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Archangels Azrael & Michael: Healing the World Together
Written by Dana Grozdanova

Through the turmoil of purging, activating, death and rebirth we are in the midst of a HUGE transformation as a collective and it’s about to turn up a notch.
Sometimes the mind needs to understand what is happening in our body to let go of resistance. It helps me to write / channel to feel the energy that comes through.. it relaxes me, helps me to trust the process and understand what is happening. Of course it also comes through with big activations as well.
Two energies came through when writing: AA Michael and AA Azrael, working as a team to help people see the truth. I started writing and they jumped in to write with me. I made a quick pencil sketch of both of them. Nothing too fancy, but it captures their energy. Enjoy!
“What if nothing that you feel belongs solely to you? What if everything you believe and feel is a reflection of what is alive within earth.
What if you came here to experience what the earth is carrying and to transform everything back into something that is new and pure again?The coding within earth carries corruption and pain. It is all stored up in there and it comes into expression through the people that are alive right now. What if the pain that you feel isn’t your own pain?
Doesn’t it make it lighter knowing that you do not carry all of this heaviness inside of you for absolutely no specific reason?
You are an expression of what is alive within this planet. When you feel miserable it is because there is misery. When you feel locked up it is because there is no freedom within your reality.
So many people have suffered through painful experiences for centuries on end: it is impossible for us not to feel it from deep within: whether this is physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. We are timeless beings and our body is a creation of the earth. So we channel the energy from timelines we aren’t even aware of.
We are the transformers of our time. Through our body we heal the collective consciousness of the past and of the future by allowing ourselves to purge and to release all of the built up junk.Yes, it is absolutely unpleasant, it even can feel like it’s hindering our life and it can create the illusion of not being on our path: not following our souls purpose. Even these feelings are memories of a past of experiences on earth. Even this needs awareness and understanding as it is easy to get lost in the illusions of the codings within humanity.
Everything, simply everything, we see around us is a coding that has been created over time with the effort and contribution of many experiences over a long period of time. Every single human being that has ever been alive and walked the earth left its mark on this planet and has blessed the earth with their personal signature. All of this is embedded in the soil, the plants, the trees, the flowers, the water, the clouds, the rain. So when you walk barefoot on the ground you absorb all of what earth has to offer into your body. It is a download of consciousness and coding. There is so much wisdom and healing within your lands. You do not only carry the pain that you may be currently feeling but you are also carrying the goodness of all what each and one of you has contributed in one of your many lifetimes here.
Use the power of the land you live on to rejuvenate you and let it refresh your cells and activate your memory to restore your connection. Your soul already knows the truth: there is no suffering where there is a solid connection. The suffering can only occur with the loss of connection and this is what you feel when you are feeling pain or negativity, which is never a part of your essence.
You are pure, clear and whole. So next time you feel like you are lost and when you feel it is hard to be here remember that this comes from another channeled place that has lost its connection and that it is being brought to your awareness so you can work through it: you are a healer after all. When coming to earth you knew it would not be easy here. You knew that you would forget who you really are and that you would go through periods of “sleep” during your awakening process. These periods you might feel like you are losing it, like you have lost your sense of self and like you are hopelessly wandering through unknown territory. Nothing is less true than this: deep within you there is an awakening and activation happening that will elevate you and the rest of humanity. You are a bridge that connects the earth to the divine. It is this (dis)connection that is making it so that you feel uncomfortable being within your body. It is the rewiring that brings up discomfort but just for a certain amount of time and then you will feel stronger, more wholesome and your perceptions will have completely altered.
You are not meant to live within the perceptions of the illusion of being disconnected. This is changing as we speak and this is why so much is already coming to the surface in your world. Before people could not see the truth even when it was in their face, they were still blind to it. No words, no images, not even actions could reach them because they could not feel it in themselves. People are reconnecting from within and so the shades and masks start falling off.
Soon everyone will see the reality of what is happening on a grander scale and nobody will stand for it. Those that are still dwelling in their own darkness playing games and fooling others will be exposed in a manner that has not yet happened before. The time to play games with others is over now. There are more masks that will suddenly disappear, more systems of illusion and masters of deception that will fail at their performance.
Everything now is enlarged and put on a big screen for all to see with a fresh pair of eyes from a place of true connection. More people will now see and more people will now truly feel it in their hearts. Your whole perception changes when you are connected to your soul and so the veil of illusion falls right in front of your eyes.
Get ready for global changes, a stir within your world where masters of illusion will be exposed and the curtain will fall.
You have the front row to the show, so don’t be fooled by the aftermath for this too will be another illusion that will try to keep you astray.Connect with others from the soul, don’t make a fuss, don’t scream your truth: BE the truth. Stand in your essence and be present as this is your real power.
You are a much needed healer of this world that is able to see beyond the creation of fear and that is a bridge to the divine. Be secure in your placement and role here on earth because it is not a small one. You are significant and you are important.
The world needs you, we need you because you are our voice.
AA Michael and AA Azrael”
Dana Grozdanova: My Spiritual path has begun in 2010 where I was shown how Spirit operates in my life and how it is a force that has always been present with me since the moment I was born. Angels, spirit guides and other light beings began making their presence known and guiding me through my life. They have been giving me information, explanations, signs, hope, courage, love and much more that I needed on this journey of life.,
I have been creating intuitive art to help people connect to their own soul and feel their own power. My journey is forever changing and I am here to share what my soul wants to express with the world.
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