. This takes diligence and often years of stripping away trauma, pain, suffering and dis-belief in oneself.
The term ‘Ascension’ literally means ‘rising above’, so if you consider the environment you are living in at the moment, what dense energies must you work to rise above in order to be happier, more content and nicer to know? There would be a myriad of things, such as the state of the world, the influence of the media, poverty, a nasty boss, an abusive family member or rising damp in the house causing health issues for your children. Whatever it is that is causing your consciousness to remain trapped in fear and despair, consider what it would take for you to be able to ‘rise above’ the realities you find yourself in now. If the physical reality can’t or won’t change, how can you change your perspective in order to create a consciousness of change?
How aware of your thoughts are you? What are you saying to yourself that is limiting the possibilities you can believe in? Is your glass half full or half empty? Your thoughts create form, so awareness is absolute key if you would like to begin the journey of Ascension. Every time you find yourself thinking negatively about yourself, others or a situation, stop, bring in light and love to your heart space and cut and cancel that thought. Then, turn it into a positive, fill it with light and send it out to the Universe, which is listening and will always deliver what you ask for. Be aware of your thoughts and words, because they create your reality. The higher your thoughts and intentions, the higher your consciousness will be.
How connected are you to your truth? Are you able to be honest with yourself, or are you blaming others for the way you feel? Alignment to truth can come at a cost in the short-term, but the long-term gains will always outweigh the difficulties. Humans in general do not appreciate truth because it brings everything into stark reality; much better to stay in the warm and fuzzy excuses that give licence to blaming others or to avoiding responsibility. Belief in yourself starts with taking responsibility for the words and actions you emit that affect others, and if you don’t like what you see, good on you! You are now in a position to right the wrongs of the past and to step into the light – accept your part in adversity, become aware of the belief systems you hold that are limiting your spiritual and personal growth and begin to expand your consciousness so you can harness the opportunities you have never believed possible.
So, the five aspects of Ascension are belief, awareness, consciousness, connection and alignment to one’s own truth; however, we hope that you have realised that Ascension is by no means a linear process and it happens differently for different people. Where one person may become aware first, another may suddenly find themselves thinking and perceiving things differently, and yet another may find their psychic gifts suddenly activating and their belief systems therefore challenged. No matter how it is happening for you, know that it must happen if the world is to become a safer and happier place.
The other thing we need you to know that, once you are an ascended soul and your LightBody* is activated, that is not the end of the story! The first thing to know that there is no place for the ego in this journey; Ascension does not mean you are in any way ‘better’ than anyone else, it just means you are more aware, connected, tuned into a higher consciousness, aligned to your higher truth and have a much more positive and open belief system than others. It will almost certainly bring with it an element of responsibility to guide or assist others in their journey, whether it be through friendship or in a more professional way.
So, how to begin? The first piece of advice is to have no fear, because aligning to Who-You-Truly-Are is the most important, if not daunting, thing you could ever do for yourself and the planet. When you know and trust in yourself, love and accept yourself without condition, then you have nothing to prove to anyone else and people will feel safe to be themselves around you. The ripple effect that comes from one person making a positive change for themselves cannot be underestimated. Beginning with some deep self-reflection and honesty is a perfect way to begin.
The next is to find someone to help you; perhaps someone who has been through it themselves, or someone who has flexible skills to meet your particular needs. It is easy, when awakening, to have doubts and fears that are confusing and self-sabotaging. A teacher or guide is invaluable to the awakening soul whose gifts are unlocking and who has no-one to believe them.
And the last piece of advice we have is to never give up. You are never alone and you are worthy, no matter what anybody else tries to tell you. This journey is yours and yours alone, but the people and spiritual beings you invite to join you could be the difference between you ascending or being dragged back down into the human collective consciousness, which is magnetic and destructive to the development of a higher consciousness.
There is much more we could say about Ascension, but we hope that this has been enough to inspire, encourage and empower all of you to embrace your spirituality without fear and to allow Who-You-Truly-Are to shine your light as a beacon to the world. There is no better time than now.
WE ARE Archangel Uriel and the Masters of the Cosmic Council
Credit: Victoria Cochrane
Victoria Cochrane is an Advanced Theta (TM) Healer and Reiki Master who connects with Divine Energy to witness powerful healings, channel messages from spirit and to give accurate psychic readings. She reads Tarot and Angel cards, can connect to passed over loved ones and return to people’s past lives to affect healings that then allow them to be
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